Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

970 When You Worked Hard For The Rise Of Xia Kingdom, There Was Already Blood Flow Outside!

[The author has something to say: I woke up with a headache this morning, and I may have caught a cold, so some of my writing was inappropriate, or even illogical, and I couldn’t help but get confused. If it wasn’t for a simple outline reference, I’m afraid it would still be Can't write. 】


Xia Ke Academy.

director's office.

The dean, Lin Changqing, is already a middle-aged man in his fifties. In a few years, he will be sixty years old, and he can take care of himself for the rest of his life.

However, like many people with lofty ideals, he has grown from a boy in his twenties to a man in his sixties now, but he still has not changed his original intention. He is committed to working hard for the rise of the country, and he is determined to catch up with the lighthouse country. , Let Xiamen become the world's hegemon again.

It's a pity, I don't know if it's because of his lack of talent or other reasons. He has led many projects, but none of them have achieved satisfactory and proud results. Perhaps he has become a big boss in China He is a super figure, and even a veteran in the circle, with many honors and achievements, but in the international arena, he is not even a fart.

Of course, Lin Changqing doesn't care about the approval of the crooked fruit guy, but he didn't make his country no longer begging for perfection, which has always been his heart disease. If he is more capable, he probably doesn't need the country to look at the crooked fruit guy's face. Concession, and being called weak and incompetent by the people who don't know the inside story will only be condemned.

If Xia Guo could be like Mao Xiong back then, I am afraid that "970" would not become what it is now.

In the final analysis, it's just that their "talents" are not enough "talents".

However, he couldn't do it himself, but Lin Changqing did something in his life that made him proud and made other old buddies envious and envious, that was, he made an exception and recruited Zhang Qing, who was still studying at SUSTech back then, regardless of resistance, and he immediately Let him become a junior engineer and have a certain right to set up scientific research projects freely.

You must know that in Xia Ke Academy, no, it should be said that in all scientific research-related institutions in Xia Guo, no matter private or official, positions are obtained step by step. class, you have to start from the lowest interns.

So don't look at it as just a junior engineer, but the average age of people is about 32 years old. It is strange that you suddenly stand with them at a young age of 20. No matter how you look at it, it is strange.

Although it’s a bit funny regardless of age, people don’t get smarter as they get older, what is it to do this in scientific research? But Xia Guo’s national conditions have always been like this, and it hasn’t changed since ancient times. I know that maybe this is the way There is no problem, but compared to focusing on talent and not looking at other things, the problem is not a problem, because the latter is more harmful.

Because of this, even if Zhang Qing had the name of a child prodigy and had many interesting small inventions and patents, he still received very strong resistance. Most people rationally believed that at least Zhang Qing should be allowed to graduate at the Xia Ke Academy at the same time. It will be a matter of being an intern for a few years and getting enough qualifications.

However, it was the first time that Lin Changqing ignored the opposition of these voices, and even put his own reputation on it, saying that he would not do it, so that this matter was finally completed. Fortunately, Zhang Qing did not disappoint him, not only by relying on My talent has conquered other people in the same academy, and I have achieved excellent results in many projects. Later, I was assigned by the superior to participate in the research and development of lithography machines.

I thought it would be a long-term job, and it would even be delayed for three to five years or even longer, but a genius is a genius. Not long after Zhang Qing joined the team, he became the chief engineer of the project. No, but who really convinced everyone!

After the achievement of the independent lithography machine, he made major breakthroughs in artificial skin simulation, super battery, holographic technology, etc., and completed the catch-up. I am afraid that the Lighthouse Country will not be able to surpass it in 30 to 50 years.

However, because the technology is too advanced, it has not been popularized for civilian use for the time being, and other people need time to study and specialize in research, but it will be a matter of time for some secondary technologies to be decentralized for civilian use.

It is precisely because his students saved him face in this way that Lin Changqing is happy every day, and his face is full of light.

On this day, after making a routine inspection of various departments, he returned to his office, took a pinch of high-quality tea and brewed it, intending to drink a few cups.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of his office from outside, Lin Changqing was taken aback, but still said:

"Please come in."


"Ah Qing, it's you, sit down and have a drink, this is the best Biluochun."

Lin Changqing was also a little surprised when he saw that the person who came in was his favorite student Zhang Qing. His family knew about his family affairs, and his student was also a workaholic. Basically, when he started working, if no one reminded him, he would even forget to eat and sleep. Where people admire, people who work hard will always be admired "not to mention that they are smarter and better than themselves.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages as well. Let’s not talk about not caring about your health. Anyway, there are assistants and others to take care of you. He looks like a tramp, and the white coat on his body is even more black, and he doesn't know what is on it.

After Lin Changqing finished looking at her, she also said seriously, "Ah Qing, you are not young anymore, should you think about finding a lesbian!? I still know a lot of good girls here.

He thinks that men don't pay attention to their appearance because they don't have a girl they like yet. Finding a sensible girl can not only take care of Zhang Qing, but also look forward to the next generation with good genes.

Well, Lin Changqing began to recall women of the right age among his relatives.

Zhang Qing rubbed his chicken coop-like hair, shook his head, "First establish a career before starting a family, and I'm only twenty-five years old this year, urgently

Unexpectedly, being urged to marry by parents and younger sister at home makes people speechless, and unexpectedly returning to work is still unavoidable.

"Teacher, I have important business to do here this time." He had no choice but to say so.

Lin Changqing immediately restrained his thoughts when he heard the words, and said with a serious face, "Important thing!?"

Lin Changqing had to pay great attention to being able to be told important things by his students. Could it be that there was an inner ghost who stole the internal technical data, or did a serious accident like a nuclear leak happen!?

He has pushed out the drawer, took out a bottle of Jiuxin Pills, and is ready to deal with the next stimulus at any time.

"Well, it's very important. If you don't pay attention now, there may be big problems in the future." Zhang Qing also said seriously.

This was something Zhang Qing hadn't realized before. If he hadn't occasionally heard other people's chats, he probably wouldn't have expected such absurd things to happen.

However, after Zhang Qing went back and thought about it for a while, he realized why this was the case!? Xia Guo has never been short of talents. The reason why there have been few talents from Xia Guo in the world is because of the international environment. To put it bluntly, Xia people have new ideas and discoveries, and they will submit their papers to international academic authorities for review and then publish them.

And how did the Waiguo people do it? What they gave Xia Guoren was a useless commendation, and then what they reported in academic journals and other places was useless and outdated or some of the data was wrong.

The sentence "Science Without Borders" has deceived many Xia people, and how many Xia researchers have taken the technical information shared by the other party in their hands, but they can't complete the above results. It hurts their self-confidence and feels that there is something wrong with them.

Of course there are smart people, but they are a minority, but it is useless to see through the smart, because half-truths and half-false, they need more effort and time to verify, and by the time they are done, the technology is already out of date It is still the elimination of outdated technology, which is another heavy blow, because this process is likely to last for several years, how many years are there in life!?

But it’s different now, because Zhang Qingxia has many unique and proven technologies and achievements that are world-leading. You don’t need to carefully verify the authenticity step by step, so you can learn it with confidence and use it boldly. ..0

This was originally a good thing, but Xia Guo was used to being poor, suddenly became rich, but did not make timely changes in mentality and management system, and then problems came.

For example, the artificial skin simulation technology that Zhang Qing acquired from the global awakening world was originally used on simulated robots, but because some technologies can also be used in human medicine, it was "developed" by Zhang Qing. Finally, it is more used in medical treatment. After all, in this era, unless some kind of doll is manufactured, no one will specially put a layer of artificial skin on the electrical appliances at home or military weapons.

However, this is where the problem lies. People's imagination is too wild. If Zhang Qing hadn't happened to hear some people's discussion, Zhang Qing would not have thought that this technology could be used in such a way that it could even destroy the human race.

Because the simulated skin is not much different from real skin, it can be regarded as real human skin. What if someone makes a "weapon" against human skin based on it!? There is no need to look for viruses or the like, this man-made The skin itself can be a weapon, as long as it is reversed, then a big balloon will be used to send the reversed skin-destroying substance to him, and then detonated over the big city, when the time comes, people in the whole city will have skin The necrosis sloughs off, and dies shortly after from losing the skin.

Is this difficult!? It’s not that big, because the technology is readily available.

The poor and frightened scientific researchers of the Xia Kingdom are like wild horses running wild at the moment. They, who have become rich overnight, are extremely enthusiastic and excited at the moment, and they all want to do great things. It is a double-edged sword. If we don't pay attention to it now, let alone whether the country can take off in the future, it is very likely that the world will be finished first.

Lin Changqing was also dumbfounded. After listening to Zhang Qing's words, he was stunned for a long time before he opened his mouth and said "wocao".

Are all the brats crazy now!? He said why the project he recently submitted for application always felt a little strange [it turned out to be the Health Society Health Humanity Project with a better name.

After being speechless, I was afraid for a while. He is the dean of the Xia Ke Academy. He needs to approve these projects in person. If there is a problem later, I dare not think about it.

In addition to being afraid, Lin Changqing also clearly understood the importance of Zhang Qing's technologies. He planned, no, report to the superiors now, and mention the rating. Don't give up the S grade, just go straight to the SSS grade.

After Zhang Qing reported the matter, he also returned to his office, but what surprised him was that there was an extra person in his office. 2.4

"Chen Jian!?"

It was Chen Jian, the captain of the guard who was dedicated to protecting Zhang Qing's safety. This guy was also a fan of Shamate, and he would always be dressed in Shamate every time he went out.

"Expert Zhang!" Seeing Zhang Qing's return, Chen Jian stood at attention and saluted.

"Don't call me an expert, just call Zhang Gong as before!" Zhang Qing had a bad feeling when he saw Chen Jian, because it was Chen Jian who brought him the "bad" news from his family last time. Again!? My mother is actually a rich daughter!? Or is my father not my grandpa’s son!? Or maybe I’m wrong too!?

Compared to this mess, the insulting "expert" Jane

It's not worth mentioning.

"This is not good, you are now a senior scientific research expert, not a researcher." Chen Jian said in a difficult way again. He was from the army and paid great attention to rules.

"Get out! Don't you know what an expert is!?" Zhang Qing said angrily. If it was twenty or thirty years earlier, an expert was still a compliment, but now it is really a dog.


"Okay. Chen Jian responded with a sly smile. Zhang Qing was too talented and he was deeply shocked, so he could only enjoy it verbally.

"Come on, what's the matter again!?" Zhang Qing rubbed the center of his brows. He had a very bad feeling. Ever since he witnessed the real version of the real and fake daughter, he felt that the world

It's weird.

"Is such that......……".

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