After taking turns to challenge Chrysanthemum, the four of Zhang Qing stayed temporarily in Viridian City to wait for the official opening of the Quartz Conference.

During the period before the official opening of the conference, the four of Zhang Qing did not forget their self-training. It must be said that a simple battle with Juzi, the heavenly king, benefited the four of them a lot, even if it was Nazi who didn't face it directly. The same is true for the former Golden Gym Master who was fighting. Just watching from the sidelines allowed her to spy on a part of the road ahead that was shrouded in fog.

Don't look at Zhang Qing, Mei and Touzi all defeated Chrysanthemum in the gymnasium battle, but because they won, they understood how far there was between them and those long-established top trainers.

The last time I was in the unmanned power plant, I was not so profound. It was because the battles of Lightning Bird and Geng Gui were too simple and rough, and because Geng Gui almost crushed and adults beat children, Instead, there is less to see.

But this time is different, even if Chrysanthemum doesn't want to admit it, it's fine, in fact, as long as it's a gym battle, it's basically just another name for "guiding battle", and I don't want to be trained by those fledgling newcomers They thought it was an insult to them, or made the newcomer trainers feel that they could not take it seriously anyway, so they changed the name deliberately, but there is no difference in essence.

The greatness of human beings lies in the inheritance of the torch, which is the biggest difference between them and beasts.

Although the Gym Trainers are expanding the sea during the Gym Battle, they still show their experience and knowledge to the newcomers little by little. This is the inheritance of knowledge.

If you simply only see the outcome of the battle, then you can only say that you lost a lot and missed more.

When Chrysanthemum was fighting, the three battles were all Pokémon in the initial form. If it was set according to the game settings, it would be a Pokémon below level 10, maybe only around level 5.

It stands to reason that with this level of Pokémon, even a newcomer trainer who has just traveled can defeat it with good luck or hard work, but seniors like Mei and the others who have been traveling for more than a year can't do it either. It takes a little effort to win until it is completely crushed.

It can be seen how big the difference in level and strength of trainers between them and Juzi, the king of heaven, is.

Obviously, they are 653 dominant in terms of Pokémon, and even using mathematics as a metaphor, then Mei and the others have a Pokémon of 8, regardless of their trainer level, but in the battle, Chrysanthemum's Pokémon The level of Meng's performance is fully between 6 and 7.

The unreasonable part of this is naturally made up for by the trainer Chrysanthemum, and this is what shocked Mei and the others the most.

After realizing this, Mei and the others all had a question, that is, how did Chrysanthemum do it!?

This cannot be explained simply by commanding, unless Chrysanthemum can also use her superpower to cheat and attach it to her Pokémon like Nazi, but Chrysanthemum is definitely not a superpower. Those who have always been very rare, once they appear, they are basically relatively famous, and there are very few people who are obviously capable but have no information at all.

Even Zhang Qing was spread in a small area because he used some superpowers in Hualan City before.

Yes, Zhang Qing is indeed using superpowers, not any kind of Houkai energy. With so many of himself superimposed, he has long been reborn, both in body and soul. After the boundary, the so-called "superpower" will naturally be awakened, so there is no need to doubt this.

So even if the power and ability cannot be copied and pasted to each other through the foggy space, just the superposition of attributes, all Zhang Qing is less likely to be a mortal as it goes to the back, let alone it is not yet.

After realizing that the relationship between Chrysanthemum and her Pokémon was abnormal, Mei and the others were not in a hurry to defeat each other, but took the opportunity to observe carefully. Zhanlu, but at the same time she did not order the Pokémon to stop.

As for how much they can gain and see in the fierce battle, that's up to Mei and the others.

She won't take a spoon and feed the rice directly into other people's mouths, but she won't hide it either.

Touzi and the others are undoubtedly talented Pokémon trainers. Others may not be able to see much from it, and they may not even be able to detect abnormalities, but they are different. What is wrong, and further analysis to understand it.

Even Nazi is the same, perhaps because Nazi is born with superpowers, she has a deeper understanding.

Chrysanthemum has demonstrated the ability, she can also do it, because she did it before, so even if her Pokémon has not fully grown, she can still hold the position of the gymnasium owner, and the alliance also recognizes her qualifications .

What she is used to, is now easily done by other people, but the other party is not a superpower, how can this make Nazi not shocked!?

After the shock, I started to think about it. If I didn’t use superpowers, how would Chrysanthemum help the Pokémon in battle!? Silent command!? Just kidding, the effect of Rujutsu is not like this at all.

The four of Zhang Qing all realized that this is a very important problem. As long as they solve it, they can take a big step forward. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as opening the door to a new world.

Even Zhang Qing, a reincarnated person, realized that he had underestimated this world, underestimated the civilization that was born in this world after countless years, and the knowledge of Pokémon trainers perfected based on this civilization.

Twelve+ sub-supplies are classified into animations, so that many people, even those who travel through, only care about seeing the beautiful side of its fairy tales, and ignore the bright civilization and knowledge inside.

Time passed day by day, because I realized part of the way forward, so even if I didn't completely solve the mystery, I made a lot of progress, and my confidence in the Quartz Conference that will come soon was greatly increased.

On this day, the four of Zhang Qing came to Viridian Forest for daily training as usual.

But it didn't take long for them to stop their ongoing training, and both the trainer and the Pokémon looked up at the sky.

Because a big bird in the sky was holding a screaming girl in its mouth, this rare scene in a thousand years directly shocked everyone and Pokémon, and all of them couldn't help but slightly grow their mouths.

"Help... help...

The girl shouted loudly with a trembling voice, as if she had noticed that there were people in the forest below, she shouted more and more, almost weeping with joy.

" seems to be Xiaolan..." Mei asked with some uncertainty.

Because the distance is a bit far away, whether she has extraordinary long-distance vision, so she can't see very clearly, but the dress and noise are very similar to the girl who had a brief contact in Golden City before.

It seems that Xiaolan mentioned at that time that she is also from Zhenxin Town, but now I think it should be Xiaozhi's fellow townsman.

Touzi put her hands flat on her brows and looked at her, then nodded, "It should be her, but why is she being held by a big-billed sparrow...uh, do you look like a green caterpillar!?"

(cafd) God fucking green caterpillar!

The corners of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched. Hearing that Xiaolan was still screaming for help, he said directly, "Don't worry about why she is like this. Let's save her first!"

Mei and Touzi smiled sarcastically when they heard the words, obviously a little embarrassed.

"I'll do it!" Mei immediately said, and looked at her Monarch Snake, and nodded.

Suddenly, a green mysterious energy emerged from the Monarch Snake and then came to the surrounding trees. Several huge vines grew in the strong wind, reaching high into the sky like the tentacles of an octopus and attacking the blind toucan.

Perhaps because it was frightened by the Cthulhu-like tentacles, the toucan opened its mouth wide in fright, and Comrade Xiaolan, who was held by it before, naturally fell down.

The little blue person was about to cry, and while trying to press down on her little red skirt with both hands, she yelled as she fell.

Too bad luck!

"Monarch Snake!" Yai whispered, and immediately the Monarch Snake manipulated one of the vines to entangle Xiaolan who was falling, making her stop the free fall and send her to this side.

I don't know if the vines were not long enough, or the Monarch Snake deliberately let go when Xiaolan was about to reach them, and then was caught by Zhang Qing who was just below, and a princess came to hug her.

This surprised Zhang Qing, and Mei couldn't help but take a deep look at her Monarch Snake.

The monarch snake showed an innocent expression, can it say that it doesn't know why it is like this!?

I don't know why it suddenly lost its strength when it was delivered halfway, and the vine lost control. This is also beyond the understanding of the Monarch Snake. It stands to reason that it would never make such a small mistake.

Xiaolan, who closed her eyes only to scream, also felt herself falling into the arms of others at this time, she couldn't help opening her eyes, and saw that it was Zhang Qing, a somewhat familiar person, and she was stunned for a moment. After a while, I remembered who the other party was.

Then both of them stared wide-eyed, and Zhang Qing asked after a long time, "Can you come down!? It's safe!"

...Oh!" Xiaolan replied in a daze, and she also reacted, and then took advantage of the situation and fell to the ground.

After landing, she patted her small chest and thanked Zhang Qing and the others.

Her avian Pokemon phobia seems to have gotten worse after this experience.

When asked why she was caught by the toucan, Xiaolan suddenly put on a bitter face and complained pitifully, "It's all because of Xiaoyin, if it wasn't for looking for him, why would I be like this?"


It turned out that Xiaolan heard the news that a person who seemed to be similar to Xiaoyin had appeared in the depths of the Viridian Forest. She didn't care whether the news was reliable or not, so she went in, but for some reason, she ran into the sparrow group and the Bobo group After a big battle, it became what Zhang Qing and the others saw before. She was picked up by the leader of the sparrow clan, that is, the toucan.

It seems that people are sitting at home and coming from the sky, and they seem to be targeted.

After sharing their bad luck, Mei and the others also asked, "Then have you found your little brother, Xiaoyin!?"

Xiaolan shook her head, "Stop talking, I've searched almost all over the forest, but I haven't seen anyone, and I don't know what's wrong with that stinky little silver, so far I haven't heard anything about it, and I have to let him know when I find him." nice!"

Saying that, Xiao Lan waved her small fist angrily.

"By the way, Brother Zhang Qing, Sister Mei, have you found the invitation letter!? This is it!" Suddenly, Xiaolan seemed to have remembered something, and took out a card, "Before a fast dragon took this The thing was handed over to me, and it seems to be inviting excellent trainers to a place called Niijima."

In Xiaolan's view, Zhang Qing and the others are naturally excellent trainers, there is no reason why she can receive the invitation, but Zhang Qing and the others did not.

However, Mei and the others were a little puzzled, "You said this is an invitation letter from someone to invite excellent trainers to gather together!? But we haven't received it!? Are you being deceived!?"

It's not that Mei and the others are arrogant, if Xiaolan can be regarded as an excellent trainer, they will naturally forget it, and it's not that they haven't seen Xiaolan's level before, three

The girl doesn't think that Xiao Lan will become stronger than them after a period of time, which is impossible.

"Ah, is it a lie!? I thought if it was true, I might be able to meet Xiaoyin on that new island!" Xiaolan was obviously a little disappointed.

I thought it was a lie, because the other party actually sent the invitation letter with Kuailong. You must know that the miniature dragon was also confirmed to exist not long ago, let alone its final evolution.

It's almost a dragon, that's "Legendary Pokémon"!

[The author has something to say: there is about one chapter left, and the Pokémon chapter is temporarily over. If I write it next time, it will start from the Chaomeng + Quartz Conference. I didn’t expect to write it like this

Long, I misestimated the length of the text for a while.

The next chapter will be the world of dog... blood. To be honest, the author has watched a lot of brain-dead dramas, and each of them shocked the author's three views. 】.

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