"Come on! Here's your 100 yuan."

Inside the scrap collection station, some chubby bosses with a big belly saw the employees returning bundles of cardboard and a snakeskin bag of cans, and handed a big red banknote to the ragged and disheveled man in front of him.

The man stayed in the sea to completely cover his face, and his eyes looked at people through the gaps. If he saw this face at night, he would scare many passers-by, but the blue sky and daylight made people feel dirty and disgusted In particular, the clothes on the other party's body seemed to be tattered as if they hadn't been washed for a long time.

As if he didn't see the boss's little disgust, the man stretched out his hand to take the big red banknote and copied it into his arms, then nodded and walked outside. The fat boss shook his head and sighed, "Mr. Better than being a beggar..."

After the man walked out of the waste collection station, he looked up at the sky. At this moment, the sun was so bright that he couldn't help squinting his eyes. The breeze blew past, brushing away the hair on his forehead, revealing his hidden face. Su Mu will definitely be surprised when he sees this person. This person is the man he has been looking for who is suspected to be Sun Qing's father.

At the same time, I also understand why no one has seen him. After all, no one will pull the hair of a man who looks like a sloppy beggar to see what he looks like.

There was no emotion in the man's cloudy eyes. He seemed to have simply looked at the sun, then lowered his head and walked forward.

"Shanshanshanshan..." The man kept repeating someone's name in a low voice, as if this was his motivation to live.

When the passers-by saw such a crazy, sloppy and dirty guy, they all avoided him one after another, but there were also some people who followed him secretly.

The man didn't seem to be aware of it, he walked on his own, and slowly arrived at a sparsely populated place. It was an unfinished building, a ghostly place that even homeless people detest at night, and few people would come during the day , but for some people who have no choice, this is a place where no one bothers.

The eyes of the people following the man became brighter and brighter. The man's actions saved them a lot of effort. Although he was a beggar, there was no guarantee that any righteous people passing by would hinder him. Where there are people, it really saves trouble.

Of course, this group of people are not kidnappers, even if they are kidnappers, it is impossible for them to fall in love with a sloppy beggar. He is still a man, which is worthless, but people must have expensive things on them, especially now that organ transplantation is legalized , This is a no-cost business, as long as you are brave, Tomson Yipin has you.

The man seemed to be really unaware of the danger approaching behind him. He took out a sealed bag of bread from his body, tore open the bag and began to chew, but he didn't stop walking, and walked deep into the unfinished building area.

The people behind were not in a hurry to go up and kidnap people immediately, but patiently followed and walked deeper, maybe they were still doing this business of getting more organ donors, and even speculated about the man they were following What would it be? Because of unfinished buildings, people become dishonest people, "poor people" who have no home and no stable job. These days, because developers and banks, many owners can't live in houses, and they have to continue to pay bottomless mortgages and jump off buildings. There are also many people who live on with.

Many men may be one of the people who survive, and often the reason why such people survive is not because they are afraid of death, but because they have a family of young and old who need to support themselves.

Of course, the people behind were very sympathetic to this, so in order to relieve these poor people, they certainly did their part to let their family reunite in the next place, and then live in a private house. Don't worry, it will definitely be burned to them.

The man still didn't seem to be aware of the dirty and deep abyss of malice behind him. He finally stopped in front of a building with collapsed stairs. He looked up and saw that some parts of the brick wall had fallen off, and even exposed steel bars. It is not difficult to see that even if this bean curd dregs project is completed, home buyers may only have to cry.

The man didn't seem to be afraid of being crushed to death by the collapse of such a dangerous building. He walked in without fear, chose a fairly clean place to sit cross-legged, and gnawed on the bread while weeping softly. At this moment, he is more and more like a lunatic.

"Tsk..."..." The people behind were a little annoyed when they saw this, thinking that there were other goods, but it turned out that there was really only one crazy beggar, and they wasted so much of their precious time. accurate.

After making eye contact, the few people no longer hid their figures, and directly appeared and strode towards the man.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the man didn't raise his head, and was still crying to himself, but no one noticed that the building above was shedding gravel, falling like drizzle, and even the whole building was trembling slightly , but the magnitude is not very large.

Obviously, this bean curd dregs project has become weak after a period of wind and rain, and it may collapse at any time, but no one will pay attention to this, because no one will feel sad if the unfinished building here collapses , On the contrary, it really collapsed and saved a demolition fee, so that we can continue to attract business next time, and then cut a wave of leeks.

"Hey..." The lawbreakers just came to the man and wanted to say something, but at this moment the building tilted, like building blocks being pushed down, everything was buried by bricks in an instant, and the group of people didn't even have time They died inside with screams, and they didn't know how long it would take for their bones to be discovered.

The building collapsed quickly and ended quickly. After the thick smoke and dust slowly dissipated, only a hill and ruins were left behind. The building next to it was not affected and still stood tall.

The sun went down the mountain little by little, the black night veil covered the night sky, and the lit stars and Sister Jiao.

In the silent unfinished building, there was a sudden slight noise, and slowly stretched out his hand on the hill in the center of the brick ruins, and then slowly pushed away the bricks. It obviously didn't look strong, but this The hands seem to have amazing strength, those huge stones are like fakes, they fly far away when they are touched by them, and they don't feel the weight at all.

As the big stones were removed, a man with unkempt hair and shabby clothes crawled out. He was not injured at all, and he was still the same as in the daytime. The only change was that the clothes were more dirty and torn.

He sat on the ruins, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and murmured, "I'm still alive...Only I'm still alive...Why...Why... Shan Shan Shan Shan.... I want revenge, revenge, who should I take revenge on, ahhh..."

He suddenly hugged his head and let out a scream, and then wept inexplicably, and his crying sound echoed in the whole unfinished building, and some guys who wanted to be adventure anchors dispelled the attention of being popular and desperate. Confused and chose another place.

On the other side, Su Mu was in contact with Wu Xiao, an old classmate, on the phone. By the way, he wanted to find out how Wu Xiao was looking for someone. Compared to him, a rich son like Wu Xiao must be more efficient.

However, Wu Xiao's words made Su Mu surprised and felt that it was true.

"You mean, you posted the bounty offer and the person-hunting video, and they were taken off the shelves or deleted!? Have you asked someone about it!? Who really meant it!?"

Facing Su Mu's question, Wu Xiao on the other end of the phone couldn't help but smile wryly, "My family runs a breeding farm, and the energy isn't as big as you think. Of course it's impossible for me to investigate this kind of thing!?"

"Don't talk about Su Mu, I feel that something is wrong, Sun Qing may have hidden something from us.

Su Mu was silent, he didn't know if Sun Qing had concealed it, but he felt that this matter became more and more strange, it didn't seem like he offended someone, because in that case, Sun Qing would never live today, but there was someone Specially suppress all the enthusiasm and hinder them from finding Sun Qing's parents.

This is so wrong.

However, Roman said that in Xia Kingdom more than three months ago, there were absolutely no aliens. Xia Guo was a restricted area for aliens and the only pure land in the world.

What kind of situation would cause such an unbelievable situation!?

It is the country that will never make a move! But it is not right!

`Don’t believe me, Su Mu, what’s wrong with you when I asked someone to post a missing person notice before, but it was torn up shortly after I posted it, unless my people keep guarding, otherwise I won’t be able to keep it, I’m afraid It caused trouble and danger, so I didn't continue, after all, I have a family..." Wu Xiao seemed to scratch her head in distress, and then continued

"So Su Mu, no matter how good you are, don't touch it...

"I think we have been under someone's surveillance since the time Sun Qing approached us.

Hearing Wu Xiao's stout panting to hide the fear on the phone, Su Mu sighed, "I understand."

Wu Xiao smiled, "It's good that you understand, by the way, Su Mu, I'm getting married next month, are you coming!?"

Su Mu also smiled and said, "Of course, I haven't met my sister-in-law yet! But you got married so early, can't you spend a few more years of being single and free!?"

Wu Xiao was helpless, "There's no way my parents are pushing me too hard, and... let's not talk about it, anyway, just remember to come when the time comes, I'll send you an invitation, the address hasn't changed, right?

"No." Su Mu affirmed, and then the two chatted for a while before Su Mu hung up the phone. He frowned, looked at the stack of missing person notices on the table, and wondered what he was thinking.

Roman, who kept silent (Qian Lihao) and drank in silence, broke the silence, "I said Su, you are really good at causing trouble!"

..." Su Mu raised his eyes and looked at the dead drunkard, wanting to hear why he said that.

Roman shook the beer can in his hand, and said casually, "Because I didn't feel that someone was following or stalking you, do you know what this means!?"

As a demon hunter himself, if his perception is too poor, he would have died long ago, so Roman is very confident that no one can escape his perception, even if he is of a different kind, if he stares at him, he will be harassed.

But he didn't find anything unusual, that's enough to explain the problem.

Su Mu frowned more and more, but he didn't accuse Roman of eavesdropping, because he knew that with the ears of a demon hunter, even if he drove Roman back to the room, he couldn't stop him from listening, but Roman's words reminded him that Wu Xiao's words were a bit weird .

Su Mu doesn't think Wu Xiao will deceive him on this point, but is there really no one monitoring him!?

Sun Qing...maybe she is really hiding something!?

Or maybe even she doesn't know.

"Roman, are you interested in activities!? Anyway, you can't take it anymore!?"

"Boy, I'm not your thug, and I'm afraid of trouble, but if it's about aliens, I can help."

"Heterogeneous, you are saying that this matter is really related to Heterogeneous, you didn't say that before!"

"Who knew! Jay?".

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