Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

974 The Second-Rate Brother Enters The Stage!

The cyberbullying and those troublemakers who harassed Li Zimu's mother and daughter are easy to solve, but this is only a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure.

In the final analysis, it is the loopholes in the country's laws, divorce is difficult, and the law and morality have become contradictory. It stands to reason that the law is used to protect the people and make decisions for the people, but it turns out to be used by bad people to hurt innocent people. .

Even if Li Zimu gave up committing suicide at this moment, if he couldn't help her solve the problem, there would be a first time, a second time and a third time, and there would be a day when she couldn't be saved.

The hearts of all who understood the problem were heavy.

"Don't worry about those who are there or not, the most important thing now is to save people, and the rest will be discussed later.

Just then, a sound broke the silence.

"Who are you!?" The male policeman frowned, not because he was disappointed to be disturbed, but because the person who came was obviously not from the school, nor from their police.

This made him a little annoyed, it was the second time, why is this poor school still being broken into by people outside the school, can it still be managed properly!?

"Brother!?" X2

Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao looked at the visitor in surprise, they didn't expect to meet their eldest brother who didn't come home all the year round and never saw anyone at this time.

They knew to some extent how amazing the status and status of this big brother who was regarded as a bum by outsiders, and because of the nature of his work, his honor of responsibility and achievement would probably only face the public announcement a hundred years later.

This is not only to protect the safety of the outstanding player of flying chess, but also to protect the sake of his family.

Although all seats on the chessboard table will not easily attack other players' handicrafts, this is the bottom line that everyone knows well, but it does not mean that this unspoken rule can really make people feel at ease, especially when the black cat is on the chessboard. I don't know how many players on the Internet don't want it to rise again, including those alliance players.

Because only the "black cat" is like this, or worse, they can live well. The landlord is enough to have a "Vulture". Every game controls the rules of the game are the so-called "little intellectuals". If the "black cat" becomes the landlord, then those players who are not on the same road as it will have good fruit to eat.

You said not to interfere with the inner decisions of other play house players!? "Vulture" always said so, when have you ever seen it do this!?

So once some important craftsmen of "Black Cat" are exposed, they will only be greeted by trying to recruit them first. If they fail to recruit, they will simply be destroyed. "Bad spiders mixed into the spider web" use dirty soil to bury white radishes, etc. The third generation of Hokage can do whatever pua Konoha White Fang does. If you have a strong mentality, it is useless. Who knows if there are pig teammates among the teammates, because of jealousy Or money and other issues, there are many people who have stabbed knives in the back.

Especially for players like "Black Cat" who suffer from Alzheimer's disease, it is very normal and easy for internal organs to decay, and there is no basis for it. This is a historical problem caused by individuals, and it cannot be changed unless the whole body is replaced.

So even if Zhang Shishi and the others know that their elder brother is not the bastard like others say, no matter how angry they want to refute, they will remain silent.

Over time, I don't care about these boring people's mouths.

But at this time, when they saw this workaholic brother suddenly appear, the two of them were shocked, both surprised and happy.

"As you can see, I am the elder brother of these two girls." Facing the questioning of the male police officer, Zhang Qing put his hands on the shoulders of Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao respectively.

"That's not what I asked, I think you know what it means." The male policeman did not let it go, if not for the absence of the old head of the guard department, he would have wanted to curse, and if Li Zimu's relatives came over, it would be fine , obviously the sloppy young man in front of him is not, let this all go, what are you doing now!?

Zhang Qing did not answer his question, but threw a copy of his ID in the past, and then looked up at the "farce" that was still in a stalemate, "Compared to me, it is better to forcefully bring the person down earlier. Now the situation must be the same as yours." We know that verbal persuasion alone is very powerless."

Zhang Qing recognized the girl above who wanted to jump off the building, because he had met Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao when he sent them to this school. At that time, she was helping to make the bed and clean together. She was a rather well-behaved girl, but a little shy. Shy.

It's just that I didn't expect to see it again in a few months, it was this kind of scene.

The male police officer took the ID card thrown by Zhang Qing with some doubts, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he picked it up and glanced at it briefly, and then he was stunned... Major...Major General!?

Fake!? This guy wearing big pants, flip-flops, and a chicken nest on his head is a shame!?

This definitely tarnishes the image of the country's soldiers!

The male police officer wanted to call other colleagues to come up and arrest him back to the police station, but he rubbed the seal on it, and he was a little uncertain. Although he had never seen it before, it looked very real.

Just when he was thinking about whether he should call the team leader to confirm, he just heard what Zhang Qing said, and he rolled his eyes, "We know that too, but we can't do it, the girls' dormitory doesn't want to disturb the other party It's too difficult, and if the firefighters are dispatched now, the other party will definitely be irritated.

"Don't be so troublesome, my secret weapon is here." Zhang Qing patted Zhang Shishi and the two on the head to signal them to calm down and said.

"You..." The policeman wanted to say something, but he stopped quickly, because he also saw the secret weapon in the opponent's chest. two

It was a drone with a strange shape. Surprisingly, the drone made no sound when it was flying. If it could not be caught with the naked eye, it would be really difficult to find it, even if its size is not Small as well.

It's strange, that's because the fan blades are not seen, which is different from the flying method of ordinary drones.

But the most surprising thing is that after the drone approached Li Zimu silently, several mechanical arms suddenly stretched out from it, restraining the person directly, and then dragging the person to a safe place.

"Okay." Zhang Qing nodded upon seeing this, and then muttered to himself, "However, there are still some things that need to be improved. It's okay to talk to prisoners, but it's still too rough to use for rescue, and it may be difficult during the process." Injure the hostages, maybe it can..."

"Wait, brother! Now is not the time to talk about this." Zhang Shishi was relieved to see her friend was fine, but seeing her brother suddenly enter the working state, muttering there regardless of the occasion, she hurried up to pull on her sleeve, I want Zhang to shut up.

Zhang Qing: "…………………

Zhang Qing, who was awakened, was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was indeed not in the Xiake Academy. Fortunately, everyone else was looking at Li Zimu and not paying attention to him, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome .


"Don't worry, have you forgotten!? Anyway, I have a position in a drone company. Even if other people hear about it, they won't think too much." Zhang Qing still comforted the two overly nervous sisters, and he He's not really a bum, but he still has a layer of identity on the surface. Anyway, in the eyes of outsiders, he has a serious job.

Otherwise, not to mention the neighbors, even other relatives would have to come to talk to their parents in three or two days. After all, it is still very eye-catching to have a son who is out of work all day.

"Scared us to death, don't do this next time!" Zhang Shishi glared at Zhang Qing angrily, this big brother is so big, and even occasionally unreliable, Zhang Shishi didn't know what to say about him.

0 Seeking flowers……………

Zhang Mengyao also breathed a sigh of relief again, but she didn't stare at Zhang Qing. Instead, she was more concerned about why Zhang Qing came here suddenly. He couldn't be here specially to kill Li Zimu!?

This is impossible, even Zhang Mengyao knows that this is impossible, it is not that she wishes Li Zimu to die, but Li Zimu is not only her and Shishi's friend and roommate

It's just a very ordinary girl, even if she has some amazing identity background, it is impossible for Zhang Qing to take time out of her busy schedule to rescue her.

Zhang Qing didn't answer immediately, but after thinking for a while, he said, "Wait a minute, let's talk, it has something to do with you."

Hearing this, both Zhang Mengyao and the still angry Zhang Shishi were taken aback, because they have something to do with them!?

But isn’t the matter of the Leng family over!? Could it be that the Leng family still doesn’t give up after losing the lawsuit and plans to appeal to a higher court!?

Zhang Mengyao frowned. As an adopted daughter who has lived in Leng's family for more than ten years, why didn't she know that Leng's family had such a rare daughter!? This was even when the Xiao family had retired.

Zhang Shishi knows a little more, because she has overheard the conversation between Zhang Qing and Chen Jian before, so she knows that the young master of the Leng family needs her bone marrow. Those people have no feelings at all, not to mention that the other party's actions disgusted her, so of course they would not sacrifice themselves to save others.

So what does it have to do with her if the young master dies!? After all, if the other party hadn’t suddenly come to break her daily routine and told her that she was related to them by blood, Zhang Shishi wouldn’t know them at all, okay!?

If it was just a blood donation, Zhang Shishi gritted her teeth and admitted it, but after taking the bone marrow, her health would deteriorate year after year, and Zhang Shishi would not live enough.

"Are they being demons again, brother!?"

Zhang Shishi was very unhappy. Originally, it would have been rainy after her friend was rescued, but now she just wanted to rain down the thunder and strike the Leng family to death. If the other party continued to make trouble, they would have to transfer to another school. The neighboring county is so simple, you may need to go out of the province, or even go abroad.

No wonder she is in a good mood!

If they are all adults now, it will not matter if they have already come out to work, but during school, it is difficult not to say indifference to other people's strange eyes.

In fact, if she hadn't taken care of Zhang Mengyao, with Zhang Shishi's grades, she could actually be transferred to a key high school.

Of course, in addition to taking care of Zhang Mengyao's feelings, I also thought about Zhang Shishi. After all, she is the real daughter. It is not a good thing to be singled out. Moreover, the pressure is relatively high in key high schools, and it is difficult to send someone in to protect her. I chose Baixi High School.

So Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao didn't owe each other anything.

Zhang Qing shook his head and said, "No."

The Leng family can't spare time to harass the two sisters, Zhang Qing can confirm this, unless the Leng family thinks that a daughter is more important than their own wealth, otherwise it is impossible for the company to cause trouble. When they control and stare, they also find time to be disgusting.

Not to mention that Leng Qiuran, the young master of the Leng family, was not sick at all, he was just pretending.

It can be said that this 11-year-old young master was targeting Zhang Mengyao at all before. It is conceivable that if Zhang Mengyao is really the daughter of the Leng family, she must have been tied up to draw bone marrow by then. No, after the draw is over, who knows if Leng Qiuran has had an operation, anyway, the doctor has the final say.

In the end, only Leng Mengyao was injured at that time, and she became a sick beauty for the rest of her life.

It is estimated that the Xiao family will not withdraw their marriage, and Leng Mengyao will not live long if she really becomes the young mistress of the Xiao family. When she dies and leaves a daughter behind, perhaps another bloody story will begin

Zhang Qing can make up a big play out of his brain. .

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