
When Zhao Qiu woke up, he felt severe pain in his arm. He couldn't help but groaned, and opened his eyes with a wrinkled face. Just as his left hand was about to reach for his right arm, a wrinkled The old man grasped it with his palm, unable to move.

"Don't move around, Second Master, I managed to heal your wound with great difficulty. If you lose this damn place, there is no spare." The familiar voice of Second Master Li came to his ears, awakening Zhao Qiu, who was still a little confused. He came over and followed the voice, and sure enough, that old chrysanthemum face of Li Erye appeared in front of him.

Zhao Qiu felt a little disgusted and broke free his left hand, and then stood up on the ground. At this time, he also saw his right arm, which was really only half of his arm, which was bandaged by cloth strips from no one knew where it came from. When I got up, the original color of the fabric could not be seen clearly because of the blood soaking.

Red, black, red and black, just look at it.

"No matter how you look at it, it's the same. You can save your life thanks to the girl Die who helped you before. You are not a novice anymore. How dare you touch the things in the tomb!?" Li Erye saw Zhao Qiu's eyes He kept standing on his own broken arm, shook his head and sighed, it would be inconvenient to work normally without a hand, let alone inverting.

Even if Zhao Qiu can get out alive this time, he is afraid that life will be difficult, especially because his bad temper has offended many people.

However, Second Master Li was still a little puzzled. It stands to reason that Zhao Chou would have dozens of people in his tomb. How could he still make such a low-level mistake!? It almost caused everyone to be buried with him. To be honest, if it wasn’t for Second Master Li and the others I have cooperated many times, and I can't help but complain.

"I..." Zhao Qiu couldn't help covering his head, recalling the past, he found that his memory was a little fuzzy, "At that time, there seemed to be a beautiful woman waving at me, and I couldn't control myself I walked over..."

Li Erye frowned upon hearing this, "How can there be any woman!? In terms of beauty, isn't Die girl not beautiful enough!? You won't be evil!?"

Zhao Qiu shook his head, he couldn't tell what was going on at that time, he just saw an ancient palace-like woman smiling at him, and then beckoned him to go over, his body began to disobey, and his mind was also a little unclear "By the way, where's the butterfly!?"

Hearing that Zhao Qiu finally thought of another companion and savior, Second Master Li pouted to the other side and said, "There!"

Zhao Qiu looked over, and saw Die, a mysterious woman standing gracefully in front of a huge black stone tablet, as if she was reading the content on it, her expression was serious but a little confused. But to be honest, even in such a gloomy and weird place, this woman is still unreally beautiful, and I feel that she has become a masterpiece by herself, the protagonist in the painting.

Of course, Zhao Qiu didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about it. This kind of overly beautiful woman is often either thorny or poisonous, let alone this woman who calls herself "Butterfly" from the beginning to the end, but there are many mysteries in her body. , Zhao Qiu is not young anymore, so naturally he won't be really blinded by beauty.

In fact, the relationship between the three of them is also maintained by interests, and it cannot be said how deep their friendship is.

Zhao Qiu quickly moved his eyes away from the butterfly, and fell on the surrounding lights. Under the incandescent light, his face was very pale, but Zhao Qiu's heart was even paler. We really came in from the Dalan Dynasty The ancient tomb!? These are clearly modern lighting lamps!"

Except for the place where they came in at the beginning, they still need to rely on their own search tools to illuminate, the road behind is such a strange situation that is as bright as day, and it is not the expected eternal light, in short, it is not burning oil or candles. Maybe it's still electric.

If it weren't for the ground and walls surrounded by masonry structures, Zhao Qiu would have wondered if this place was an alien base.

Second Master Li smiled wryly, "Who knows, the seal engraving on the stele over there is still in simplified Chinese, Second Master, I am a little confused.

It was the first time Li Erye had encountered this kind of ancient prose that could be understood without the need for a professional person. To be honest, when Zhao Qiu was in a coma, he couldn't help but look around and try to find it. Look for hidden cameras.

He suspects that this is a program prepared by a variety show, which is also fake.

Of course, he quickly vetoed this idea. After all, Zhao Qiu's arm was indeed gone, and he almost died. This cannot be faked. He knew the laws of Xia Kingdom very well. If they are caught, they will not be shot dead before the final trial. Unless they resist and endanger the lives of the captors, otherwise no official personnel will kill them.

"There is another bad news to tell you. We have entered a secret room now, and we have not found a mechanism to open the exit. At the same time, there is also good news, that is, the monsters chasing us will not be able to enter for the time being."

It was also because of the existence of some orc monsters that Second Master Li did not suspect that this was a variety show.

Zhao Qiu's face was a little ugly, and he didn't need to explain to him that he also found that the place they were in was not good at the moment. It was a twenty-square-meter space, and there was nothing else except the huge black stone tablet standing in the middle. , not to mention the existence of doors and the like.

I don't know if it is completely sealed here. If so, I don't have to worry about the lack of oxygen.

Now is not the time to rest and heal his wounds. Zhao Qiu stood up with the support of Second Master Li, and walked towards the black stele with some staggering steps. The only hope now is that there is some useful information on the stele. Otherwise, no one would even want to go out.

No need to ask, Zhao Qiu knew that when he woke up to go to Li Erye, they must have searched all around and found nothing.

Seeing that Zhao Qiu wanted to read the content on the stele, Second Master Li said coldly, "Don't place your hopes on it, the content recorded there is different from what you think."

Even if Second Master Li said so, Zhao Qiu still wanted to take a look with his own eyes. However, after he saw the above content clearly, his expression became strange, because the above was indeed Simplified Chinese, which he was no longer familiar with.

At this moment, Zhao Qiu's mood was as if he had finally found an antique at a high price. He thought he had made a fortune. The seller didn't know the goods, but when he got home, he turned it over and saw that there were four words "Made in Xia Guo" printed on the bottom of the bowl. The big characters make my heart cool.

"In the 115th year of Mingzhao, a fox fell from heaven, with four ears and a fox tail, beautiful eyebrows and phoenix eyes, and jade cheeks and cherry lips. It warned a beautiful woman, and she got her corpse. The empress saw the demon of words, and ordered her to do so."

After Zhao Qiu read the above text, his expression became more and more strange, because the above content is not esoteric, and even a bit of vernacular, even if Zhao Qiu has not read much, he can probably understand a little bit .

It looks more and more like modern people imitating the ancients.

0 looking for flowers......

"Wait, if I remember correctly, all dynasties have adopted the emperor's year name chronology, right!? This is the 115th year of Mingzhao, which means that the emperor at that time lived for 11 years!?" Zhao Qiu was a little uncertain muttered.

Li Erye shook his head, "Not only that, think about it, when you become an emperor, you are definitely not an emperor at birth, the youngest emperor is seven or eight years old, and most emperors are in their 20s or 30s when they ascend the throne Now, so you said that Emperor Mingzhao lived for 115 years is not accurate, and it didn't say that she died in Mingzhao 115 years.

"Also, if this is really the tomb of the Dalan Dynasty, no emperor at that time could be honored as the empress. Only the founding empress has this honor, and the emperors of later generations are not allowed. So Mingzhao should be the reign name of the legendary founding emperor of Dalan.

Zhao Qiu frowned, "How is it possible? According to that person, Mingzhao was at least 130 years old in the 115th year!? Even if he lived a long time, he would not have the energy to manage the country at this time, let alone suppress other voices, you Are you sure your guess is right!?"


Don't look at Zhao Qiu who looks like a gangster and has an inch head. He was just released from prison, but his brain is not slow, not to mention that he has never seen anything in modern times. There are TV dramas. The Tian family is ruthless, the battle for the throne is fierce, no matter how hard the old emperor is before, he will never be able to restrain those who have other thoughts.

"Also, the monster mentioned above, could it be those monsters outside!?"

"No." The one who answered Zhao Qiu this time was Die, who had been silent all along. The other party stroked the words on the stone tablet lightly, as if recalling something.

"Huh!?" Zhao Qiu was surprised that Die would answer his own words. After all, since he met Die, the other party gave people the impression that he cherishes words like gold. Of course, it's not just as simple as being silent. Always alienated, as if she was different from everyone else.

To put it simply, Die does not treat other people as human beings.

"Only the one above is a demon, the others are not." Die withdrew her plain hand, looked at Zhao Jiu and said every word.

"Above!?" Zhao Qiu was puzzled at first, and then realized, "You mean the woman who fell from the sky mentioned on the stele!?"

Seeing Die nodded, Zhao Qiu was even more surprised, "How can you be sure!"

"Because I'm looking for her!" Die said quietly, turning her eyes to the stone tablet again.

"Are you looking for her!?" Even Li Erye was surprised this time.

Die said without emotion, "Her name is Mei Niang. I feel that I know her. She should be related to my lost memory. My heart tells me that I might be able to remember something when I see her."

This is the most words Die has said so far, but it shocked Zhao and Li and they couldn't believe it.

"That's Dalan, at least a few hundred years away from now, and if the reign name recorded on the stele is really the reigning reign name, it must have been more than a thousand years ago. Are you sure that the memory you are looking for and the other party Related!?" Second Master Li asked in disbelief.

"Crack——!" "Crack——!"...

"Wait, don't talk yet, did you hear any strange noises!? Like gears turning..." Before Die could reply, Zhao Qiu suddenly looked around vigilantly, motioning for the two to be quiet and beg. .

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