Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

940 A Day Of Collective Intelligence Reduction!

"Have you found Dragon Nest!? Say it!"

Just when Uncle Caesar escaped from the administrator's house and entered the hunting zone to seek help from Xiaozhi and others, a red-haired woman wearing a white Team Rocket uniform appeared by a strange lake deeper in the wild wilderness area. He shouted impatiently to the communicator in his hand.

This is a very strange lake, not because the color of the water in it is wrong, or there are some water monsters hidden in it, but this lake is different from the general calm mirror-like lakes. It is full of sharp cone-shaped rocks, most of which are exposed. On the surface of the lake, at first glance, people feel a sense of psychological discomfort that they dare not approach.

Just like when seeing the sword mound, it stopped because it was full of sharp weapons.

At the same time, this lake still exists in a valley, and the terrain is inherently dangerous, so tourists who usually come to the wilderness area will not go deep into this place, so at this time, a red-haired beauty suddenly appeared, and she waited alone with her feet up. By the lake, no matter how weird it looks, and the surroundings are quiet, if it is changed to night, it may scare a person to death.

"Nothing seen right now, report!"

"Who seems to run into the diving suit, I hate it~, report!"

Hearing the answers from the two companions in the communicator, the woman seemed to become more and more impatient, and said: "Stop complaining to me, the miniature dragon must be around here huh!?" When the woman complained about the low abilities of her two companions who were working underwater, she suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at her. While being startled, she couldn't help but turn her head to look, and found that there was a blue sky not far from her. The black snake-shaped Pokémon poked its head out of the water, looking at me cutely, as if wondering what kind of thing I was and what I was doing here!?

The red-haired woman was taken aback for a moment, and after seeing that it was just a Pokémon with no threatening appearance, she breathed a sigh of relief, and found Pikachu who was that kid again. For a moment, that's really unfair.

But after being relieved, the red-haired woman found that this little cutie looked a little familiar, probably because she had seen it somewhere before.

"Musashi, what happened, if you hear it, please answer!"

"Meow! Could it be that those brats are chasing me again meow!? Really, we are so careful meow, if Musashi waits for a while, Kojiro and I will find meow soon!"

"No! You don't need to look for it, I saw that guy! The mini dragon is right in front of me, come back quickly, no, you are outflanking underwater!" Musashi was pleasantly surprised when he was awakened by the shouts of Kojiro and Meow. It was found that the target Pokémon had thrown itself into the trap, right in front of him.

As expected, I am the chosen daughter, the patron of fate, as long as I catch the mini dragon and hand it to the boss, then I will be able to get promoted and raise my salary to reach the pinnacle of life.

(PS: It seems that Musashi and Kojiro are from the rich second generation, and their family is very rich, so I don’t understand why they have to work for others and they are very eager for promotion and salary increase.)

"La~~~~~~" The miniature dragon didn't understand why the weird-looking two-legged beast in front of him was suddenly so excited, and stared at him with bright eyes.

"Ah! I can't do it anymore. Not to mention the cute appearance, the sound is also so cute, I can't take it anymore." After Musashi heard the cry of the mini dragon, his heart suddenly exploded, and he was so intoxicated that he almost passed out. However, with this movement, she accidentally stepped on the oxygen supply tube next to her.

In an instant, both Kojiro and Miaomiao under the water felt that their breathing was not smooth at the same moment, and then they began to turn red due to insufficient oxygen supply, and finally their heads were dizzy.

Worse, they couldn't even speak.

Musashi, who didn't know that he was about to kill his two companions, was half squatting on the shore at this time, luring the miniature dragon to approach with his softest voice, "Hey, come here, it's so cute, my sister wants to touch it!" you.

"What's the matter with you!? Are you too shy to come here!?"

Just a little bit, just a little bit closer to being able to catch the miniature dragon. Musashi was secretly happy, seeing the mini dragon approaching him a little bit, his mouth was crooked with happiness, but he still forcibly maintained his gentle image.

"La~~~~~~~~~" The miniature dragon had no doubt about him, it approached a little bit, and seemed to be very interested in Musashi, a human woman.

However, before it could get any closer, suddenly there was a sound of water breaking from not far behind, as if something had come out of the water, which startled the timid miniature dragon. Regardless of what it was that got out of the water, it just dived and disappeared in front of Musashi.

Musashi was dumbfounded all of a sudden, just a little bit, just a little bit away from being able to catch the opponent by himself.

Angry, angry.

Suddenly, when Musashi saw that the guy who broke the water and scared the mini dragon was his two useless idiot companions, he became even more angry.

"You two trash, do you know what stupid things you have done!? I was just a little bit, just a little bit, and I can tame the miniature dragon!"

Kojiro and Miaomiao, who took off their hoods and tried their best to swim to the shore, noticed the oxygen supply tube that was stepped on by Musashi, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they whispered, "We almost died because of you, a woman. underfoot..."

"What are you muttering about!?" Musashi asked with his eyes akimbo.

"No... sorry, it's all our fault." Kojiro and Miaomiao immediately admitted their cowardice, bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes slippery.

"What should I do now!? The other party has gone into the water again, and I don't know when it will appear again!?" Musashi asked melancholy, he couldn't let Kojiro and the others go into the water to search, she was already not enough for these two. The trash who has revealed more than enough has a deep understanding, and I am afraid that it will be a waste of time to continue.

"Then let's use Team Rocket's special underwater paralysis bomb. What do you think? Meow!" Meow took out a red bomb out of nowhere and suggested.

"In this way, all the Pokémon living in the lake can be wiped out, meow!"

Kojiro: "All!?"

Musashi: "One breath!?"

Miaomiao looked up: "That's right!"

Just when the two people and the cat gradually showed evil smiles, a familiar and out-of-time voice came from their ears. The other party shouted "Stop!", and led a group of people to the side of the lake. the other side.

And the one who shouted was a short man wearing a peaked cap, and there was a yellow electric mouse lying on the shoulder of the other party.

That's right, it was Xiaozhi and his party who came here, and everyone glared at Musashi and the others at this moment.

"Sure enough, they didn't plan to tame Pokémon according to the rules here!" Xiaoxia gritted her teeth.

Xiao Gang also nodded, "That's right, talking about competing with us is also a lie. I guess they had their eyes on the miniature dragon from the beginning, and they planned to catch it and then left."

"You guys are so despicable, Team Rocket!" After hearing what Xiaoxia and Xiaogang said, Xiaozhi's face became even more ugly. He actually believed the Rockets' nonsense before, and he still wanted to win the game , doesn't that make him look stupid!?

Absolutely unforgivable. Xiaozhi thought with his eyes burning.

"Despicable Bailey is one of the tricks we are good at! On the contrary, have you caught the Pokémon!? Little ghost head." Musashi said without shame, and looked at Xiaozhi and his party contemptuously. The number of people who came this time was more than before, but she didn't take it too seriously..0

After all, compared to age, the path of being a trainer requires more talent. For example, Zhang Qing, Mei Toko and Nazi are both in their teens, and they are still participating in the Quartz Competition. I have done trouble in the gym, even the owner of the gym is not afraid, but I will be afraid of a few half-sized little girls!? Joke,

"Hmph, I've used up all my hunting balls, and every one of them is missing, so I'll win the game." Xiaozhi said proudly, holding a red box in his hand, which contained thirty hunting balls. Balls, and all of them are loaded with Pokémon.

Touzi and the others behind them shook their heads, "Idiot, they are delaying time, this can all be tricked!?"

Seeing that Xiaozhi actually cooperated with the Rockets woman to talk back and forth and fell into the language trap, Touzi and the others really wanted to go up and grab him by the collar and ask, "Are you stupid? !?"

Didn't you see that meow over there dropped the bomb into the lake while you were talking!?

"Ah!? It's too despicable, how can you do this!?" After being reminded by Touzi, Xiaozhi also found that he had been fooled again, and his face turned black immediately.

But Musashi laughed triumphantly, "That's why I said that a kid is a kid, and I was fooled by just using some tricks, hahahaha..."

"That's right, but don't be sad, you will learn a lot from a pit, and you can become smart after our beatings, so we won't charge you tuition fees." Xiaojiro also looked at Xiaozhi and the others very happily, especially It was these three little devils who made them suffer a lot before. This time, it is really cool to see their ugly expressions like eating Aoli.

"Damn..." Xiaozhi clenched his fist unwillingly.

"Never let the bomb explode." Uncle Caesar didn't even look at Musashi's and the others' faces. He jumped into the water and dived anxiously.

"Wait..." Before Xiaoxia and the others could stop him, they saw that Uncle Caesar had completely disappeared from sight, and they immediately showed worried expressions

Xiaozhi also seemed to be planning to go into the water, but was stopped by Xiaoxia, but he didn't intend to just give up.

"It's late." Musashi, Kojiro and Miaomiao also saw Uncle Caesar go into the water, but they were not worried because 0.7 is because normal people can't hold their breath to dive for too long, let alone find the bomb underwater and Take it out of the water before it explodes.

So at this moment, they all folded their arms and looked at Xiaozhi and the others' anxious and worried expressions with ease and comfort, and laughed mockingly.

Zhang Qing, Chuanyi and Touzi showed some strange expressions.

"Hey, why do I feel that my IQ has been insulted!?" Yai whispered to Zhang Qing's ear and asked.

Touzi also twitched the corners of her mouth as she watched the scene in front of her, not knowing what to say.

Not to mention the fact that there are so many people on their side, the so-called paralysis bomb really exploded. Can the three of Team Rocket have the ability to take away the Pokémon here from under their eyes!? After all, it seems that these three guys I have been defeated by Xiaoxia and the others more than once, I don't know why I am so confident, I can be better now!?

Besides, not to mention the four of them, as the fourth sister of Hualan Gym, Xiaoxia will not have water-type Pokémon on her body!?

It’s fine for the unknowing Uncle Caesar administrator to dive into the water, but what’s the matter with you guys arguing about whether to go into the water at this time? Isn’t this a problem that can be solved by sending loyal water-type Pokémon down!?

Nazi is also sighing, she remembers that a girl with super powers like her is quite famous in the Kanto area!?

Zhang Qing's answer to this is, don't ask, even if you ask, he doesn't know. .

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