"Who are you!?"

Su Mu only felt that his consciousness was a little confused, his body was light and light, and his feet didn't seem to be on the ground.

He didn't know where he was at the moment, and why he was here.

The dark space seems to have no boundaries, and it is infinitely wide. Wherever the line of sight reaches, there is a faint cold light that is faintly visible. If you look closely, you will find that it is an orchid flower, and they seem to be shining.

Of course this is not the most important.

What caught Su Mu's attention was the silver-haired girl floating above the sea of ​​flowers with her palms folded in prayer. She was so holy and noble, as if nothing in the world could leave traces on her body.

Like a goddess in a fantasy story.

Su Mu felt that all his attention was attracted by the other party, so he had no time to observe everything around him. Even if he wanted to look away and observe the surroundings, he found that he was unable to perform such a simple action at all. Longing for that holy girl, eagerly bathing in the other party's holy light.

At the same time, Su Mu faintly felt that his thinking was also affected, he was only left with curiosity, but no fear. Obviously, normal people would be afraid when they suddenly came to a strange and strange environment, but he didn't.

This is very strange "770", but he just doesn't have such emotions.

"I am....……."

The silver girl didn't open her mouth, Su Mu was sure that he would not miss it, but the other party's voice came over, but Su Mu still couldn't hear her clearly.

"I am..………"

As if feeling Su Mu's confusion, the girl's cold voice reached Su Mu's ears through some unknown method again, but Su Mu still couldn't hear clearly, it seemed that once it touched the other party's real name, it would turn into a series of murmur.

Su Mu couldn't help stretching out his hands to cover his ears, the piercing noise was more piercing and unbearable than the sound made when scratching the glass with his fingernails, it hurt his eardrums, and Su Mu couldn't help moaning in pain.

The girl seemed to be aware of Su Mu's situation, her voice didn't sound again immediately, it seemed to pause for a short moment, and then spoke again.

"Lilith NJG*T%ER%ERTICB...."

"Lilith NJG*TER%ERTIC......"

"Lilith NJG*%ER%ERTIC......"

It was repeated three times in a row, but apart from the name Lilith at the beginning, everything behind it was a language in which the exact characters could not be distinguished, and the pronunciation could not even be remembered.

Fortunately, this time Su Mu didn't feel uncomfortable anymore, as long as he didn't forcefully memorize the inner code behind.

"Lilith...!?" Su Mu shook his muddy head, and couldn't help but read the other party's name.

After finishing the reading, Su Mu seemed to vaguely see the silver-haired girl who seemed to be sleeping with her eyes closed from the beginning to the end, smiling slightly for a moment, but when Su Mu looked carefully, she couldn't help but feel that she was sleeping. It was found that this was not the case, as if the scene just now was an illusion.

"Where is this place!? I.....Why did I appear here? I remember, remember..." Su Mu stared at the girl named "Lilith", and with some difficulty put his doubts Throwing out, even such a few words, seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

Lilith also seemed to be lost in thought, maybe she was thinking about how to answer Su Mu's question, or maybe she didn't know the answer to the question.

I saw the orchid on the ground, and after shaking it for an unknown number of times, the other party's voice finally sounded.

"have no idea."

"This is my kingdom of God."

She seemed to answer Su Mu's first question, and finally added a sentence, telling him where this place is.

However, it is not known why Su Mu appeared here.

"The Kingdom of God!?" Su Mu felt that he should be frowning at this moment, this word is not the general secondary school.

"Since we came to this planet, there has been a mutation. We have absorbed the belief and emotional energy of the ownerless here, and become the true gods on the ground. At the same time, we are also trapped in this planet. God can do We can do what God can do, and we can't do what God can't do, after the 'beep beep—', the only god left is me." Li Kui seemed to have not talked to anyone for a long time, she A lot of words were said in a series, and some of them seemed to be silenced by some kind of force.

"Gods will die too!? And what do you mean after coming to this planet, gods are aliens!?"

Su Mu's mind was full of doubts, he felt that he had a very absurd dream, yes, he must be dreaming at this moment.

"It's not a dream, this place is real." Lilith's voice rang out to deny Su Mu's thoughts, "I don't know if the gods will die, but we outsiders will die, even if the lifespan is infinitely extended But once you get involved in the battle of national destiny, you will die, but you can't avoid it if you live on this planet, and I can't escape it either."

"The battle for the fortunes of the nation!?" Su Mu felt as if he had heard this word from someone, but now his thoughts were so confused that it was hard for him to remember. The memory seemed to be like cement, or the cement that had dried up. .

"Flya, if I asked Suotu to bring her, you should have learned from her that she is one of my dependents, one of the new creatures born under the influence of my power that is more in line with this world, and is also our waiting One of the original sins." Lilith seems to have the ability to read minds, she knew Su Mu's questions without opening her mouth, and gave him answers, she seemed to answer every question.

"This world has been rewritten since the Tang Dynasty. To be precise, when we came here, everything changed. One of my companions was coerced by the times or the power that made us gods to take the emperor at that time. Instead, Wu Zhou was established, and it was only then that we discovered that the loser will lose everything in the battle of national destiny."

"Sorry, you may not know what is Tang and what is Wu Zhou, but it doesn't matter, just remember that there has never been a thousand-year dynasty in the world."

Su Mu faintly sensed the other party's emotional sadness, but he didn't seem to have it carefully.

"Can you go into more detail!?" he asked in his head.

Lilith seemed to let out a chuckle, "I can't, because I don't know too well, I only know that every dynasty, after its demise, its traces will be erased and replaced by the famous name of Dalan, the most important thing on our planet. All national dynasties are competing with an empire named 'Dalan', as for what they are competing with, and who will judge, I don't know."

"We had a lot of companions who came to this planet at that time, but all of them disappeared after being involved in the disputes of national fortunes, including the dynasty countries that had a very deep relationship with them

Almost every time I wake up, I find that there are fewer familiar people, until………”

Lilith didn't finish the sentence, but her meaning is obvious, that is, she is the only alien now..0

"Why tell me this, isn't it a secret!?" Su Mu asked.

"Because it's interesting. Or maybe I want to leave something behind," Lilith replied.

"I've lived long enough, even if I could have lived a long, long time..."

She seemed to be sighing.

They obviously came from a civilization more developed than Blue Star, but the dynasties and countries established here were defeated in the competition with a "Da Lan" who didn't know where they came from, and lost to the natives. How can I admit my fate!?

Isn’t this planet a special prison for them!?

Su Mu, an odd number who is not her family member, can appear here, and Lilith does not doubt that the other party is the jailer for a moment.

So she didn't lie about why Su Mu suddenly appeared here, she really didn't know.

She can't even enter the main material world now, even if she is a so-called "god", she can only stay in this kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is nothing more than a bigger cage.

The sun was rising, and the sunlight fell on Su Mu's peaceful sleeping face through the window. The warm light made his eyelids tremble non-stop. With a soft moan, Su Mu opened his eyes.

He rubbed his swollen head and sat up, looking at everything around him, as if trying to discern something.

"A familiar room... It really is a dream!?" Su Mu opened his mouth and yawned and rubbed his eyes, feeling a little funny. Could it be that this is something that he thinks about every day and dreams about at night!? Because there are too many strange people around him recently. It's over, so I had such absurd and strange dream!?

After Su Mu laughed at himself, he found slippers, put on the bed, and planned to wash up.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Sun Qing wrapped in an apron was making breakfast, Xia Hua was also helping, and when she saw Su Mu coming down, she even said hello, because Roman didn't have enough room at home, so he could only sleep on the sofa now, he Still holding a bottle of wine and sleeping soundly, Su Mu shook his head.

After the number of people in Su Mu's family increased, it became a lot more angry and lively. There is no way that Su Mu's parents are gone. He is the only one in the family, and there are few relatives. It is rare to see him once a year. This 0.3 kind of family atmosphere The situation, has not been seen for many years.

Because Su Mu's grandfather is a soldier, so the nature of work of Su Mu's parents is similar, but they both died in one job, perhaps because the white-haired man sent the black-haired man, Su Mu's grandfather also persisted for a year or two. Followed, otherwise Su Mu would not have chosen to go abroad, he just wanted to leave this sad place.

When Su Mu came to the washroom, she found that Amelia had just come out, her hair was still wet, with the fragrance of shampoo, she wiped her hair with a towel, and nodded to Sumu in greeting.

Su Mu gave the other party a strange look, and guessed that something bad might happen again without asking. This girl seems to be really unlucky, and she always encounters some accidents suddenly, making her whole body in a mess.

Amelia gave way to Su Mu and planned to walk away, but she noticed that Su Mu's hair froze for a moment, "Su, you dyed your hair!?"

Su Mu touched the place pointed by the other party in surprise, "No, could it be white hair, one or two hairs are normal, most modern people are sub-healthy."

"No, look for yourself, Ri Tiandong's hair has turned white." Amelia motioned him to take a mirror to look at it.


"Wait, what's going on!?".

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