In Yunjin District.

Xia Rou yawned in her pajamas, and walked out of her room a little listlessly, but when she was about to turn into the bathroom to clean, she glanced into the hall from the corner of her eye and seemed to be startled by a figure.

After she rubbed her eyes, she realized that it was Xiang Ziqi, that dead girl, and she was speechless.

"I said, Ziqi, what are you doing there so early in the morning!?"

Today is the weekend, even her teacher is on vacation, not to mention other people, the four women who live together naturally have the habit of sleeping until they wake up naturally during the vacation, even Li Xiaonan who runs a small The same is true for companies and strong women who are struggling.

Xiang Ziqi put down her hand that was pressing the remote control, turned her head and glanced at Xia Rou who had just woken up, and didn't speak, she let out a long sigh.

Xia Rou was taken aback by the other party's dark and thick eye circles, "You...what's wrong with you!?"

These days, because of Li Zimu's affairs in her class, she always leaves early and returns late, and puts all her energy on him. She is afraid that someone who doesn't pay attention will lose her mind and scare her again. That's why she was persuaded to go back to rest because of her hard work. One day, unexpectedly, a friend living together seemed to have a problem.

Everyone in Xia Rou feels a little bad. Are you, Xiang Ziqi, a child who needs to be comforted!? She is not an aunt in the kindergarten either!

Xiang Ziqi scratched Ning's messy hair, and said in a crying voice, "I'm finished, I feel that life is hopeless Xiao Rou, woo woo..."

Xia Rou has black hair, she looks like she is dying, she is exactly the same as when she was dumped by the scumbag

Need to be disgusted, but Xia Rou still walked over, and asked softly as much as possible, "What's the matter, I found a boyfriend again, why did I get dumped again this time!?"

"No, it's not a man. I don't want to find a man right now." Xiang Ziqi stopped crying and pouted.

Obviously, she doesn't have such thoughts about finding a boyfriend now, and when she thinks of her former scumbag boyfriend, and the previous stud dragon king male lead, Xiang Ziqi is even more disgusted.

How can a man have the fragrance of a little sister!?

"Okay, okay, not a man, then you are... !?"

"The micro movie I made was taken off the shelves again, they are too much!" Hearing that Xia Rou finally thought of asking the reason, Xiang Ziqi vomited bitterly, thinking that Xiang Ziqi had transmigrated into the book for no reason, and she didn't want to. It's nothing, but the original is a graduate of the director department, and he even talked nonsense to his parents, saying that he would not go home unless he became a great director.

As a result, she, a book traveler who knows nothing about directing, can't even change careers. Please, dream of returning home and inheriting the family business!?

It was only after Xiang Ziqi came that she learned from the memory of the original owner that her parents owned a supermarket, or a nationwide chain, so Xiang Ziqi was actually a rich second generation, but in order to pursue her dream and her family After a quarrel, I ran out, vowing to make a career and slap the family members who were not optimistic.

Although Xiang Ziqi inherited the memory of the original owner, but memory is memory, and major is professional. You won’t really learn something just because you read a few bad books. She Xiang Ziqi doesn’t know how to be a director at all, even if she finds out It's useless to review the original owner's textbook.

This made Xiang Ziqi close to autism, isn't this stinky god playing with her!? So what can she do to be a famous director, and let her parents look at her differently, I'm afraid she won't be able to survive until the day she dies, but now go back Tell the original owner's parents that she regrets it, and she will probably be sent to the hospital for a brain check. Xiang Ziqi is also a little afraid that the original owner's parents will find out that she is wrong, so she can avoid contact or try not to contact her as much as possible. It is best to delay as long as possible. The original owner's parents felt that this was a normal transformation for her.

But if she wants to procrastinate, she has to have that capital. When the original owner was talking nonsense, the original owner's parents stopped giving her financial assistance. Even the tuition fees for God Shadow were earned by the original owner by working hard. I have to say that the original owner Really very stubborn and strong, really will do everything for the dream.

If I hadn't met a scumbag, I'm afraid I wouldn't have so many things to do later, maybe I could really get what I wanted to become a great director and become famous.

It's a pity that now her identity and body have suddenly become her, a dead house girl. The only skill she knows is to draw books, and her major is painting. After graduation, she earns money from other dead houses by drawing fan books online. Because of her talent, she is really very famous in this industry, and she is often invited to write.

Don't ask, is this illegal, because her main business is in the small days, and she sells them to those dead houses in the small days. For this reason, she also learned Japanese to save the money of hiring translators

Xiang Ziqi sometimes thinks, if she and the original owner really exchanged identities, even if she is miserable, the original owner is even worse, the original owner still has a decent identity, if the original owner wakes up in her original world, I am afraid I have to work hard and live strong as a book artist...

Suddenly Xiang Ziqi couldn't cry anymore, because the original owner was even worse.

"No, why did it get off the shelves!? Could it be that you offended the platform, or did your parents get in the way! 々"?"

Of course, Xia Rou knows about Xiang Ziqi's situation, and she appreciates this rich second-generation lady who came out to start a business, and Xiang Ziqi's personality is not unruly, but she is sometimes annoying.

However, Xia Rou still knew about the water-testing micro-movie that Xiang Ziqi worked hard to make some time ago, not only her, but also the other two roommates who lived together, because in order to save money, Xiang Ziqi had the cheek to pull them Joining the group, if Xia Rou is not a teacher by profession, I can't spare too much time to accompany her crazy, I am afraid that she will not be a cameo, but a protagonist.

Li Xiaonan provided some financial assistance and some props, which can be regarded as investment.

Wu Xiaoxiao is simple, she is in charge of the music part, if Xiang Ziqi's small movie is really popular, some of her original songs in it may also become famous, just like Xiang Ziqi's dream of becoming a big director, Wu Xiaoxiao Xiaoxiao's dream is also to be a first-line female singer. As for the diva, she doesn't want to think about it. Being able to be a first-line singer is enough.

It's a pity that I don't know why, obviously Wu Xiaoxiao has a good appearance, a good voice and a good singing voice, they are all good, and she can write songs, but the result is that she is not popular, and has been wandering in the 18th line of small transparency

Although Xia Rou hasn't finished watching the film, but because she participated in the filming, she still knows what kind of story Xiang Ziqi filmed. It tells the story of a group of patriotic actors who died together with the devils who had a good life during the Anti-Japanese War. heroic deeds.

He also gave this 50-minute micro-movie a somewhat literary name "Chi Ling".

It’s really hard for Xia Rou to imagine that such patriotic and positive micro-movies will be taken off the shelves. Could it be that those “parents” are not satisfied with only focusing on domestic children’s cartoons, and they don’t even let movies go!?

As a people's teacher, Xia Rou also looks down on those Xiong family members who have improperly disciplined themselves and shifted the responsibility to others. Everyone has come from childhood, and they must not forget their roots after becoming adults. How about it, don’t you understand!? Poor grades, is it really the fault of other people!?

There is a saying that is very suitable to be used here, that is, "Only mathematics, if you don't know it, you really can't, and it's useless to work hard." The ancients knew that teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is not everyone. You have to ask your own child to take the first place in the exam. Is there any use for you other than driving him to death!?

Xiang Ziqi burst into tears again when she heard the words, "Whoa, they said that my "Red Ling" has a lot of sexual and violent scenes, and it is pornographic and spreads bad thoughts...I am wronged, the background It was the period of the Anti-Japanese War, how can we still sit together with HQ, guessing fist and drinking!? This is violence!? Are they crazy!?”

"It also said that I engage in pornography. All the costumes I rented are from that era, and the main character is a male character. Most of the time in the play, he wears costumes. Why are you engaging in pornography!?"

Xiang Ziqi wanted to grab the examiner and yell, are you paralyzing me!?

Xia Rou was also taken aback for a while, "This reason is really... What do Xiaonan and the others say?"

Xia Rou didn't know what to say to comfort her, she was just a little teacher with limited abilities.

Xiang Ziqi was a little mad, and more of a grievance.

`Xiaonan and the others patted me on the shoulder without saying anything, and told me to give up my dream and go to work in a factory after reading it. It’s too much for them!”

She's not that bad, is she!?

Now Xiang Ziqi can only regain confidence from Xia Rou and ask for comfort, she doesn't expect Xia Rou to stand up for her, she always wants to ask for comfort and hugs now.

Xia Rou pushed Xiang Ziqi, who suddenly came up to her, a little helpless, but since Xiao Nan and Xiaoxiao would react in that way, it is estimated that there are some problems with the movie made by this girl, but I have never seen it with my own eyes. Based on the principle of not having the right to speak, Xia Rou still said, "Then let me take a look at it first. It just happens to be this weekend, and I have time."

As she spoke, she continued to push, wanting Xiang Ziqi to let her go, but this girl had to bury her head in between her buns, making Xia Rou feel uncomfortable.

"All right....……

Under the leadership of Xiang Ziqi, who was reluctant to let go of her, Xia Rou also sat in front of the TV and watched "Red Ling" filmed by the other party. I have to say that Wu Xiaoxiao's song and lyrics are good

In particular, the opera accent there sublimates the whole song, and the faint singing voice also carries the hatred of family and country, which is embarrassing.


"How is it!? Let me just say that my filming is completely fine!?" Xiang Ziqi asked expectantly after pressing the pause button.

Xia Rou rubbed the center of her brows, do you know why she only commented on Wu Xiaoxiao's song just now!? Don't you know that there is something wrong with your filming!?

Xia Rou understands why the platform (Wang Zhao's) is taken off the shelves, and her feelings are not wronged at all.

" don't think your video has, a little bit of a problem! Body?"

"No, I think it's very good!" Xiang Ziqi was a little confused, so why everyone seemed hesitant to speak after watching it, and the comments in the comment area before it was taken off the shelves were also very strange Yes, without writing any words, and developing a minion expression with a halazi.

Xia Rou covered her forehead, thought for a while, and said, "The lines in the clothing screen are all normal, but don't you think your editing and angle of view are a little bit strange!? Don't you think those normal things suddenly changed?" Are you getting serious!?"

If it weren't for Xia Rou being a relatively traditional woman who had never read a small book since she was a child, she would have wanted to ask Xiang Ziqi if she had studied there since she was a child.

This is definitely the work of the book teacher who has gone to sea and wants to go ashore!

Seeing that Xiang Ziqi still didn't understand, Xia Rou also said, "You should go to work in a factory, I think filmmaking is a dead end..."

As he said that, he ignored Xiang Ziqi, and went directly to the bathroom to solve the problem that he didn't want to solve before.

But before closing the door, Xia Rou frowned and looked out the window, feeling that someone has been staring at her recently, is it an illusion!?

After finding no one, Xia Rou also wondered if she was under too much pressure due to Li Zimu's affairs recently, so she became suspicious. .

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