Xia Guo, Baixi County, Yuncheng, Baixi High School.

Baixi Middle School is just an ordinary high school. It is not a famous university, and it has not produced any famous graduates. It can be said that although it is dedicated to teaching and educating people, it is a very mediocre university.

After all, it is just a general high school in one of the towns and counties in Yuncheng, which has been promoted to a third-tier city in recent years, so it should be so ordinary.

On this day, this ordinary high school is rarely bustling.

Leaving aside the cause, a large group of people gathered downstairs in the girls' dormitory, including students, school staff, policemen, reporters, and some passers-by who took the opportunity to sneak in.

At the edge of the balcony on the top floor of the girls' dormitory, a girl with glasses and long hair was sitting at the moment, her feet were dangerously hanging in mid-air.

The people below have different expressions, some are nervous and worried, some are helpless, some are sad, and some are even more excited..

Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao were also in the crowd. They all looked up at the girl above who planned to commit suicide by jumping off the building at the moment, biting their lower lips and were very anxious, because that was one of their roommates in the same dormitory. It's still good, I never thought it would be so troublesome.

Another girl next to her is petite but overdeveloped somewhere, her face is also pale, her lips are trembling looking up, her name is Tao Zi, she is also a member of dormitory 302, the girl above is called Li Zimu, she is from 302 The last member, the other two are "sisters" Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao.

Over the past few months, the four little sisters have formed a close friendship.

"I should keep an eye on her...I..."

"It's not your fault, Taozi! We should have found out that something was wrong with Muzi this morning.

The three and a half girls were all a little guilty, regretting that they hadn't cared more about some roommates before this. If they had paid more attention to each other when they found out that their emotions were wrong, maybe they wouldn't have become what they are now.

The police over there have already prepared a rear air cushion below. Although there is no guarantee that people will survive if they fall, at least they are not 100% dead. On the other side, there were also people who tried to persuade the girl to give up her plan to commit suicide by using the power of words as much as possible.

"If you want to die or live, if you want to die, die quickly. I'm still waiting to play mahjong. It's a waste of time."

"Haha, old man, I'll show you the live broadcast..."

"Have you heard? It's said that it's because she's pregnant, Barabara..."

However, in such a scene, there are still some people who are not worthy of being human. They speak inappropriate words, and they don’t even feel that they are wrong. They speak very loudly, for fear that the girls above cannot hear them. dissatisfied.

"Who are you, who allowed you to come in!?"

"Old Li, who are these people!?" The school leader also noticed these strange faces at this time, and immediately called the guard Lao Li to ask for accountability.

Old Li's head was getting bigger, but he still admitted his mistake immediately, "Sorry, principal, we didn't stop people, we let them out now.

As he spoke, he glared at the new boys, did these people forget their responsibilities!? Why did they come here as soon as they heard there was excitement!? Is the school able to let outsiders in casually!?

The few boys who were stared at all lowered their heads, and two of them secretly glanced at Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao in the crowd, feeling a little uneasy. They glanced around the crowd and found that Zhou Lian, the dormitory manager of the girls' dormitory, was also there. After looking at them and exchanging glances, both of them obviously relaxed, and then followed other guards to drive out the idlers who had sneaked in.

During the process, they had to endure the cursing and non-cooperation of those people, which took a little effort from the boys.

After the garbage is gone, the scene is not so chaotic. In fact, the school and the police also want to drive away the students who are watching here, but now they are not in the mood to go to class, and when the school staff are here , These half-grown children are not under the nose, which is also worrying, and maybe one or two of them can play a persuasive role, so after thinking about it, let them be here.

In fact, it did play a little role. Maybe there were too many people below, and Li Zimu didn't make up his mind to jump down. This also bought more time for the rescuers and lobbyists. It's because people are long gone.

The police also took this time to ask people who were acquainted with Li Zimu, hoping to get some useful information from them, so that they could play a better role in persuasion.

The three Zhang Shishi and Zhang Shishi who shared the dormitory with Li Zimu were also called over, and the rest were teachers and classmates from Li Zimu's class. The police had contacted Li Zimu's family members, but they never got through.

The four people in Zhang Shishi's first dormitory are actually classmates in the same class, but Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao transferred from another school at the end of last semester, and the others have been together for almost a year.

The head teacher of class two (5) is a gentle and quiet woman. She is 1.65 meters tall, neither too tall nor too short. She is obviously a young woman in her twenties, but she is extremely conservative. The circle is full of long skirts, and the hair has not been curled. It feels like the image of a female teacher from the previous era.

But the same as her temperament is her temper, which is indeed very good. The students in the class have never heard her get angry and speak loudly. In fact, if there is no reason for the incident, she has not been able to be the class teacher so soon. Zheng Zheng, who just teaches English The teacher became pregnant last year, and she became the head teacher of Class 5, and she still is.

By the way, the subject that Xia Rou is in charge of is Chinese, which is indeed very in line with her impression.

When asked how Li Zimu was usually, it was not difficult for Xia Rou to believe that the other party was planning to commit suicide, because in Xia Rou's memory, although Li Zimu was not an extroverted student, he was not too introverted either, and he was not too introverted with his classmates. It makes sense, and I've seen her chattering and laughing with a few little girls. Although her grades are not top-notch, they are still at the top of the class.

This is probably the "student who is studious" in the eyes of every teacher in Xia Kingdom!

Like Xia Rou, the head teacher, the teachers and classmates of other subjects also said that they had no idea why Li Zimu committed suicide!? No one bullied her in the class! Everyone can testify to this.

Just when everyone couldn't figure out why, Tao Zi hesitated and said, "I don't know if it's related, but after Muzi answered the phone at home,

I asked for leave and went home, and then came back feeling very uncomfortable, we asked her and she didn't say anything, I thought... Could it be that something happened to her family!?"

Although Baixi High School is not a completely closed school, there are also people who go to school. After all, most of the students are locals. The farthest ones are Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao. , There are also many students who choose to live on campus. This is a very normal thing, and the school will not force it.

Because Li Zimu is a student living on campus, it is impossible for some people to say that she was a bad girl who loves to play because she was pregnant by someone. You must know that the dormitory where you live on campus has access control. As for where to go, the dormitory management will first notify the school teachers, and the teachers will notify the parents.

As for leaving school and messing around outside!? This is even more impossible. If anyone has an opinion, they may have never experienced Xia Guo’s high school life. Going to jail is similar. Get up early and arrive at school one time earlier to study, then do morning exercises, then go to class, lunch and rest time, although it is long, but it is not long. If there is no lunch break, the afternoon classes will be very uncomfortable.

After school in the afternoon, after dinner, it didn't take long for the self-study class to be late.

May I ask, under such high-intensity study pressure, can someone really find time to talk about love and still maintain good grades!? In Xiaguo, if the grades are too poor, or suddenly drop, they will call their parents to come to the school to talk. I really want to It's so hard to hide something.

Unless the teachers and parents have given up on you, it is not easy for you to make mistakes.

Is Li Zimu the kind of student who was abandoned!? Of course not, not to mention seeing her mother during the parent meeting, the other party's presence means that she attaches great importance to this daughter, let alone the school. Teacher, if you give up a student easily, or a student who has good grades and is not mischievous, then this kind of teacher must be unqualified.

Just when everyone was wondering what happened to Li Zimu's house, a female police officer came over and whispered to the police officer in charge of questioning, `We have found Li Zimu's mother, but she is in the hospital ...."

Seeing that the female police officer looked a little strange, the police officer who asked the question glanced at Xia Rou, Zhang Shishi and the others, and asked with some uncertainty, "What's wrong!? Can't you tell me!?"

The female police officer shook her head, "No, it's just that I don't know what to say!? This matter is a bit, uh, a bit... well... beyond my cognition||["

Then the female police officer pulled the male police officer who was questioning to the side and started whispering. Zhang Shishi and the others clearly saw the change in the police officer's face, from bewildered to shocked to doubtful about life.

Seeing this, Xia Rou and the others all started to guess in their hearts.

After the male police officer came back, Xia Rou asked, "What's wrong with the police officer? Did something happen to Li Zimu's family? If it's because of medical expenses, I can also organize my classmates to raise funds together."

The rest of the students nodded and said that although they don't have much money, they can also organize online donations.

The male policeman scratched his face, and didn't know what to say. When he heard them say they wanted to raise money, he quickly waved his hands, "Wait, although it is indeed related to money (is Zhao's), it's not as aggressive as you think.

"By the way, does anyone know Grena Bess!? There should be a foreign student here, can you ask her where she is! We need to know something about her!"

"Gleina!?" Xia Rou and the others were at a loss. After a while, they realized who the police officer was asking. It was a student from Class 4 next door, but how could the other party have anything to do with Li Zimu's matter? Already!?

Everyone couldn't figure it out, but Xia Rou still called Wang Chang, the head teacher of Class 4 next door.

Wang Chang was also a little puzzled, he didn't understand why he needed to be called for questioning about the students in class 5, he recalled it for a long time and didn't realize that he had any contact with Li Zimu!?

"Greina!?" When the male police officer asked, Wang Chang was stunned for a moment, and after a long time, he realized that he scanned the crowd, and when he didn't see the person he was looking for, he turned to the male police officer. He said, "Comrade officer, wait a minute, I'll ask."

After getting the consent, Chang Wang found the students in the class and asked other teachers, and then came back, "That classmate, Greiner, didn't come to school today, and she didn't ask for leave. I only found out now, that I really don't blame me, I didn't have my class today, and no one told me about it, it's not that I don't care about students..."

"Wait, it's none of my business, I just want to know where she is now!?" The male police officer was also a little speechless, and quickly stopped Mr. Wang Chang from defending himself.


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