Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

902 World Famous Painting: \"Ouyang Wan'er And The Doctor\"!

"I have no idea.

Half a month later, when Ouyang Wan'er faced her "psychiatrist" for a follow-up visit again, she took a deep breath and said.

"As I said, I don't know anything about Da Lan at all. In fact, in my original memory, both Da Lan and Da Qing Dynasty are fictitious. It's just an overhead background in a female video novel. There is also no Dalan."

As if afraid that the fake doctor on the other side would not believe it, Ouyang Wan'er recounted the plot she remembered. Although it was bumpy, the story line was indeed very complete. Although it was not the first time she had heard it, the "doctor" on the other side, Still convinced that the girl on the opposite side who said absurd remarks was not lying.

Of course, this is not the conclusion he came to alone, but the result of frame by frame analysis by many experts, and also combined with Ouyang Wan'er's inner age to judge that the other party does not have the mentality of fraud.

But it was precisely because they knew that the girl on the other side was not lying, that made it difficult for them.

It is a terrible thing for the common sense of oneself and others to be subverted by the other party. In this world, everyone knows from the time they can remember that in the Xia Kingdom's 5,000-year civilization, there has been a gap of 1,000 years and a gap of 1,000 years. , It is obvious that traces of the previous dynasties can be excavated, but this ancient dynasty that is not far from modern times can only be learned from some gossip or scattered collections such as myths.

It can be said to be an extremely absurd thing, and it is also a very legendary stroke among the world's top ten unsolved mysteries.

"From the beginning of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Yao, Shun and Yu passed on from generation to generation."

"Xia Shang and Western Zhou, and Eastern Zhou are divided into two sections.

"In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Japanese unified Qin and Han.

"Shu, Wei and Wu are divided into three parts, and the second Jin Dynasty is extended before and after.

"The Northern and Southern dynasties stand side by side, and you don't know the dynasties after the Qing Dynasty."

"Thousands of years of pure fragrance, the dynasty has since come to an end."

This kind of jingle is known even by those who have gone to school. Now someone tells you that what you know is all wrong. It was not like this at the beginning. 660, it is your memory that has problems, how dare you believe it!?

If it is true, doesn’t it mean that the memories of people all over the world have been tampered with!?

The reason why I don’t believe it is that there is another more powerful evidence, that is, in the works such as "Records of the Great Qing Dynasty" and "Notes of Yuewei Thatched Cottage" of Yaoqing, the last feudal dynasty, there are no words about dynasties other than the above-mentioned jingle The characters have appeared, which is roughly equivalent to confirming the existence of the Dalan Dynasty.

Although from the writings of Ji Xiaolan and others, Dalan is more like Peach Blossom Spring or Datong Heavenly Kingdom, it is a fantasy to place hope on. Even in its era, there is no definite evidence to prove that it existed, but it is impossible for anyone from that time Since then, he has fabricated a false history, and he has been deceiving for hundreds of years!?

Not to mention, in order to achieve this, it is necessary to erase the traces of the dynasties that existed before the Qing Dynasty. Was such a large project really within the reach of manpower at that time!?

You must know that Chinese people are not the only ones who have this false memory. World communication has always existed. Those who have traveled to the land of Shenzhou by means of transportation, are the travel notes of these people also fake!?

In fact, although Da Lan is not recognized internationally, the reason for their ambiguous attitude is also because Da Lan was also mentioned in the ancient books left by some of their ancestors, which is more convincing than Atlantis.

Ouyang Wan'er seemed to have expected it long ago, she said, "I'm not lying, I even remember some of the original history, this should not be faked, especially with the poems to prove it, presumably the poems I left in the museum Sanji, you are also very confused, many places in it are a bit blunt, that is the result of changing some nouns in order to fit the background of the Daqing Dynasty."

"Another example is the famous Dongpo Pork dish. You don't know why it is called this name!? In fact, the origin of its name is related to a dynasty named 'Song' I mentioned. It is related to celebrities, in fact, Su Dongpo, one of the Eight Great Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties."

According to legend, in April of the tenth year of Song Shenzong Xining (1077), Su Shi went to Xuzhou to be the prefect. On July 7, the Yellow River burst in the area of ​​Caocunfu in Chanzhou. On August 21, Xuzhou was besieged by floods, and the water level was as high as two feet and eight feet. Su Shi died with his own body, and personally led the Wuwei battalion of the forbidden army, and the people of the city fought against the flood and built embankments to protect the city. After more than 70 days and nights of hard work, Xuzhou City was finally saved. All the people in the city rejoiced. In order to thank this good leader who lived and died with the people of Xuzhou, they slaughtered pigs and sheep one after another, and brought wine and vegetables to the house to express their condolences. Su Shi couldn't refuse, and after accepting it, he personally instructed his family to make braised pork, and gave it back to the people who participated in the flood fight. After the people ate it, they all felt that the meat was fat but not greasy, crispy and delicious, and they unanimously called it "return meat". Since then, "return meat" has been spread in Xuzhou and has become a traditional famous dish in Xuzhou. This is recorded in "Xuzhou Literature and History Materials", "Xuzhou Fengwuzhi", "Xuzhou Ancient and Modern Famous Dishes".

On February 1st in the third year of Yuanfeng (1080 A.D.), Su Shi was demoted to Huangzhou as the Deputy Envoy of Tuanlian. He opened up wasteland and farmed by himself, so he called this place "Dongpo Jushi". This is the origin of "Dongpo Meat". During his stay in Huangzhou, he cooked braised pork by himself and wrote his experience into Pork Eating Poems. The braised pork cooked by Su Shi when he was in Xuzhou and Huangzhou was only influential locally, but not well-known in the whole country. The braised pork that is really famous and famous all over the country is the "Dongpo Pork" when Su Shi was in Hangzhou for the second time.

Song Zhezong Yuanyou four years (1089) on January 3, Su Shi came to Ren Zhizhou in Hangzhou after an absence of fifteen years. In May and June of the fifth year of Yuanyou, heavy rains continued in western Zhejiang, Taihu Lake flooded, and large areas of crops were flooded. Due to Su Shi's early and effective measures, the people in the west of Zhejiang passed through the most difficult period. He organized migrant workers to dredge the West Lake, build embankments and bridges, making the old West Lake look new. The people in Hangzhou are very grateful to Su Shi for this good deed, and everyone praises him as a wise parent official. I heard that he liked to eat pork the most when he was in Xuzhou and Huangzhou, so during the Chinese New Year, everyone brought pigs and wine to him for New Year greetings. After Su Shi received it, he instructed his family to cut the meat into cubes, burn it until it was red and crispy, and then distributed it to the migrant workers who participated in the dredging (cafh) of the West Lake. Locally known as "Dongpo meat".

Ouyang Wan'er explained the details again. She has long since discovered that her memory is amazing. Otherwise, when she traveled to the Daqing Dynasty, she would not be able to remember so many poems she read in class. Possess a superb memory, otherwise there is no thousand degrees in ancient times, where can you copy it!?

Fortunately, this super memory was not lost just because she came back from time travel, otherwise Ouyang Wan'er really didn't know how to convince the other party that she was no longer a delusional patient.

"No, we believe you in principle, please calm down, Miss Ouyang!" The fake psychiatrist stretched out his hand to stop Ouyang Wan'er who was talking non-stop. He didn't know if Ouyang Wan'er was crazy or not, but He must be going crazy.

"But, you clearly just don't believe it." Ouyang Wan'er is not an idiot either, just by looking at the expression of the person opposite, she can tell that the other person doesn't fully believe it.

The fake doctor sighed, "The question is, believe it or not, I am not responsible for this matter itself, I am the person in charge of interviewing, you know that I am really your psychotherapist, don't you always think that I am a fake! ?”

In fact, he is really a psychiatrist! Otherwise, why didn’t you find a woman to be in charge of the interrogation!? It was because of the professional counterpart that he was in charge.

"What you said, we have a special person in charge, you can tell them, I believe they are also very interested, my duty is to diagnose your current mental and psychological health, of course, occasionally also responsible Ask you some questions.

Ouyang Wan'er took a deep look at the other party, then took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and said, "Then ask!"

She knew that it was not so simple for the other party to call her back for a follow-up visit.

The doctor took out a tablet and pushed it in front of Ouyang Wan'er, pointing to the screen on it and asked, "Do you know this live broadcast room!?"

Ouyang Wan'er frowned, but she still nodded, "I know, in fact, shortly after I left the hospital and returned to school, my classmates found out about it, it's amazing, and the name of the anchor is exactly the same as the male lead I know, you know I'm here There is a heroine sister in the Daqing Dynasty, I think I said it before."

"Well, I remember. We want you to judge, is the environment in the live broadcast really Da Lan!?" The doctor pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked at Ouyang Wan'er seriously and asked.

Ouyang Wan'er wanted to roll her eyes, "How would I know!? Come on, I crossed Daqing not Dalan, I was dead at that time, what happened to Dalan after that!?"

Isn't this embarrassing her, Fat Tiger!?

"No, you can judge." The doctor shook his head and said firmly.

"Impossible!" Ouyang Wan'er almost swears, she feels that the other doctor is really making things difficult for her.

"Calm down, ma'am! Of course we know you don't know what's going on with Da Lan behind, but have you thought about a question!?" The doctor asked while looking into each other's eyes while comforting him.

"What's the problem!?" Ouyang Wan'er asked, frowning at the other party.

"People! It doesn't matter how the structure of a society is, but it is inseparable from people. Dalan is a dynasty after Daqing. You must know some people in the beginning of Dalan. Do you want to deny this? !?"


"It seems that Miss Ouyang, you understand what I mean, then our conversation will be much more convenient."

"Okay, I will cooperate, but even if you prove that the time travel is real, what can you do!?" Ouyang Wan'er admitted that these people are still very smart, but she couldn't figure out what the use of these people was.

"This is not what you need to know, Ms. Ouyang. Well, here are the photos of all the people who have appeared in the live broadcast room that we have intercepted. Next, Ms. Ouyang, can you identify them carefully!?" The doctor said and took out the A stack of photos came out and placed on the desktop.

Ouyang Wan'er sighed, "I know, but don't have too much hope, Dalan was founded by that woman, she may not use those people I know."

"Relax, we are not unreasonable people."

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