"Hey hey hey..."

"Ah Ching~!"

The bright moon was hanging high in the sky, and she took off two big buns. The girl with long hair was clung to the green snake-shaped Pokémon in her arms, and the two slimes wrapped in silk pajamas were squeezed to the bone out of shape.

Monarch Snake felt the warm saliva on the top of his head helplessly, as well as a sense of suffocation, and wanted to struggle, but he couldn't get rid of his master's strange power that grew in size after falling asleep. Nine Tails also looked at this scene with lingering fear, looking for it Lie down in a safe position, as far away from the horrible bed as possible.

"Hmph, little Touzi..."

The girl who was suddenly asleep kicked off the quilt covering her body and got up.

As the original elf, the Monarch Snake had no choice but to use his tail to pull back the quilt that fell to the ground, and put it on the poor sleeping girl. Obviously, this powerful Pokémon has become a nanny invisibly.

The trainer who clearly promised to take good care of himself has become what he is now.

Oh... baby sigh.jpg


In the next room, who was also wearing pajamas, but sitting at the desk and writing a diary under the lamp, Touzi suddenly sneezed for no reason. Seeing the long line drawn on the diary, her beautiful and delicate face couldn't help but wrinkled.

"It's so strange that the temperature hasn't dropped..."

Because it is an ink pen, even if it is dirty and written wrong, there is no way to wipe it off. Touzi can only sigh and pretend not to see this flaw. At the same time, he is also a little puzzled why he suddenly sneezed, and he obviously didn’t feel it. How cold it looks.

As a trainer, her physical fitness is absolutely strong. Even if she came to the snow-capped mountains, she would not catch a cold easily. There is no reason to catch a cold in this 887, so she is just a little confused at the moment.

But the doubt didn't last long, and she yawned.

There is no way, I have been drilling in that mine these days, which is still a great mental wear and tear. Fortunately, the time is not long, otherwise I may suffer from some kind of claustrophobia. People who have not experienced that kind of suffering are won't understand.

However, moving forward in that kind of environment where the sun is out and you are always worried that you will be trapped in it, it also exercises the trainer and other Pokémon very well. After coming out, Touzi found that he seemed to have been sublimated spiritually. , It seems that they have a better understanding with King Yanwu.

Especially the little friends like Crystal Lantern Huoling who joined later, unknowingly, they have a higher degree of intimacy with themselves as a trainer, and they seem to be able to display more strength, which is obviously a very incredible improvement.

That's why Touzi wanted to record his experiences and insights, which is an incredible wealth.

Yawned again, Touzi felt drowsy, and gave up on continuing to write. Anyway, she had almost finished recording, and now she should have a good sleep to clean up the tiredness of the past few days, Be in the best shape for tomorrow.

"I heard that there are many ghost Pokémon in Ziyuan Town. I have to keep my full state. I don't want to go out...

Touzi murmured and walked towards the bed, and at the same time released King Yanwu. As a trainer who has been traveling for more than a year, she is well aware of the dangers outside, so she is also used to putting her Pokémon before going to bed. The release of the dream, on the one hand, can cultivate the relationship between the trainer and the Pokémon, and on the other hand, it is also for the safety of the trainer. You must know that because the Pokémon is locked in the Poké Ball because of sleeping, the Poké Ball is stolen (cafa), Or the news that trainers are too late to deal with danger is not uncommon at all.

That's the kind of silly and bold cute new trainer who sleeps alone, and ends up sleeping like a dead pig, and doesn't realize that there is a fire outside.

Although it is said that this is the elf center, the chances of accidents in the elf center are quite high in this world, which is better than in the wild. One time, you may suffer a big loss that you will regret for the rest of your life.

Not to mention, there are evil organizations in every part of the world. These people are not unfamiliar to ordinary people, just like Mei's hometown, there is a younger sister of a boy of the same age in that small town, which is obviously just a wild animal. Pickpocket cats can be seen everywhere, but they were snatched away by the notorious Plasma team members.

For this reason, the boy also embarked on a journey to find the bad luck of the plasma team, chasing after the members of the plasma team all the way, in order to get back the pickpocket cat lost by his sister one day, when Touzi and the others were traveling in the Hezhong area , I have met each other many times, and I have saved each other many times.

Well, it seems that the boy still likes the girl Mei, but Mei doesn't seem to have any feelings for him.

With such an exclamation that it was a pity that his rival was not pried away, Touzi lay down on the bed and pulled up the quilt, then closed his eyes and said, "Good night."

L`O! Ouch~~" King Yanwu and other Pokémon seemed to be saying "good night".

Just when Touzi was also dreaming in the fairyland, Zhang Qing's room suddenly had the aura of "other people" again, and a slender and graceful figure suddenly appeared in his room.

The black green caterpillar, Mr. Sakuza, is even unwilling to open his eyes, obviously he is used to it.

Little Pang Ding lay on the pillow next to Zhang Qing, sleeping head to head with her trainer, but for some reason she suddenly felt that the soft pillow under her body became hard, and she was shaking uncomfortably leaning forward.

Zhang Qing watched helplessly as Fat Ding next to him was teleported to the pickpocket cat and fell under the bed, while the girl next to him was occupied again, with her head resting on his arm, eyes unblinking Staring at his side face, Zhang Qing could only close his eyes tightly to avoid being found pretending to be asleep.

This is not the first time, and it cannot be explained by going to the wrong room.

Zhang Qing didn't know why Nazi kept running towards her. At first, she thought that she was trying to do something to him. After all, in the game, this guy was a cadre of Team Rocket, a villain.

As a person with supernatural powers, Zhang Qing even suspects that the other party is eyeing him, maybe because he finds out that he possesses a divine beast.


The other party seemed to have no intention of doing anything bad except that he came to sleep here, which made Zhang Qing a little puzzled.

Could it be that the other party found out that he was pretending to be asleep, that's why he didn't act!?

Just when Zhang Qing was thinking about it, a huge explosion sounded suddenly, and he could clearly feel the bed shaking.

At the same time, the beautiful figure lying next to Zhang Qing even made a "swish -" sound, and the person disappeared immediately.

Zhang Qing opened his eyes, sat up and looked out the window, frowning, "That direction is..."

"Tut duk——!"

It didn't take long before there was a knock on the door, and before Zhang Qing could answer, the door was opened, and Mei and Touzi in pajamas broke in.

It seemed that he was awakened by the movement just now.

"Ah Qing, what happened to the explosion just now!?" Seeing that Zhang Qing was fine, Touzi breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked suspiciously.

Mei was sniffing something, wondering, "Why does it smell very fragrant, a bit like perfume!?"

Zhang Qing came to the window and looked at the billowing smoke in the distance, "It's the unmanned power plant. It seems that there was an explosion just now."

The unmanned power plant is still a little far from the center of the elves, but although you can't see the situation there, the billowing smoke also indicates that the situation there is not good, and this is a forest with many trees, although it is not What a dry season, but once there is a real fire, it will still be dangerous.

That's right, the forest fire is definitely not a trivial matter.

Originally, there should not be such dense green plants near the power plant, in order to have a safe distance to prevent accidents, but unfortunately it has long been abandoned, and later became the habitat of electric Pokémon. Over the years, in the absence of human intervention, weeds will naturally grow overgrown, so once a fire source is encountered, "really lose your voice directly.

After Mei and Touzi went back to change their clothes, the three trotted outside. Ms. Joy was also standing outside at this time, looking anxiously at the direction of the unmanned power plant in the distance, and saw Zhang Qing and the three coming , she said, "I have already contacted Ziyuan Town, and I should send someone here soon."

She didn't seem to want Zhang Qing and the three of them to satisfy their curiosity. Although she didn't directly explain it, the meaning was almost expressed.

In fact, it is also understandable that under normal circumstances, with their identities, Shang Touzi and Mei, who are the champions and runners-up of the Hezhong District Upper Realm Competition, naturally have the ability to deal with general dangers, but if they encounter natural disasters such as forest fires , unless there is a Pokémon or a mythical beast with the strength of a heavenly king, or the kind that can change the weather in a large range, rain or snow, otherwise you may have to die in it if you encounter it.

When the rescuers arrived, they already had to save lives. This task was difficult enough. If they had to add rescue, it would really be a mess.

Touzi thought for a while and said, "However, it will take a long time for the people from Ziyuan Town to arrive. Maybe the situation is not the worst yet. It would be a pity if we miss the opportunity to stop it."

"And if we understand the situation first, it should also be helpful to the subsequent work."

Miss Joy showed a hesitant expression when she heard the words, "This...you are right, but it is very dangerous"

"It's okay, we all have flying Pokémon, and it's not difficult to get out when necessary." Zhang Qing helped persuade, although they can act on their own regardless of Miss Joy's wishes, but if they let their actions monopolize the medical treatment If Joey of the career hates it, it is really a terrible thing.

Maybe the professional ethics will keep the Joeys from breaking the rules against you, but it is still possible to make you suffer in some small places.

So when you can be reasonable, be a good person and be reasonable. If you are not reasonable, others will not reason with you.

"That's it...then I'll leave it to you." Although he was still a little worried, Joey didn't continue to stop him.

"We will." The three looked at each other, then summoned their respective flying Pokémon to ride on, and flew towards the direction of the thick smoke.

After the three of them left, Nazi came out from the elf center. She frowned and looked towards the unmanned power plant, "People from Team Rocket!?"

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