"Fatty, what is she angry about!?"

Mei, who was riding on Zhang Qing's tyrannosaurus, looked at the chubby little guy with his puffed cheeks in doubt, not understanding what this little guy was trying to say to them.

There is no way even if it is the (female) protagonist of a certain chapter, but it does not mean that the protagonists of all generations have the same ability. In terms of strength, apart from being favored by fate, they are not even comparable to supporting roles in some aspects.

Like N's natural ability to communicate with Pokémon without barriers, and to sense the cheating ability of Pokémon's heart, it is estimated that it is rare in the Pokémon world. And the most common thing is to have superpowers, to be able to talk to Pokémon's mind, like Nazi can do it, which is why she is still rated as a gymnasium level even though she has not reached the gymnasium level one.

However, Touzi and Mei, the black and white heroines, do not have these abilities.

In this regard, they are really not much different from the general public, and at most they can barely understand what their Pokémon wants to express, and this can only be achieved after a long-term relationship.

In fact, let alone trainers, there are still some experts in the Pokémon world who specialize in studying the language of Pokémon, but after so many years, there is still not much progress. Otherwise, with the black technology of the Pokémon world, it would have been created A translator has been released. It can be said that Pokémon itself may not have such a thing as language. The communication between them, especially the communication outside the same family, relies more on a kind of spiritual power. On this point, human beings It seems that an invisible membrane is born to block this power, so humans cannot understand Pokémon's words.

On the other hand, cats like the ones in Team Rocket can learn human language, which is very interesting. Although it seems that only this cat can do it so far, it is worth paying attention to.

Fat Ding jumped off Zhang Qing's head and was almost blown away by the wind, but was caught by Mei Yi. Fat Ding heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this, and then danced and gestured, imitating himself being frozen into ice, from time to time Puffing his cheeks, 630 pointed to Zhang Qing with an innocent face, as if he was accusing something.

Mei was afraid that the little guy would fall, so she hugged her tightly. After all, they were sitting on the back of the dragon and flying in mid-air, and the Gyarados evolved from the carp king, so the body was covered with scales instead of hair. Some of them will be unable to grasp and be thrown out, so Mei and the others have to clamp their legs tightly and dare not relax for a moment.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, I'll teach Ah Qing when I get back." Although Mei didn't understand what the little guy wanted to express, she still knew how to coax Ji.


Touzi nudged the silent Zhang Qing lightly with her elbow, and asked in a low voice, "What did you do!?"

Zhang Qing pulled the brim of her hat to prevent the peaked cap on her head from being blown away, and looked at the fire in the distance, without looking back, she said, "She got sleepy and turned around and fell out of bed and lay on the floor, but she blamed me for sleeping poorly."

Of course Zhang Qing would not tell Touzi that it was Nazi who broke in and pushed Fat Ding out of bed. Before he figured out what the other party wanted to do, Zhang Qing didn't intend to tell Touzi and Mei. The two women knew that it would be very troublesome.

After Zhang Qing finished speaking, he patted the Gyarados under him lightly and said, "The Gyarados can be faster."

Touzi stared suspiciously at Zhang Qing's face for a long time, feeling that Zhang Qing seemed to be hiding something.

When Fat Ding over there heard that his unscrupulous trainer actually said that he rolled out of the bed, he suddenly became a big balloon, "Puff, puff, puff!"

If Meiyi hadn't hugged the cutie tightly with both hands, the furious Fat Ding might really have to fall this time, "Okay, okay, it's Ah Qing who shirked responsibility, we all know it, I won't misunderstand you, wait I'll hit him with my fist next time, vent your anger, don't be angry, you are a girl, if you get too angry, you will become ugly.

Maybe Mei's words played a role, or maybe Mei's huge soft heart is really easy to appease Pokémon, Fat Ding didn't make any move to jump up and bite Zhang Qing, but the little guy was grinding his teeth while seeming to Tell Mei to beat him hard later.

Mei suddenly smiled wryly and nodded, promising that he would hit hard, and let Fat Ding stop moving.

This little guy is really angry.

The flying speed of the Gyarados is very fast, and it only took a few minutes to cover half of the forest. The distance between the unmanned power plant and the center of the elves is not close at all. In fact, the unmanned power plant It was built near the coast. The reason for this is of course out of safety and convenience considerations.

Similarly, Ms. Joy’s elf center is not too close to the unmanned power plant. There are other considerations. One is to take care of the passengers passing through the abandoned mine. You must know that the abandoned mine is not much safer than the unmanned power plant, even Because of the complex terrain inside, even if there is no attack from wild Pokémon, casualties may be caused by getting lost or falling into the cave, etc.

Therefore, the Fairy Center was naturally built on the road between Chushankou and Ziyuan Town. In addition, the unmanned power plant is populated by relatively dangerous electric-type Pokémon. You must know that not everyone can It’s okay to be electrified by Pikachu like Xiaozhi. If you get too close to it, it will be dangerous for Ms. Joy herself, and it will also involve the trainers in the elf center in the future. Naturally, you should stay away from the unmanned power plant. side.

Moreover, the location of the unmanned power plant is indeed relatively remote, so there are very few people who stray into it to be in danger, so it’s okay not to go there. How can I say that the elf center here is much closer than the elf center in Ziyuan Town? , As long as you persist in coming here, you can still get timely treatment.

"What a terrible thunder and lightning..." As the Gyarados approached the unmanned power plant, the three of them also saw the situation there. How to put it, just a little closer, the body feels numb , like getting an electric shock.

It is obvious that the air near the unmanned power plant is charged at this moment.

For safety reasons, Zhang Qing didn't let the Gyarados approach any further, and signaled it to step back, before landing on the ground.

As for the unmanned power plant, fierce battles are taking place at the moment.

After landing, Mei hugged Fat Ding and said in surprise, "Those guys, aren't they the Rockets!? What are they doing!?"

It has been a while since I came to the Kanto area (caab), Mei and the others naturally know the outfits of the notorious Team Rocket in the Kanto area, especially the big "R" on the chest of the opponent's clothes, which is rarely mistaken.

However, compared to the real protagonists in the Kanto area, Xiaozhi, Mei and Zhang Qing, they haven't encountered the Rockets committing crimes on the spot. This is the first time they have encountered the Rockets committing crimes.

But what Mei and the others can't figure out is, what is Team Rocket trying to do? Could it be that they want to subdue the electric-type Pokémon here!?

But it shouldn’t be. It’s not a secret to know that the situation here is not a secret. What kind of Pokémon are inhabited here? Even Mei and the others found out when they were collecting information in Hualan City. Basically, they are some relatively common Pokémon. That's it, it's not uncommon.

Therefore, it was impossible for Mei and the others to understand that the Rockets were able to work hard.

"No matter what they want to do, we can stop it." Touzi said resolutely in his hand after taking out a few elf balls that had shrunk down to the size of glass marbles.

Team Rocket is a well-known evil organization, it is impossible to do good deeds by appearing here, so instead of thinking about their purpose at this moment, it is better to directly beat people to the ground and ask them.

I have to say that in the game, even after a year, the members of the Plasma team are still so afraid of Toko, the former heroine, in Mei's time.

Mei was stunned for a moment before realizing, "Indeed, it's good to subdue them first."

Mei, who also took out the elf ball on her body, turned her head to look at Zhang Qing and said, "Ah Qing, don't make a move this time, Touzi and I want to see how much we have grown.

Zhang Qing nodded upon hearing this, "Yes."

He took Fat Ding, who was being hugged by Mei, backed up behind the two women, and stood beside the Tyrannosaurus. During the process, Fat Ding punched him in the face viciously, Zhang Qing didn't dodge, anyway, he was fat Ding's soft little hand didn't hurt when he hit it, so just take it out on the little guy.

But Zhang Qing also wants to tell Fat Ding, if you don’t want to wake up and find yourself sleeping on the floor, then don’t sleep so dead in the future, to be honest, how many times has Nazi come here, but every time Fat Ding can’t I found out, how did this vigilance survive in the wild for so long!? It can’t be luck, can it!?

That is to say, Nazi didn't have the intention to kill, otherwise he, the trainer and Fat Ding, would have been killed long ago.

Well, the only ones who get slammed are fat workers.

The two girls who got Zhang Qing's permission over there showed excited and excited expressions. Since they chose the path of being a trainer and came to the present, it naturally means that the two girls also love Pokémon battles. I was doing self-training while traveling, but the two of them were overwhelmed.

The battle with Zhang Qing is basically a guide battle, either being suppressed and beaten, or being taught by water, it can't satisfy the desire of the two women to fight a battle, and when the gymnasium is fighting, the gymnasium owner will send super The backup Pokémon is a bit difficult for Mengxin, but it is really not challenging for Mei and Touko.

Now they finally met a group of villains, which made them feel as if they were back in the time when they played the plasma team in the Hezhong area, both nostalgic and excited.

"Come out, Monarch Snake, Gem Starfish..."

"Come out, King Yanwu, gem starfish"

After summoning all the six-headed Pokémon they owned at one time, the two women looked at each other and said in unison, "Let's compare and see who can defeat the most enemies.

"Okay, it's a deal, whoever loses will be the stinky sister."

"Hmph! I must belong to my sister."

Zhang Qing looked at the two men who were suddenly full of flames, and was a little speechless, but he was not too worried.

He looked through the smoke and fire, and looked into the unmanned power plant. A lightning bird in the deepest part also opened its eyes. Looking at him, each person and bird "seemed to be ignoring obstacles and distances. other side.

Zhang Qing didn't look at the other party for too long, and then looked away, because a somewhat familiar figure appeared on the side of the Lightning Bird, Zhang Qing's eyes moved over, and he immediately raised his eyebrows.

"Ma Zhishi!?"

At this time, Mei and Toko had rushed to the unmanned power plant. .

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