Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

962 The Beginning Of Everything! The Continuation Of Human Evil!

"Where am I...!?"


"who I am!?"

The sun shines on the quiet seabed, as if it is the light that is analyzed by twists and turns through the spectrum, which is too beautiful to behold. Even the rocks, vegetation, shells and corals on the bottom of the sea are also dyed with the colorful colors of the sun, which is surprising.

But at this moment, in this uninhabited underwater world, a soul opened its eyes, and it questioned its soul.

Its eyes can see far away, but it can't find the "person" who can answer its question

Its ears can hear the sound far away, but it still hasn't got the answer.


Suddenly a melodious call caught its attention, and it seemed to have caught a petite elf with a long tail, swimming in the sea like the freest elf of the wind.

"And who are you!?"

The creature looked at the other party slowly away in a daze, then flew out of the sea, came to the more colorful world on the upper floor, and asked another question.

It feels that the only "person" in this world may be able to answer its series of questions.

However, in that world, that "person" left it and flew away.

Consciousness is slowly separated from that world, it seems to return to a narrow space that belongs to it, it can hear more voices, it seems that someone is talking about it, but it does not understand the meaning of these words.

Just when it felt that its question would be exchanged for silence again and no "human" could answer it, a childish and "beautiful" clear voice that had never been heard before shook its whole body like a century clock. body and mind.

"Those called [languages] are the languages ​​of man."

Human... language!? It murmurs this strange word in its heart half-understood. It seems that it understands the meaning innately, but it has no intuitive understanding, because this is the first time it has Voices I've heard.

But compared to this, it opened its eyes again, and in this dark world, it saw an irregular group of light, and the opponent gradually turned into a human form.

"Who are you!?" it asked.

"Human!" The girl seemed very happy, "It's just an existence similar to you."

She wears a white dress and white sandals, has long matcha-colored hair, and seems to be very young, not much older than her "They seem to be called young

"Human.....!? Am I a human too!?"

It looked suspiciously at this girl whose appearance was quite different from its own, and asked again.

"Of course! Because you can talk, maybe you are also a human being." The girl seemed to be sure, or she didn't know whether it was really so ordinary, and she explained the basis of her judgment with her own unique insights.

But she changed the subject as she spoke, pointing her index finger on her chin and said, "However... it might be my Pokémon!"

"Human!? Pokémon!? So what are these!? And which one am I!?"

It became more and more confused. It hoped that the girl in front of it could answer its questions. It had too many questions. Since it became conscious, the questions came one after another.

"It doesn't matter which one it is, you and I are the same thing, hehe~?"

"Listen, everyone is the same here."

The girl turned around excitedly, and then other figures appeared around her, a turquoise toad, a blue little bastard and a little orange lizard.

"Kamu`∼" "Jenni~!" "Kai~!"

"We are all replicas, so it's not number 1, but number 2." The girl took them in circles together.

"Then I am number 2 too!?"

"Well, I am Xiao Ai No. 2, but the real me is Xiao Ai."

It seems that the girl's enthusiasm infected them, and everyone uttered joyful calls. This feeling of huddling together for warmth made other creatures who were born for only a short time and did not go through the normal process of natural laws seem to have a sudden sense of identity. It also makes them briefly put aside thinking about the meaning of their own existence.

Since everyone was not born normally, maybe there is no need to think so much at all!?

"Come with me, everyone!" The girl suddenly beckoned everyone to fly with her, and there seemed to be a bright light in the direction of her finger.

As everyone moved forward together, the surroundings were slowly covered by the scenery, it was no longer that dark, with mountains and water, blue sky, white clouds and human towns.

"This is the place where Xiao Ai was born and raised in my memory." The girl flew in the air, looking down at the peaceful and peaceful town below, like a child sharing candy with friends

share their happiness.

"What about that!?" The unfamiliar scenery fascinated him, but what made him more curious was the big ball of light above his head, which seemed to be releasing huge heat and light, it was what illuminated everything, and it was full of curious.

Frogs, bastards and lizards also looked up and forgot about the past, the bright light made them have to squint their eyes so as not to burn their eyes.

"That's Father Sun, who gives us light and heat!"

The girl smiled and told everyone what the sun is, but it was a gust of wind blowing, messing up the girl's hair, and blowing other Pokémon had to cover their eyes with their hands. The girl told everyone not to panic, it was the wind.

"Sometimes it's gentle, sometimes it's violent.

The leaves are swaying, and the whole world seems to come alive at this moment, with sounds.

The girl flew with everyone all the way, as if she wanted to share all the beauty that the real little love in her memory had seen.

The sky gradually turned yellow, and from dusk to night.

"It's sunset, it says, and we'll see you tomorrow."

"Then the stars and the moon came out."

"In order not to feel lonely in the dark night, tell everyone that you are not alone."

It seems that in the eyes of the girl Xiao Ai No. 2, everything in the world is beautiful, and the whole world is like a fairy tale, whether it is day or night, it is a kind of beauty.


At this moment, the figure of the little lizard gradually faded away, and many, many spots of light appeared on its body, and it looked at everyone with some helplessness.



Immediately afterwards, the same situation happened to the little turtle and the frog. They seemed to understand something, and then greedily looked at this false world and Xiao Ai No. 2 and the others again, and finally disappeared into nothingness.

"Where did everyone go!?" It seemed to be the only "person" who didn't figure it out, but it asked a question, and sent its own questions to the only little love No. 2 left

Under the moonlight, Xiao Ai No. 2 seemed to be smiling, but she was so sad, and she seemed to have the same situation as the three little friends just now.

Seeing that it didn't get an answer immediately, it asked again, "What's the matter, little love!? Did something happen!?"

"Well, I always feel that it's time for me to say goodbye..."


It didn't understand why Xiao Ai No. 2 said that suddenly, and why her face was so sad. Its eyes were gradually covered by a layer of water mist. It reached out to wipe it and found that there was too much A piece of water, it doesn't understand what happened to itself!?

"That's tears. When a creature feels pain in its body, tears will flow out."

Xiao Ai 2 seemed to understand its question, and answered it with a smile as before, "Only human beings will be sad and cry."

"Thank you!"

"Huh!?" It still didn't understand.

"Thank you! Thank you for your tears! But please don't cry anymore, because you are still alive, you have to live, you know!? It will be very interesting, meet more interesting ones, I *81..... "

Xiao Ai No. 2 seemed to want to reach out to help the other party wipe away the tears on her face, but her hand had dissipated. Xiao Ai No. 2 showed a relieved smile, left a blessing, and disappeared with the surrounding towns and the sky and the moon.

When it regained consciousness, the surrounding area returned to the previous piece of darkness and nothingness, and everything before it was like a dream that was forgotten after waking up.

"But little love..."

I can't stop crying, why am I a dumpling!?

This time, no one gave it an answer, and it returned to the world where it could only hear its own voice, and was alone as a "person".

Then, it wants to open his eyes, really open his eyes, he wants to leave this dark world, go outside to find the answer, or the "she" who left suddenly

"Report! Chaomeng's brain waves are very messy and quite abnormal!"

"It would be bad to stimulate her now, hurry up with a tranquilizer and let her fall asleep!"

"Acquire authorization! The stabilizer is being injected, the abnormal fluctuation has not calmed down, and the dose is increased again...10...20...30...40..50...100! The brain wave calmed down normal!"

Time slowly moved forward, and Chaomeng fell into a deep sleep again, whether it was Xiao Ai No. 2 or those copied Pokémon, all of them had disappeared in a deep sleep, and Chaomeng Dream seems to never cry again.

Maybe it was all gone that day, or maybe it listened to the words of childhood love and stopped crying.

During the long sleep, it felt that its body became bigger, its strength became stronger, and its mind seemed to be clearer.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a day or two, or maybe a month or two, or maybe a year or two.

When it seemed to want to continue to sleep like this, it seemed to come to that underwater world again, and then saw that pink figure.

It still issued the original question, but the other party still did not respond to it.

But this time, it was flying with the other party. This feeling was very special, but the other party left it halfway and left alone.

Chaomeng reached out to grab him, but the little pink figure disappeared completely in a blink of an eye.

Unwilling roar, let it really open its eyes, this is the first time since its birth, it has seen the real world.

It was housed in a huge airtight translucent container, surrounded by a strange liquid, which seemed to provide it with the nutrients it needed to survive, and outside the container stood "a lot of well-dressed men in yellow coats. Humanity.

Just because it opened their eyes, they cried and laughed on the spot like crazy people.

"Mewtwo!?" Is this my name!? It reads the meaning expressed in the language of these "human beings" through telepathy.

Is this human!?

It suddenly felt disgusted, and it seemed that it was the strongest Pokémon created by these guys.


Not long after, a shocking explosion suddenly occurred on an isolated island in the sea, and the sky suddenly darkened, and a huge storm rolled up in the sea, making it impossible for the people inside to escape from here.

Chaomeng's figure stood on the ruined experimental base, looked at the real world, and asked for the first time, "This is my power, am I the strongest Pokémon!? So dreamy, I really stronger than you!?"

The fire is spreading and raging, the smoke is billowing, and the waves are turbulent outside.

Instinctively, a vision of the end of the world.

At this moment, a helicopter appeared above the disaster. A man gently stroked the cat boss on his leg, while looking deeply at the scene below that destroyed the island.



And at this moment, in the Silent Bridge hundreds of nautical miles away, four young men and women had very ugly faces in the face of the sudden storm.

"Why did you encounter such a ghostly weather!?"

"There is a safety hole over there. Let's go in and take shelter. The storm may last for a long time. It will be very dangerous to stay on the bridge."


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