Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

995 My Name Is Zhou Lian, But I Don't Need An Assistant!


Zhang Mengyao opened her eyes suddenly, her chest heaved violently, but she was relieved only after she saw clearly the environment she was in.

"Dream again."

She thought to herself, for some reason recently, she keeps dreaming about the days when she was in Leng's house, but Leng's house doesn't have any good memories for her to miss!

Perhaps because she was born relatively late, the girl named "Leng Mengyao" at that time did not reject Lin Wan as her stepmother like her "pro" brother, and even wanted to get close to her because of lack of love.

In fact, compared to Leng Hao, the father who always doesn’t come home, and coming home is like dealing with some kind of task or work, and Leng Wenhao, who coldly rejects people thousands of miles away and looks at people like a knife stabbing flesh. The eldest brother undoubtedly became the mother of the family, and Lin Wan, who had more contact with Lin Wan, made Leng Mengsheng closer at that time.

Even if this "stepmother" treated her indifferently, she never abused her, let alone beat or scolded her, and of course she didn't treat her with kindness, but compared to other family members For Leng Mengyao, who was young at that time, Lin Wan was the only "family" she could get in touch with, and she was also the target of trying to gain his attention and attention.

But no matter how hard she tried, this stepmother didn't change at all, even when Leng Mengyao wanted to get close to Leng Qiuran's half-brother, she would stop her. Of course she didn't reprimand Leng Mengyao, but she let They took Leng Qiuran, who was still young at the time, away, and blamed the nanny for not being optimistic about the young master's words, but Leng Mengyao, who was still young at the time, was very aggrieved and at a loss.

"September 37" she obviously didn't want to hurt Leng Qiuran, because in Leng Mengyao's eyes at that time, that was her own brother, a family member.

It's a pity that no one pays attention to her ideas, and no one even guesses and judges.

After so many times, even Leng Mengyao knew that her younger brother Leng Qiuran was the lifeblood of her stepmother Lin Wan, and she would not allow herself, an outsider, to contact him.

Ah, it's just an outsider after all...

In that family, from beginning to end, she was just an outsider to anyone.

Later, Leng Qiuran grew up little by little, but it was different from the soft and cute younger brother Leng Mengyao imagined. He was a little devil. He would suddenly come behind her and grab her hair. When the other party is in love, the other party will lie on the ground and cry loudly, and then everyone will stand by him, making everyone think that Leng Mengyao is ignorant and bullying children.

These are not the most excessive. Once when Leng Mengyao was sleeping, the other party somehow opened the door of her room, and then lit her hair with a lighter. It was disfigured.

All her life, she has never forgotten the joyful laughter that little devil made when she woke up, how about not worrying about being discovered by her!?

In fact, this is indeed the case, because even if the evidence is accurate and the witnesses and physical evidence are there, even if Leng Mengyao is killed by the other party in the Leng family, no one will say that the other party has a wrong word.

Perhaps it is because of this that Leng Mengyao clings to Xiao Han's fiancé.

It's a pity, after all, it's just Leng Mengyao's wishful thinking!

Perhaps in the first week, there was indeed someone who cared and loved her, but she abandoned it, no matter what the reason was, she was the one who let go first, and she was not innocent.

In the dark, the more Zhang Mengyao thought, the more she couldn't continue to fall asleep. She heard the gentle breathing of her three roommates and the sound of insects outside, and suddenly felt homesick.

Of course it's not the Leng family's house, but the house where Zhang's father and Zhang's mother are. The first week I am too stupid. I clearly have a family who loves me. Why should I easily trust those who don't love me and give up what is within reach? Happiness!?

Zhang Mengyao thought of her family in this life, and of course she also thought of her brother Zhang Qing who gave her a sense of security. She stretched out her left hand from under the quilt and stroked the black bracelet on it with her right hand. Zhang Mengyao suddenly felt at ease. These are not illusory dreams.

Maybe the so-called first week was a nightmare!?

Gently stroking the bracelet without any patterns with her right hand, Zhang Mengyao suddenly noticed that there was a silver streamer flashing on it, but only for a moment, so fast that she felt that she might have misread it, it was reflected by the light outside the window brief glow.

Because she looked at it for a long time and didn't find any silver light appearing again.

"Huh!? Xiaoyao, are you still asleep!?"

At this moment, Zhang Shishi, who was sleeping on the upper bunk opposite Zhang Mengyao, turned sideways, saw Zhang Mengyao's figure waving her arms in a daze, and asked in a soft, almost whispering voice.

There were several yawns in the sentence. It seems that she is in a state of sleepwalking, and her eyes are not fully opened.

Zhang Mengyao was startled for a moment, and just as she turned her head to answer, she saw Zhang Shishi smacking her mouth a few times and then purring slightly again, she couldn't laugh or cry.

But after thinking about it, she has to go to class tomorrow, so Zhang Mengyao stopped studying the bracelet, she retracted her hands under the quilt, tucked the quilt over her shoulders, and closed her eyes again

"May everyone have sweet dreams."

She wished softly in her heart.

When Zhang Mengyao closed her eyes again, she didn't notice that her black bracelet, like Zhang Shishi's bracelet, had a silver streamer appearing again.

In the room below, Zhou Lian frowned suddenly and looked at the wall next to the dormitory. When she shone a flashlight there, she found that it was a black wild cat.


The black cat seemed to be a little confused by the sudden strong light, and ran away after noticing someone approaching with a "meow".

Zhou Lian inspected the paddock and the girls' dormitory for a long time, and was relieved when she found no suspicious traces.

Although she didn't find anything, Zhou Lian didn't feel that she was making a fuss. As a person who could be assigned to be a security guard, Zhou Lian was naturally very good, and she could even be said to be the elite among the elites inside.

Although she is not very old, she is about the same as some college students who have just graduated, but she has really fought on the battlefield and experienced many life and death dangers, and she often thinks of soldiers like Zhou Lian. Trust your instincts a lot.

Of course, as a woman, she also has a sixth sense that she doesn't know exists.

It is precisely because of this intuition that she was able to survive, so she did not find any traces, which does not mean she will be relieved. After Zhou Lian returned to the dormitory management room, she retrieved the footage recorded by the surveillance cameras inside and outside the girls' dormitory. .

They began to check carefully one by one, especially the place where there was a strange noise just now. Although there was a black cat there, it did not mean that there was only one black cat.

Sure enough, not long after, Zhou Lian found something unusual in a surveillance record. It was a red bright spot, like a light on something, but judging from the way the other party rose and fell, it was very strange. Possibly tiny drones.

Moreover, there is almost no movement, so it can be seen that it is definitely not a drone that can be purchased on the market. This kind of drone with many functions such as "silent" and "miniaturization" is afraid that it will only be seen in the military of some big countries. It is used, especially by Yuan Country's old rival, Lighthouse Country.

Zhou Lian, who discovered this, quickly took out her own gun, put on tactical gloves, came to the location where the surveillance camera was, squatted down and jumped up, and came directly to the three-meter-high wall. If someone looked closely at her eyes, they would find that her pupils were not black, but emitting a faint red light.

Of course, Zhou Lian is not a biochemical person, nor is she an autonomous robot. In fact, even if Zhang Qing gave a plan for artificial intelligence, many people are still not at ease, and instead believe the foreign statement of a direct crisis. To be honest, artificial intelligence The more human-like they are, the less different they are from ordinary people, because they are reduced to human beings. The kind of omnipotent on the Internet is not artificial intelligence at all. All their actions are actually set by the creators. , including their betrayal and runaway.

The world of global awakening has proved that when the minds of self-disciplined robots are similar to those of humans, although they are more unique than ordinary people in the face of the Internet, and humans need to learn how to manipulate them, they can be as comfortable as controlling their hands and feet when they are plugged in. But it doesn't mean that they can really run amok. These human-like artificial intelligences are more like top hackers than omnipotent gods on the Internet..0

However, people in this world have never seen how real artificial intelligence is, so of course they will be worried, but Zhang Qing didn’t force it. It’s really not suitable for the emergence of artificial intelligence at present, because it will make many people lose their jobs. The society has not reached that height. On the contrary, the crisis of social order broke out earlier than the omnic crisis.

Back to the topic, the reason why Zhou Lian showed such unusual strength is of course because she is wearing the latest equipment from Xiake Academy, even the pair of canvas shoes that look like ordinary shoes on the market are A black technology product that is countless times more powerful than the sneakers of a elementary school student of death.

Because of the existence of the whole pair of shoes, Zhou Lian is already stronger than Captain America in a certain movie in terms of explosive power and endurance, not to mention that her underwear is also a specialized body armor, as long as she is not hit by a missile. An explosion would not hurt it, even if it really hit his face, it would be a minor injury at most.

At the same time, Zhou Lian also wore a contact lens, which can provide functions such as night vision, long-sightedness, and heat sensing. It can be said that with the full set of equipment, Comrade Zhou Lian is no different from the Terminator. She was so relieved that she was guarding the girls' dormitory alone, and did not send more manpower to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Zhou Lian, who was squatting on the fence, didn't miss any part of her eyes. Even the trees couldn't stop her eyes, and they were penetrated.

But what made Zhou Lian frown again was that she didn't find the miniature drone that appeared in the surveillance screen before. The other party was very cautious. The first time she noticed it, she didn't have any chances and took it back immediately. up the drone.

But the more this happened, the more it made Zhou Lian understand that the people who controlled the drone were not simple, they were definitely not those dirty-minded people who just wanted to spy on the girls' dormitory and cast spells, but more like they came to investigate the situation.

Thinking of this, Zhou Lian quickly pressed the earphones covered by her hair, and asked people to call up all the monitoring within a radius of 500 meters nearby. By the way, she asked the local plainclothes police to pay attention to the person with the drone. The other party will be so careless, but just in case! There is no loss in taking a chance.

After doing all this, Zhou Lian searched around again before returning to the dormitory. She raised her head and looked in the direction of the third floor. After finding that there was no movement, she turned her gaze away.

After Zhou Lian returned to the dormitory management room and sat down again, a table pet of the little grass god Naxida on the opened laptop smiled at Zhou Lian, "Welcome back, did you find anything!?"

Zhou Lian shook her head, "Didn't you see it all!? My answer is no."

Desktop 0.2 A swing suddenly appeared behind the elf Naxida, she jumped on it and swung, saying, "What I see is always limited, I will not enter your eyes without your permission, you have to trust me." I

I'm your assistant! Not someone you need to watch out for!"

The corner of Zhou Lian's mouth twitched, "Compared to this, I think you need to change your image, I don't remember when you set it up, you were like this! 11

"Nashida" blinked, "Aren't I cute now!? I think this image is good, it seems to be very popular!"

"Do you want me to change to a male image, don't, and I didn't expect you to be in love with artificial intelligence, tsk tsk.

Hearing the other party's words, even Zhou Lian, who was calm and calm, wanted to beat someone up. She thought about whether she should apply for a refund and ask Xia Ke Academy to change her assistant. This artificial intelligence seems to have a bad personality!

Zhou Lian has no doubt that this guy will spoil her image all the time.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you lick my little feet, don't be angry, I love you too!

"Shut up, I want to be quiet!"

"Who is Jingjing, you raised other artificial intelligence outside!?"

"Tell me where is the factory reset button!?"

"Uh, there is no such thing! But I can consider pretending to be amnesiac, I didn't expect you to like this tone, ah!? Who am I, who are you, please tell others

OK!?" I


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