"Why is there a lightning bird here!?"

After Mei and Touzi calmed down, they still watched in disbelief at the big bird flying in the sky, unleashing the fierce power of thunder. The intensity of the electric current on their bodies was enough to make people aware of the danger.

Although it is not the first time to see legendary beasts, Mei and Toko are still shocked by the power of these legendary Pokémon. Most of these Pokémon can't reach the heights in their lifetime. As a "god" exists.

Zhang Qing put his hands in his pockets and looked at the big mixed-haired bird that was chirping angrily in the sky. He didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't say anything.

On the other hand, Fatty, who was very lively before, cowered in fright on Zhang Qing's head, buried his head like an ostrich, as if the only way to reduce his sense of existence was in this way.

God's grace is like the sea, God's power is in prison.

The wrath of the gods is the most terrifying flame in the world. If it is said that "the wrath of the Son of Heaven lays down millions of corpses and bleeds for thousands of miles", then how can the anger of a "God" be appeased by millions of people!?

If this place is not in the wilderness, but in some big city, I am afraid that the moment this divine bird gets angry, the city will be turned into charcoal and everything will be destroyed. He doesn't care whether other people have "one Forty" Gu.

In fact, after Zhang Qing teleported Mei and the others away, the Rockets who stayed in place really suffered. Although the lightning bird's anger was not directed at them, even if they were wearing special insulating protective clothing, But when the powerful electromagnetic force exploded around them, they still received a huge impact.

The effect of the mere insulating protective clothing is negligible, and it is penetrated in an instant.

On the contrary, those electric-type Pokémon who originally lived in the unmanned power plant did not have too many problems, and even felt a little painful and happy.

After all, for them, these thunderbolts from divine beasts are more delicious and precious than any natural and earthly treasures. Of course, it is because they are far from the center. Otherwise, even if they are electric-type Pokémon that are resistant to electric-type skills, I'm afraid it will be evaporated instantly by the huge thunder.

The gap between gods and mortal things is too great. Bathed in the glory of this beast, the weak Pokémon feel the growth of energy in their bodies, and at the same time, they have to endure the pain of being torn apart. Undoubtedly happy and tormented.

"Someone rushed out!" Touzi's eyes were very good, even though the huge lightning pillar fell with a strong glare, but she didn't seem to be affected too much, squinting her eyes, and didn't let anyone go. scene.

I saw that before the thunder fell, a burly man smashed through the window of the unmanned power plant, rushed out from inside, rolled on the ground a few times, and then continued to run further outside at a very fast speed. fast.

Not long after he left, there was a huge explosion in the unmanned power plant, and the thunder seemed to detonate a certain piece of equipment.

After the thunder, the day turns back to night again, which makes people feel a strong sense of discomfort.

Touzi and Mei looked at the man wearing the uniform of the Rockets team cadre suspiciously. At this moment, they were still a little far away from each other, and due to time and environmental factors, they couldn't see each other's face clearly, but the two women still felt that I seem to have seen each other's appearance before.


"Do we know him!?"

Faced with the two women's questions, Zhang Qing let out a soft "um" sound, confirming their conjecture. In fact, it's not that Mei and Touzi have poor memories, but that they and Ma Zhishi, the owner of the Dry Leaf Gym, also It was just a one-off meeting. After getting the badge, there was no more contact and communication. For them, Ma Zhishi was just a passerby.

But Zhang Qing was different, because he was reincarnated with his memory, so he would pay extra attention to some people with impressions in his memory, even if he didn't plan to have too deep contact with them.

Not to mention that Ma Zhishi is not a character he liked in his previous life, even if he is Chi Ye himself, Zhang Qing is not the kind of fanatical star chaser, at most he pays more attention to Chi Ye's deeds

He doesn't get close to the other person's life, and makes friends with the other person on purpose. Zhang Qing is the kind of person who is more easygoing, and he is not a social bully. If you want him to take the initiative to make friends with someone, forget it.

After receiving Zhang Qing's confirmation, Mei and Touzi's expressions turned serious. Neither of them would like someone they knew to go astray and become a villain.

Fortunately, they compared some people who had a good relationship with each other's figure in their memory and found that they were not consistent, otherwise the two women might be in a worse mood.

Traveling all the way so far, I don't have many things, but I have many friends. If I become Lu Xiaofeng's kind of person, I'm afraid the little girls really can't stand it. (Note: Lu Xiaofeng is the kind of grievance that all his friends may be behind the scenes.)

"No need to remember, Dead Leaf Gym." Seeing that the two women seemed to be still struggling with who the other was, Zhang Qing had no choice but to remind her.

At this moment, they are on a small hill far away from the unmanned power plant, but it is really a VIP auditorium, and they can have a good view of the sky and the earth.

Ma Zhishi didn't run away directly, after he left and retreated to a safe place, he summoned an electric shock beast that was obviously stronger than its kind.

"Electric shock~!"

The Electric Shock Beast looked at the Lightning Bird in the sky, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"Hahaha.....It turned out to be a mess up. Sure enough, the beast is much more powerful than imagined. Are you afraid of the electric shock beast!?" No intention of giving up.

Even if he saw the people he had brought, he was afraid that none of them would be left, but he didn't show any fear.

It has to be said that as a veteran gymnasium-level powerhouse, he is still very respectable in terms of will.


"How could it be him!?" Mei and Touzi were surprised. After Zhang Qing reminded them, they also recalled who the other party was, but it was so unbelievable because they knew the other party's identity.

Who is Ma Zhishi!? He is the owner of the Dry Leaf Gymnasium in Dry Leaf City, and he is a proper fan of the alliance.

This is as absurd as an anti-drug policeman who secretly turned out to be the biggest drug dealer. No one would believe it.

"Could it be an undercover agent!?" Mei, who used to be an actress and heroine in Pokémon Hollywood, guessed that she had heard of such things before. The unsung heroes in the alliance infiltrated into the evil organization to collect evidence. , in the end, it was all caught up, not only appeared in the storybook, but also existed in reality..0

After all, art comes from life, and art is just processing the facts.

To be honest, Mei really doesn’t want to believe that there will be gym owners who will betray the alliance. If so, will there be more problems with gyms!? The gym owners who are guarding one side have problems. How serious is the problem!?

Don't look at the many shortcomings under the alliance's rule, such as Zhang Qing who was born as an orphan, if he hadn't brought it himself, he might never have a bright future, but it has to be said that the whole society is still at a level that satisfies most people.

It is probably to sacrifice a small number of people in exchange for most of the happiness.

Of course, except for a small number of people, most of them are just ordinary people at the bottom.

Just like the navy in the world of One Piece, many people say that they are the dogs of the Tianlong people, and the justice is even more ridiculous. In fact, they are indeed dogs raised by Tianlong people.

But if the navy is really lost, it doesn't mean that the world will become better, because without the navy, pirates are not adventurers like Straw Hat King Luffy, they are scum who can really kill and plunder.

So don't look at the fact that there is a lot of darkness in the alliance of the Pokémon world, but it is indeed because of its existence that many people survive.

Mei didn't want this order to collapse suddenly.

Touzi bit her lower lip, her face was a little ugly, she didn't speak, but stared at Ma Zhishi.

She also hopes that things will turn around, not the worst situation, otherwise...

Nazi sat on a big tree at a distance from Zhang Qing and the three of them. She looked up at the Lightning Bird in the sky and became thoughtful, not interested in Ma Zhishi below at all.

She doesn't care what the alliance is like or what it will become in the future.

Nazi followed Zhang Qing shortly after the three of them arrived here, but she didn't show up. Although she really wanted to get close to Zhang Qing, maybe because she was also a girl, once Zhang Qing Qing was awake, she seemed to have lost the courage to attack at night, so she could only hang from afar and watch.

But after the lightning bird appeared, her attention was diverted by 3.9.

This is the first time even Nazi has encountered a legendary Pokémon like the lightning bird. Nazi admits that the power of the lightning bird is indeed not something she can fight against at present, and she is a little worried about Zhang Qing's safety.

She didn't know that she could save people in time, once the lightning bird went crazy and turned her attention to Zhang Qing and the others.

Not to mention that Zhang Qing and the others are relatively far away from the unmanned power plant at the moment, they think it is safe. This distance is not a big deal for a beast. If Zhang Qing and the others are also identified as Team Rocket, it may be true Some will be served as military doctors.

However, although Nazi is on guard against the Lightning Bird, she is not afraid, because the Lightning Bird is powerful as a divine beast, but as a Pokémon with electric attributes and flying attributes, it cannot restrain Nazi's powerful superpowers. Although Nazi Can't beat the opponent, but the Lightning Bird can't help it. If she wants to escape, she can still do so.

Moreover, the threat that this Lightning Bird gave Nazi was far from the one that Juzi Tianwang's Geng Ghost gave her when she was in Hualan City. A divine beast would be inferior to a Geng Gui. .

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