Although Juzi was also a little confused about what the Lightning Bird was doing!? But seeing that her Geng Gui was not at a disadvantage, Juzi felt relieved. She came to Ma Zhishi's side in the blink of an eye, looked at him coldly, and threw a To a stylish silver bracelet.

When Ma Zhishi saw Juzi, the heavenly king, his face changed drastically on the spot. He knew that he had been arrested, and it was too late to say anything, and the one who came was the ghost-type heavenly king who was the most difficult to talk about, unless he was possessed by Uzumaki Naruto. Full-level mouth escape skills, otherwise calling yourself "wronged" will only usher in a big blow to Juzi.

Just like the incident in Hualan City before, if it was other heavenly kings who came at that time, it would be impossible to go directly to the door and fight against a mayor. In some respects, Chrysanthemum is very similar to Akainu. beep.

Now that it fell into the hands of this person, Ma Zhishi knew that he was doomed.

Of course, he does not regret joining the Rockets because, compared to the hypocritical alliance, he sees the future of the world in Boss Sakagi, and only that man can really make the world a better place, and Ma Zhishi himself is also a man who admires strength extremely Otherwise, they would not show mercy to the trainers who came to challenge the gymnasium, and even made the local Miss Joy unhappy, and reported to the alliance more than once.

The only thing he regrets is that he messed up the matter and failed to capture the Lightning Bird with all confidence. With the assistance of a legendary Pokémon, maybe the boss's god-making plan can go further. If a Gym-level trainer specializing in electricity can subdue a Lightning Bird, he may also be able to use it to enter the Heavenly King-level gate and see the scenery behind him.

At that time, the Kanto Alliance, they don't need to hide anymore...

Juzi didn't have time to answer Ma Zhishi's inner thoughts, she returned her attention to the battle between Geng Gui and Lightning Bird, with a stern face, not knowing what she was thinking.

After Chrysanthemum ran out of the silver bracelet, Nazi immediately used her superpower to control Ma Zhishi to put it on. This is the alliance's special 213 handcuffs. It also works.

Ordinary people like Ma Zhishi, who are stronger, don't want to open it, even if they summon Pokémon, it's useless, and it's impossible to open it without hurting themselves, unless he doesn't want these hands anymore.

To be honest, the black technology in the Pokémon world is really awesome. Although it is a parent-child animation, many technological items in it are no worse than Doraemon’s props. Take the Pokémon Ball as an example, the technology in it is not What the general technological world can possess, many interstellar civilizations do not have this technology.

Not to mention the device that the Rockets control Mewtwo and the device used by the Plasma team to control Kyurem. Those are mythical beasts. Leaving Mewtwo aside, its performance in the big movie has not been revealed too much, but as a Kyurem, one of the three dragons of the Tao, is said to be able to release blizzards and hailstones, freezing its environment in an instant, and even has the ability to freeze the entire world (planet).

Is it reasonable that such a terrifying super-natural disaster-level monster is controlled by mere human beings with technological devices made by it, and needs the protagonist to rescue it!? This is as absurd as someone can slap a mushroom bomb with a single slap, but it happened .

Think about it, even if the world's technological level encounters such a monster, it is estimated that civilization will perish. As a result, the people here are able to subdue it. Even if it is a coincidence, it is not easy to take advantage of its weakness and fall into a deep sleep.

To be honest, technology is so awesome, do we really need a beast!?

Nazi teleported to Juzi's side, glanced at Ma Zhishi with disgust, then turned to Juzi, "You also tamed this lightning bird!?"

Chrysanthemum raised her eyebrows, glanced pointedly (cacf) at the three people on the hillside who were looking this way, and jokingly said, "What's the matter!? Are you interested, or do you just want to give it to your lover!? "

Nazi looked a little unnatural, "I don't understand what you're talking about!?"

It was obvious that she was on her mind. Nazi really wanted Zhang Qing to subdue the Lightning Bird. If she could add such a beast to her team, then Zhang Qing's future path would be smoother, even in the regional competition. This supermodel Pokémon is not allowed in the battle.

Although Zhang Qing also seems to be a superpower, but unlike himself, Zhang Qing doesn't seem to be too partial to superpower Pokémon, so this lightning bird is just right.

She wanted to wait for Ma Zhishi to show up and assist Zhang Qing to subdue him together after Ma Zhishi's failure. next to the stomach.

It's all right now, Zhang Qing couldn't find himself approaching, and his superpower was a little worse than his own, so he definitely couldn't defeat the Lightning Bird alone, even if he added those two girls. Great attention!?

Chrysanthemum Zi appeared at this time, aborting the seamless plan that Nazi had just thought of. To be honest, Nazi was somewhat complaining.

"It's fine if you don't understand. Men will only affect your progress. If you really want a man, just tie one and go home after you're thirty."

Just when Chrysanthemum was going to teach Nazi the experience of those who have experienced it, Mei and Touko frowned and looked at Nazi who suddenly appeared next to Chrysanthemum, "Why did she appear here!?"

The two girls always felt a bad feeling, because of that unexplained sixth sense, they couldn't even care about the rare battle between the king-level Pokémon and the beast.

Zhang Qing scratched his face and didn't speak, he didn't expect Nazi to show up suddenly.

Kyurem and Rikuza were snickering, gloating at their trainer, planning to see how he would deal with it later.

Two girls are enough to make a fuss, and if there is one more, the sky will collapse.

"I bet one energy cube, he will be crushed."

"Tsk, how stingy, I bet five energy cubes, he will be quartered by three horses."

Hearing that his two divine beasts were betting their own lives, the corners of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched.

How is it possible for a hatchet or something, he and Mei are just ordinary friends, not to mention Nazi, he still has self-knowledge about his appearance, ordinary, neither ugly nor handsome, otherwise he was in the orphanage When I was a child, I was adopted back long ago, and I couldn't wait until I was sixteen to support myself on my own.

Mei Yi looked at Na Zi with a disdainful smile, and backed up her proud capital, then looked back at Lightning Bird, but Touzi's face was a little dark, because she suddenly found that Na Zi seemed to be more knowledgeable than her .

Obviously she has already drank a lot of moo moo milk, and even added papaya [but why is there no effect at ten o'clock!?

What should I do!? She has already tried many methods provided by women's magazines, except for a certain unreliable one, which said that she needs a man to rub it for her, and she is embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Touzi secretly looked at Zhang Qing, his face was a little red, steam was still rising from his head, and he swallowed, "Actually, it's not impossible......"

But when she thought that Zhang Qing was just a piece of wood, Touzi was also a little frustrated. She had given her many chances, but in the end Zhang Qing was no better than a beast, so she couldn't take the initiative to speak up, it was too shameless.

"What can't be done!?" Zhang Qing looked at Touzi suspiciously, wondering why the other party looked at him suddenly!? Could it be something!?

"No, nothing! You heard me wrong!"


"Wow, that Lightning Bird was blown away again." Tou Zi exclaimed, pointing at the Lightning Bird that was blown away again by Geng Gui, trying to divert Zhang Qing's attention.

Zhang Qing frowned and looked at Touzi's abnormally red face, and found that the other person seemed to have nothing wrong with his body, so he followed the other's point of view, nodded and said, "Well, you are a stupid bird.

For this Lightning Bird, Zhang Qing really doubts its IQ. Perhaps it is because of its poor brain that it was abandoned and appeared here. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why the other party is in this kind of place and wants to get better. Growing up, a mere unmanned power plant can't provide much at all, it's like letting a water-type beast live in a small pond

Just such a little water is not enough to soak his whole body.

Seeing it being slapped away time and time again, Zhang Qing was a little speechless when he continued to want to give Geng Gui a salty fish stab and peck Geng Gui with his beak again and again.

Mei nodded, "It's really stupid, but I care more about that Geng Gui, how did it do it!?"

As a trainer with divine beasts, Mei knows quite well that her strongest main force, the Monarch Snake, can't hit her Reshiram back and forth, let alone press down on the opponent. It is estimated that Reshiram sneezes , can seriously injure the Monarch Snake.

This is not something that tactics and courage can make up for. The gap is so big that Reshiram stands still and lets the Monarch Snake play, and it will only tickle it.

It's hard to imagine that a Geng Ghost could abuse the Lightning Bird one-sidedly like training a child, and still have such a relaxed and lazy attitude.

Although Mei is the heroine of Black and White 2, her background is very "ordinary". Before becoming a trainer, she has never been in contact with the existence of a king-level, so she naturally does not understand why there is such a situation that breaks common sense.

Seeing that Mei was talking about serious business, Touzi no longer thought about what was there and what was missing, she thought for a while and said, "One is that there is a problem with this lightning bird itself, or...

She stared at Geng Gui, "There is something wrong with it."

Mei rolled her eyes, "Isn't this nonsense!?"

The Three Dragons of Dao and Likongzuo sensed that Zhang Qing was looking at them, and said via voice transmission, "It cannot be said." 1

Zhang Qing was surprised, even he couldn't tell the reason!?

Likakuza shook his head, "You are very powerful, even the most powerful human being I have ever seen, but you are still not qualified to know."

"As for these two little girls, the difference is even further. If you know about it too early, it will ruin your future."

The three dragons of the Tao echoed: "That's the reason."

"Okay." Seeing this, Zhang Qing didn't intend to ask any more questions. Since they are not qualified to know, then forget it, but...

Zhang Qing stared at Geng Gui in the sky and squinted his eyes, "That is to say, do we also have a chance to make our Pokémon reach this level!?"


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