Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

954 Cheating Out Of Conventional Thinking!

The second floor is different from the large empty space on the first floor. It is a convoluted structure. Both sides of the corridor are also full of tombstone wall decorations. Walking inside is like being watched by people all the way. Infiltrate.

If you are a timid person, if you come here alone, let alone at night, you will be terrified in broad daylight. It is hard to imagine what kind of psychological state the people who built this place were at that time .

Of course, the most incredible thing for Zhang Qing and the others is that the structure of the upper floor does not even have a load-bearing column on the first floor, how to support it without any sign of collapse. The ceiling between the second floors sank due to the unbearable weight, and then collapsed one step at a time.

This is a problem that does not require a profound knowledge of architecture, even if it is a common sense problem that a normal person knows, but it just happened.

"Da da!"

"The floor is fine, it's very strong!" Touzi stomped on the ground twice, and said after listening to the voice that came back.

The rest of the people also knew about this, but they still silently wrote down this normal and abnormal situation.

Walking all the way forward, I soon came to the center of the second floor. There is no big surprise. The stairs leading to the third floor are here, but it is also different from the stairs leading to the second floor from the first floor. .

The stairs found on the first floor lead directly to the second floor obliquely.

The staircase on the second floor is a revolving structure, which needs to be turned around - leading to the upper floor step by step.

The architect probably didn't have a problem with his mental state, but that his thinking was getting more and more confused.

When the four came to the third floor cautiously and easily, they were stunned.

Because the third floor was not completely dark, but lit by torches, Zhang Qing and the others all had expressions of astonishment on their faces, staring at the scene in a daze.

"Could someone light up here!?" Mei covered her mouth and said a guess that she didn't believe.

Just kidding, who would dare to come here in the middle of the night!? People in the town went to bed early.

I have never heard of any kind of tower keeper in this ancient pagoda, and if there is such a tower keeper, there is no reason why the twelfth floor is not lit up.

"Could it be Miss Junsha!?" Touzi whispered his conjecture with a heavy heart.

Unlike the four of them, if Miss Junsha is determined to come to find out tonight, she doesn't have to wait until Xiaoxia and the others fall asleep like them, but she goes directly to the Pokémon Tower openly.

This is definitely something that people don't want to see. Compared to their four-headed beasts, Nazi is barely a humanoid supernatural beast. If Miss Junsha only brings her Pokémon, it will not be enough at all. watch.

And most of Junsha’s main Pokémon are Katie Dog or Wind Speed ​​Dog. Although Wind Speed ​​Dog has such a high value of 555 in terms of race value, it is also a very top-notch existence among all Pokémon. It is no worse than the so-called Yusanjia.

But no matter how good it is, it has not reached the level of a quasi-god, and because it is Junsha's assistant, they are generally trained as police dogs, and they can deal with bad guys. Does not have an advantage.

If you can't gain an advantage in a one-to-many situation, and you fall into a bad situation where you are alone against the enemy, Miss Junsha probably won't last long.

"It's reckless."

Who would have thought that Ms. Junsha would not be calm and rational sometimes!? The inherent impression is indeed very easy for people to overlook that Junsha is also a living person, and they also have joys, sorrows and sorrows

It's not that the status of a police officer is so cold and rigid. Apart from her status, she is indeed just a woman in her twenties.

"It may not be her." Zhang Qing shook his head and said, this is just Touzi's guess, maybe Miss Junsha didn't come in.

"But we really can't take our time."


The four of them didn't intend to waste time thinking too much, they went straight into it, and unexpectedly found that it turned out to be a maze, because not long after they moved forward, the four of them found a fork in the road.

After choosing the left at random, after continuing to walk for a while, the two forked roads became three.

"Not only luck, but also memory!?" Touzi and Mei had serious expressions on their faces.

I still have some confidence in my memory, but the question is, is it really that simple!?

Nazi couldn't help but look back at the way she came, "The mark we left has disappeared."

Yes, as a thoughtful team, the four of them certainly didn’t forget to leave some marks or arrow marks on the wall as they went all the way. There are also leftovers from other intruders.

"Did you see how it was erased!?" Touzi asked with a frown, and the rest of the people were also frowning. This is obviously not good news.

After thinking for a while, Nazi seemed to have finally found the right words, and she replied, "It's like being swallowed."

Instead of erasing like an eraser, use "swallow"!?

Mei and Touzi felt terrified, and moved away from the walls on both sides, "If you can use 'Tun', are these walls alive, or is this maze alive!?"

Nazi didn't know the answer to this, so Zhang Qing simply walked into one of the walls, raised his foot and kicked it directly under the surprised and worried eyes of the three women, and suddenly the wall collapsed revealing a big hole, scattered debris all over the floor. stone.

"No, it's a normal stone." Zhang Qing picked up one of the broken stones and said after weighing it in his hand.

"You... are you really a human being!?" Touzi and the three daughters were so shocked that their jaws almost fell to the ground. Can a normal person kick through a wall!? Impossible, absolutely impossible Bar!?

"No, I heard that one of the Four Heavenly Kings, Shiba Heavenly King, can also do it." Nazi quickly recovered her composure after being surprised, but she still had a hint of shock in her eyes, "I didn't expect it to be true, and there are other people To have such a strong body."

"The King of Fighting!?" Toko and Mei had heard of this name before, but they didn't expect the other party to have such a terrifying physique. "What kind of monsters are these!? Strange power in human skin!?"

Mei even went straight to her hands, twisting the muscles on Zhang Qing's arms, "It's not strong, how did it burst out with such terrifying strength all of a sudden!?"

Zhang Qing stopped Mei from continuing to take advantage of the opportunity, and said foolishly, "It's just a simple martial art technique."

"Simple!?" The corners of Touzi's mouth twitched, unable to agree.

However, since it is a skill, it proves that it can be learned rather than born. This makes Touzi somewhat relieved. Otherwise, if Zhang Qing possesses both superpowers and strong physical strength, it will make her feel inferior and too good. It will make people feel that they are like toads and want to eat swan meat.

Although the three daughters are goddess-level figures with outstanding appearance, appearance is sometimes the least valuable advantage.

The four of them waited for a while and found that the wall hadn't been repaired. They were a little surprised and felt a little too normal.

"In this case, can Ah Qing get through all the way and find the upward stairs directly!?" Mei proposed a simple and quick method at this time.

ask for flowers...

"You can try it!" Zhang Qing didn't refuse or felt that such a method was not good.

They are racing against time, but they don't have much precious time to waste playing the maze game. Since they can cheat, there is no need to stick to the non-existent "fairness".

Zhang Qing didn't make another choice, and started to tear down the wall with his bare hands in the direction he kicked the wall just now.

Basically, every punch can open a hole enough for one person to pass through.

The three women followed closely behind, stepping over the pile of rubble, for fear of being dropped or suddenly separated, so they moved very quickly, and Zhang Qing deliberately slowed down to wait for the three of them.

However, gradually, the expressions of the four became serious again.

"It's not right, it's very wrong. We went up from the center of the second floor to the third floor, but now the distance we have to walk in a straight line after tearing down the wall has far exceeded the width of the floor we visually estimated!?"

"But we did keep going in a straight line without any turns."

All four of them stopped and looked back. By the light of the torches hanging on the wall, they could all clearly see the straight hole in the wall when they came, and they could be sure that there was no way to deviate from it.


If this is the radius of the third floor, then the area of ​​the entire third floor is definitely far greater than the width and length of the first floor according to their visual inspection. You must know that this is a tower with a columnar structure, and it gets smaller as you go up. There's no reason the third floor should be wider than the first, it's just a visual difference.

"what to do!?"

It seems that there is no point in continuing to break through the wall. This is almost an infinite maze. Although I don’t know if it is really infinite, it is obvious that this kind of cheating method does not seem to have the expected effect unless they can move around. All the walls have been demolished, otherwise it would be a very time-consuming and labor-intensive task to walk to the correct exit in this way.

Suddenly, Touzi, who was thinking, had a flash of inspiration. She was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the ceiling above her finger and said, "Then what if we break the top of the head!?"

"Eh!? There is another way, but if you really want to talk about shortcuts, it is indeed a good way to go directly."

The four of them don't lack the ability to fly. If they can go up directly, then maybe they can lead all the way to the top floor, and the stairs have become unnecessary, so naturally they don't need to go to me.

"But if I do this, will this tower collapse!?" Although it is amazing to see it all the way, and it is out of the scope of common sense, but maybe this is the result of being in a state of balance. A big hole is just like pulling out a key building block inside the building block, so it is very dangerous.

"Try first." Zhang Qing stroked his chin and thought for a while, then decided to give it a try, which was worth their while.

If you always follow the trainer's train of thought, you will probably fall into the trap set by the other party, so sometimes not taking the usual path is the most effective way to break the situation.

And they have divine beasts, even if the tower really collapses, they can guarantee their own safety, can't they!?

It is almost impossible to go beyond the beasts and hurt them, unless Arceus, the creator god who reclaims all the power and power, takes action, otherwise even other beasts can't do it

Because of this, they dared to venture in.

After thinking about it, they naturally started to act. The four of them summoned their Pokémon with powerful long-range moves, planning to directly punch holes in their heads.


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