Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

898 Life Is As Gorgeous As Summer Flowers!

"Wait! What did you say suddenly!?"

Su Mu was taken aback by Roman who suddenly became nervous, "Sun Qing, how could she not be human!? This kind of joke is not funny at all, Roman!"

Three years in high school, a full three years, apart from being pretty on average, Sun Qing really has nothing different from ordinary people. She neither transforms at the full moon nor eats Strange food, this is not at all the same as the aliens that Su Mu knows.

Well, by the way, when Su Mu first met Roman, he was attacked by a werewolf, and the two-legged upright wolf that suddenly turned into a madman almost tore the big boy Su Mu into pieces with one paw. But I will never forget it for the rest of my life.

"And it's what you've always told me, Xia Guo had no exceptions before this."

Roman scratched his hair with both hands, making the hair that was already messy like a chicken coop even more unsightly. He said a little irritablely, "That's why I said that our understanding of the outside world is wrong, shit! We really always think that Xia Guo It is special, it is a pure land.”

He looked up at Su Mu and continued, "I can't admit it wrong. I have been entangled with aliens in my life since I can remember. We demon hunters can even tell through our sense of smell whether there are aliens passing by before. That girl, she I can't be wrong with the breath on my body, although it is very weak, but this continuous release of its own unique smell can only be of a different kind

Su Mu patted his forehead and said badly, "But even if you say that, Sun Qing really has nothing special! Besides, we in Xiaguo have physical examinations every year, whether it's a student or a member of the public, Sun Qing can't do it every time. Let's all escape, it's impossible, then it proves that her physiological structure is unquestionable for ordinary people.

"No, you don't understand. The reason why aliens can hide in the crowd is because they are no different from normal people." Roman did not relax because of Su Mu's words, but became more and more heavy~.

...." Su Mu was a little speechless, he didn't know that he should show a mysterious expression, suddenly someone told you that your classmate is not a human being, it would be very silly.

After the two looked at each other silently for a while, Su Mu suddenly thought of something, patted his thigh and stood up, looking at Roman, "No, there is still something wrong, let me think about it first, yes, I remember you were in Shanghai before We are always cleaning up those things, yes, weirdness, right!? You said that places where alien species appear are often eroded by their breath, which breeds weirdness, just like a source of pollution, and the ear is the product of radiation stratification …”

"However, before I met you, I'm sure I didn't encounter any strange things, not in high school. Although there are many legends on campus, they are all fake. After all, every year people pretend to die to hell, especially for couples. Emotional, but I don't recall any deaths or hospitalizations, I'm sure.

Roman smiled wryly, "Can you guarantee that there are no 'demon hunters' in your country of Xia!? Maybe it's not called that name, but there must be someone who handles these things, but you don't know it, which makes sense , Someone will interfere with the information of the girl’s parents.”

"This..." Su Mu was stunned, because Roman's conjecture really had a reasonable reason for the previous series of unexplainable things, and it was very logical.


"Then why let Sun Qing live freely!?"

"I don't know, but it's not without speculation. After all, there are also several factions on our side. Some insist on eliminating all aliens and keeping time clean; some want to live in harmony; cleared of cancer."

"It's impossible for you Xia Guo to have only one idea and one voice." Roman lay down and covered his forehead.

"Then you are..." Su Mu bit his lower lip and asked Roman.

"Don't worry, I only kill the damn 'people', otherwise I would have taken action on your little girlfriend just now." Roman saw through Su Mu's worry and twitched the corner of his mouth jokingly.

"That's not my girlfriend, at most it's a female friend." Su Mu denied it, but he was relieved. Since the relationship between Roman and Sun Qing is not endless and only one can live, then he Don't worry about being caught in the middle.

One is his own savior, the other is an acquaintance and high school classmate, Su Mu really doesn't want to see bloody scenes.

"Then the man Wu Xiao saw is really Sun Qing's father, and the reason why he doesn't look good all the time is because he is also a different kind!?"

Su Mu finally had the mind to go back to the previous things.

Roman still shook his head, "I don't know, maybe it is or maybe not, except for vampires and other heterogeneous species that cannot increase their population through reproduction, most of the heterogeneous species can intermarry with humans, and their offspring have a certain chance of inheriting the blood of the heterogeneous species. There is a fixed number, some people's offspring have a high probability of being different, and some people have more or less ordinary human beings."

"Similarly, two couples who behaved like ordinary people may also have a heterogeneous child because their ancestors had heterogeneous ancestors.

"Only by finding the other party can we judge whether the other party is a different kind."

Su Mu nodded to express his understanding, "But if this is the case, doesn't it mean that unless all human beings are wiped out, it is possible to prevent the emergence of new alien species!?"

Su Mu looked at Roman in a strange way. According to what Roman said before, it means that unless the ancestors of all people can be traced back to eighteen generations, otherwise they can only put question marks on all bloodlines. They are all individuals who may carry heterogeneous genes up.

To clear all the aliens, wouldn’t it be necessary to kill all human beings in the world!?

Roman sneered, "That's why I say those people are lunatics, but some of them joined the army of demon hunters halfway for some reason, and through some means, they have the ability to fight against aliens. That’s why there’s a guy among the demon hunters who specializes in hunting vampires, and he’s a vampire himself, so you’re not going to be sick if you say it.”

Su Mu couldn't help laughing,

"Okay, don't think about these things so much, it's not you who should be bothered." Roman rubbed his neck and stood up.

"You want to go out!?" Su Mu asked in a daze when he saw Roman go to get his coat and put it on.

After Roman put on his coat, he also put on his hat, and while walking towards the door, he turned his head and smiled at Su Mu, "It's a date!"


On the other side, after Sun Qing left the hotel where Su Mu was staying, she got into a car downstairs. A woman of the same age was sitting in the passenger seat of the car. If Su Mu was here, he would be surprised.

Because this woman was also someone he knew, she was Xia Hua, a tomboy in high school, and it had to be said that after entering the society and growing up, she was very feminine when she put on makeup, as long as she didn't speak or bluff.

When Xia Hua heard the door opening, she caught a glimpse of Sun Qing getting into the car and took the driver's seat out of the corner of her eye, and said, "How is it!? That boy Su Mu, didn't he plot against you!?"


While wearing the seat belt, Sun Qing thought about it and replied, "Maybe he is gay, and he also likes foreign uncles, why are you looking at me!?"

Xia Hua picked up the lipstick that fell on the car, and looked at Sun Qing in a daze, "No, even though that guy Su Mu hung shoulders with Wu Xiao all day when he was in school, but... wait, You shouldn't lie, so, is Su Mu really that one!?"

Xia Hua's eyes were a little bright, and her tone was a little excited, and she said with two thumbs up.

Seeing Sun Qing nodding, Xia Hua slapped her thigh, "That's fun, that kid Wu Xiao is getting married next month, you think Su Mu will snatch the groom away*A!? "

Sun Qing had black lines all over her hair, "Su Mu has a boyfriend. Although that uncle is a bit sloppy, he still looks good."

Although Sun Qing is not interested in the relationship between men and women, it doesn't mean that she really doesn't understand anything.

In fact, it’s not that she has no friends. Many people don’t know about it. In fact, not only Xia Hua is her friend, but also Cao Xiaoxiao. It’s just that when Xia Hua was in high school, she could chat and play with everyone. Especially at that time she had short hair, the kind that was shorter than boys, and she loved to play with boys, so even if she talked to Sun Qing occasionally, no one would think that they had a good relationship, after all, Sun Qing was born The famous high-cold flower doesn't talk much.


As for Cao Xiaoxiao, nerds naturally haunt the library, and Sun Qing is a top student. In order to let herself climb to a higher position in the future and have greater ability to find her parents, she has always been strict with herself and studied hard, so she came and went. , and Cao Xiaoxiao also had an intersection, and naturally became friends.

If there were no friends, who would have informed other people of the high school reunion at that time!? Su Mu and the others hadn't thought about this question, and naturally it came from Chonghua and Cao Benben.

The reason why Xia Hua was accompanied this time is precisely because Xia Hua's force value is very high, three or five ordinary men are not her opponents, and Sun Qing also made an appointment with her. Hua first called the police, and then went up to save people.

It's not that Sun Qing and the others think too badly of Su Mu, but that a beauty like Sun Qing has a high chance of encountering bad things. When she was in college, there were more than one seniors or professors who drugged or threatened Su Mu, but they were all rejected. She coped with it, but it was only in college, and even in junior high and high school. After all, as an orphan, survival was not easy.

Therefore, it is Sun Qing's habit to prepare for the worst in everything. Sometimes it is better to lose a trust than regret for a lifetime because of a wrong trust.

After gossiping with Xia Hua for a while, Sun Qing turned her mind back to the matter of her parents. Her heart was also a little heavy. Didn't tell her everything he knew.

But after so many years, there was finally news, which gave Xiaoqing a glimmer of hope.

No one knows that for so many years, she has been sleeping restlessly, and even if she sleeps, she will have nightmares. After one night in the once happy home, there is nothing left but her. For her at that young age, the psychological trauma was so great. There was no cure for many years.

So even if her father had an illegitimate child and betrayed her mother, she would not be angry. She just wanted to see her parents again, and it would not be too late to deal with other things later.

Are you here in Guangdong... I will definitely find you, I will definitely... Yi.

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