"It turns out that there is such a gym..."

After the four of Zhang Qing walked and stopped in the mountains and forests for a day or two, they finally found the antique traditional Japanese-style mansion built in the deep mountains and old forests. If there are no mistakes in the markings on the map, it should be what the group is looking for Light red gymnasium.

But if you want to reach the light red gymnasium, you have to walk across the single-plank bridge in front of you. Looking at the turbulent water below, which is more than ten meters high, Mei's legs tremble a little. She is the most "fat" among the four, and her figure is too Well, sometimes it’s not necessarily a good thing. For example, she can’t get through some seams and can only squeeze; another example is the wooden bridge with a small formwork across the two banks. Not to mention the weight problem, but the balance problem It was enough to make an unstable player like Mei be cautious.

Feeling the silent malice of the little sister Mei, Touzi rolled her eyes, she couldn't be proud at all, she also wanted to have this kind of trouble!

Damn it, they all eat the same food, why are you so unlucky!?

When she was in the hot springs last night, she was almost autistic. Forget about Mei, the milk cow. I never thought that Nazi, who usually doesn't show her mountains and dews, would have such impressive mountains after she took off her jacket. ah.

But why!?

How can there be a flawless girl in this world who is good-looking, has a good family, is born with extraordinary superpowers, and even has a good body!?

God is so unfair!!!

Pressing his hands on his ordinary armor, Touzi couldn't help but let out a melancholy and depressed sigh.

She is a year older than Mei, she is 17 now, is there still room for development!?

Thinking that the two girls were afraid of crossing the single-plank bridge, Zhang Qing stretched out his hands, motioning for the two to hold him down, and he would take them across safely. With his current balance, even an acrobat who has worked hard for many years can't match him , It is not a problem to bring two more burdens.

Nazi stared blankly at Zhang Qing leading Mei and Touzi across the 203 wooden bridge and walking towards her, she immediately realized that she almost couldn't help but want to slap herself twice and let you pass by!?

Are you stupid!? Is this the time to show how powerful you are!?

Female power, do you understand what female power is!? At this time, you should show your weakness as a girl and make boys feel protective!

Thinking of the strategy book I read before, Nazi suddenly felt that she had read it in vain, and she even forgot to pretend to be weak. Now that she went back to the other side, was it too late to say "scared"!?

"What's the matter!?" Zhang Qing, who successfully sent the two girls to the opposite bank, saw that Na Zi, who had come a step earlier, was staring at the direction they came from. Kemeng hides there to plot evil, some don't understand what Nazi is looking at.

But Zhang Qing also has an advantage, that is, just ask when he doesn't understand, and he won't hide it.

Nazi, who was awakened by Zhang Qing's question, immediately didn't dare to look at Zhang Qing, turned her head and said, "It's nothing, I just wonder why the gymnasium here doesn't build a solid bridge."

Mei didn't doubt that he was there, and couldn't help but vomit when she heard the words, "That's right, even if you can't build a better bridge, give me a suspension bridge, what kind of bridge is a piece of wood, there is no protection, people fall what to do!?"

In the situation below, Mei has been knocked out before. Even if a person doesn’t die, it won’t be good if he falls. As for the turbulence of the water, if a person goes down, he will definitely be brought to hit some kind of rock or the like, and he can swim. It's useless, and after lying down a few times, it will eventually get involved in the water.

It's scary to think about it.

Touzi was also a little surprised, "It is reasonable to say that the gymnasiums of the alliance have indicators. The gymnasiums that prevent trainers from coming to challenge, I am afraid that the number of trainers (caab) who will come to challenge each month will not be too many , This is really no problem, won't the alliance revoke the gymnasium qualification!?"

You must know that even when Nazi was the gym owner of the Golden Gym in Golden City, she did not refuse the trainer's challenge, and basically did not set up any obstacles, but this light red gym did the opposite, and Touzi even suspected that the other party was Isn't it the same as that Ma Zhishi, who actually joined the Rockets.

But after thinking about it, I feel wrong, because it is too obvious to do so.

"However, I remember that in the introduction, it said that the light red gymnasium is mainly anti-drug. Maybe it is because of this that we have to avoid people as much as possible, and deliberately make people who are not firm-minded retreat." Zhang Qing recalled the previous experience in Poké According to the description of the Light Red Gym in the Dream Book.

Poison-type Pokémon are even more dangerous than electric-type Pokémon. It is not suitable for children to be the initial elves. Even adults rarely consider poison-type Pokémon, even if many poison-type Pokémon look It is very in line with people's aesthetics. After all, there is an old saying: "The more beautiful a thing is, the more poisonous it is."

Compared with electric-type Pokémon trainers being accidentally electrocuted and only paralyzed for a period of time, being accidentally stung by one's own poison-type Pokémon, or inhaling the other party's poisonous gas powder, etc., I am afraid that it is a person who cannot be rescued in time. It can be directly sent to the crematorium for cremation. It is conceivable how dangerous and unsuitable to accompany the Poison Pokémon.

However, there is no shortage of novelty hunting in any world. In the ordinary world of Zhang Qing's previous life, some people preferred to keep poisonous scorpions, blue-ringed jellyfish, poisonous snakes and spiders as pets. Any protective tool is at hand.

He is not afraid, the people watching are afraid of the series.

But Pokémon is better. After all, even though Pokémon has its own poison, Pokémon itself has wisdom, which is no worse than humans. Knowing that their poison will hurt others, they will be very restrained and will not casually attack people.

"If you say that, it's really possible." Touzi nodded after hearing Zhang Qing's analysis, and agreed very much. Poison-type Pokémon are indeed very dangerous, even though they will restrain themselves, the trainer also stared at them. But it is still very worrying, and it is a good thing to have fewer people to challenge.

"In that case, let me see, I have enough antidotes here, so I shouldn't ask again." Mei also realized that the light red gymnasium is a dangerous gymnasium that mainly fights poison, and immediately opened her backpack After checking the medicines, I was relieved to see that the medicines were still sufficient.

Pokémon World’s medical treatment is also very BUG. The medicines sold on the market, such as antidotes, can relieve most of the toxins from nature or Pokémon. In a sense, it can be regarded as a panacea. Of course, it is useful. It means that the toxin can be removed immediately, and you still have to go to the hospital to clean it up afterwards, but the antidote is still indispensable in the wild, at least its existence will not make you lose your ability to move.

In addition to antidotes, there are sleeping pills, anesthetics, etc. These drugs are absolutely unimaginable life-saving medicines in other worlds.

Although most industries in the Pokémon World are monopolized by the family, they do not specialize in the production of some medicines that cannot cure people and Pokémon because of the monopoly, but you have to buy medicines for a long time. This is comparable to Zhang Qing. The world in the previous life was much better, which is why Zhang Qing did not overthrow the original order of the world just because of his own strength.

As far as the situation in his previous world is concerned, it may not really be stronger than the alliance system of the Pokémon world.

They monopolize it openly, but in their previous life they did it secretly. Everyone knows that they are not doing well, and they themselves know it, but they just pretend to be ignorant and do not treat ordinary people as human beings for the sake of profit. , to cut desperately, and stretched out his hand to the charity, like a greedy beast that can never be satisfied.

Of course, saying this does not mean that the world of Pokémon is just as good, but relatively speaking, it is a little bit better. If there are no such magical creatures as Pokémon, and Pokémon can distinguish between good and evil, I am afraid that In this world, where the ascending channel is completely monopolized, it will only breed more darkness.

In general, it is thanks to Pokémon that it has the glamorous appearance it has today.

There is no way, the price of power is that you have to be a "good guy", not to mention how saintly you are, at least to the extent that you don't make Pokémon feel sick, knowing why those bug executives like Team Plasma need some control Machines to control Pokémon to fight!? It is precisely because there is no Pokémon in the heart of a decayed person who is willing to get close, and even the Pokémon who accompanied him from childhood will get sick even if he insists on following him, and then his strength will be damaged.

Pokémon is a relatively idealistic creature, and it is precisely because of this that it needs a trainer to accompany it all the way.

People with evil hearts will only bore Pokémon and corrupt their hearts. How can they become stronger at this time!?

Because of this, the world is still beautiful on the surface, so there are these special medicines instead of inferior products.


"That we are here to challenge the gymnasium.

The four of them soon came to the wooden gate of the light red gymnasium. Mei knocked on the gate first and explained the purpose of coming.

In fact, they were somewhat unsure whether this was really the Light Red Gym, so they didn't rush in. After all, the appearance of this Gym was not similar to any Gym they had seen before.

"Oh!? Is there no one!?"

After knocking on the door, I waited for a long time and did not get a response from the people inside. Mei was a little uncertain, she couldn't have heard it!? But she had already shouted loudly enough, and here is in the silent forest, so it stands to reason that someone said something , should be audible.

Just when Mei, Touzi and the others were puzzled, the closed door to Wendao was suddenly and slowly opened.

Seeing this situation, Mei and Touzi couldn't help being taken aback, "Is this the meaning of letting us in!?"

"It should be." Zhang Qing said after hugging the fat man off his head.

The little guy is yawning and seems to want to sleep, so let's hold it and don't let it fall.

"But no one opened the door. Could this be some kind of haunted house too!?" The corners of Touzi's eyes twitched. Ever since Ziyuan town, she felt that there were ghosts in everything she saw.

Nazi's plain voice interrupted the suspicion of the girls, "There are people."


"There's someone inside." Thinking that Mei and the others didn't understand, Nazi said two more words. Although she didn't take the initiative to use superpowers to perceive, as a "monster" born with powerful superpowers, her sixth sense itself was very strong. Strong and very accurate.

She felt that there was someone inside, so there must be someone, and she couldn't be wrong.

"Well, it seems we are in the right place.".

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