Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

998 Zhang Qing: What If I Have A Younger Sister Who Likes To Abuse Texts! ?

Chen Jian, who has a green exaggerated hairstyle and can't hide the aristocratic atmosphere of killing Matt, is squatting on the side of the road at the moment, frowning and looking at the billboard on the opposite building.

[An epoch-making technological breakthrough, the holographic game "Broken Universe" is coming soon, see you on October 1!]

Looking at the beautiful girl with a two-dimensional style on the top, Chen Jian couldn't understand if he woke up and changed the world, and the old-fashioned character of the leader above could do such a thing.

Shouldn’t this kind of technology be used in the military in the first place!? How could it be used by civilians so quickly!? And they even found a two-dimensional girl game company to cooperate with!?

Is he just out of date!? Or are the old men and women trendy!?

That's holographic technology! It's only found in sci-fi movies, so you use it to make games!?

Chen Jian doesn't even need to go online to watch it anymore. Now there must be doubts on the Internet, thinking that this is a gimmick or a false advertisement. Of course, there are also carnivals from gamers.

Just when Chen Jian doubted his life, his mobile phone rang. This is a special mobile phone. Except for familiar people, there is no way to call him, and even send fraudulent text messages. The safety factor is definitely the highest in the country. High-grade, that is, Chen Jian can only have it because of his special work.

So don't think about it, the person who calls him at this time will definitely not be someone he doesn't know, or his parents persuading him to go on a blind date.

Well, Chen Jian's parents died more than ten years ago, so if he really called him, he wouldn't dare answer it.

"Hello!?" Chen Jian didn't stand up. After pressing the answer button, he put it directly to his ear.

However, his eyes scanned the restaurant not far away from time to time. He could see Zhang Qing and her two younger sisters who were having morning tea inside through the large glass. Seeing that there was no accident on their side, he moved away very naturally. out of sight.

Chen Jian didn't expect that Zhang Gong was really on vacation when he was on vacation. He was either fishing or surfing the Internet every day, or spending time with his girls on the rest day. He really didn't think about work at all, and he didn't care about the current court. What happened to the internal clean-up operation!

To be honest, if he didn’t know his identity, anyone would think that he was just a newly demolished house rented out, a nouveau riche landlord with keys hanging around his waist, wearing slippers and big pants (typical 050 rich Dong people).

"Head, Zhou Lian found something, I don't think you should be too lax."

"Good boy, do you think I'm you!? Don't worry, there will be absolutely no problems on my side. Even if someone holds Bartley, it won't work. No [driving this tank] won't work."

Zhou Lian can use the latest black technology equipment, Chen Jian, the captain of the guard, can't be bad! So Chen Jian is really confident, and he also knows that Zhang Qing will only be better and more complete than him, In fact, Chen Jian and the others are now not so much protecting, as they are here to solve some small troubles for Zhang Qing.

"Ha, I really forgot that we are not the same as before, look at my head." The younger brother on the other side was also taken aback, and then reacted, feeling the equipment he was wearing and smiled wryly, who would have thought that the change would be so fast, like It's like traveling to the interstellar era, and it was obviously using traditional weapons and equipment a year or two ago.

"By the way, Zhou Lian asked me to ask you if you need to share the information with Guoan. I didn't say that they are too useless. Not only did Xiao Nan run away, but now I can't find anyone. Why is this guy so useless!?"

Hearing the younger brother's complaints, Chen Jian rolled his eyes, "They don't know as much inside information as we do, and if you were on their side, you would be caught blind."

After all, the existence of Zhang Qing is top-secret, even Guoan cannot get more information to check, and even the superficial information is forged, so they can't find it. Misleading, although on the surface Xiao Nan has no connection with Zhang Qing, but who made Zhang Mengyao and Zhang Shishi Zhang Qing's younger sister, so some information about the two younger sisters is not true, even Chang Qing's parents are also.

After all, if you want to stand up to the investigation, all the information on Zhang Qing's family has to be revised, and it must look logical, and all aspects must echo each other. Otherwise, the parents will not call their son who works outside all year round. , so suspicious, and...

In short, the information on Zhang Qing’s outside information level is different from the real situation, just like two people, and the situation of his family members also deviates, which makes Guoan not notice the particularity of Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao. It is said that he was miserably cheated by his own people, and no one can be blamed.

"Didn't Zhou Lian catch her!?" Chen Jian didn't immediately answer the previous question, but asked after thinking for a while.

"No, I don't know if it's Xiao Nan's kid. Every time Zhou Lian found out that he was chasing him, the other party disappeared, and Zhou Lian didn't dare to really run too far, for fear of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, but he could get the lighthouse The latest military micro-drone in the country, I am afraid that there is only Canglong, the master of the temples of the gods, it seems that the people of the temples of the gods have a way to send the equipment to him in the country, head, this is not easy."

Chen Jian frowned. No one knows Zhou Lian's ability better than him. If it weren't for women, many men in the army would not be her opponents, let alone in investigation. As a woman, she is careful, and Zhou Lian There is also a beast-like intuition, which can often detect danger in advance, so Zhou Lian and the latest equipment provided by the Xia Ke Academy have not been able to catch that kid Xiao Nan!?

Although their only job is to protect important people, not to arrest a criminal, they shouldn't.

Is that Xiao Nan really as outrageous as the rumors say!?

But wasn’t he an ordinary person in the first 16 years of his life!? In just a few years, he became stronger than a top professional athlete!? Is it possible!?

Not to mention the fact that there are warriors in this world, Chen Jian and the court hawks naturally know it, and even they have received warrior training, and with the support of the state, it can be said that they are better than those children of the ancient Wu family, otherwise they would not Maybe it was sent to protect Zhang Qing.

It’s all like this, and there’s nothing I can do about Xiao Nan, that guy can’t be a mutant, right?

As if he didn't hear Chen Jian's response, the little brother over there said again, "But I don't understand why that guy Xiao Nan is staring at Zhang Gong's two younger sisters!? Even if they were with Xiao Gong before Han has a bullshit marriage contract, isn’t it gone now? To be honest, the Xiao family is nothing, it’s not worthy of Zhang Gong’s younger sister..."

"Cough cough, pay attention to your words." Chen Jian reminded, although he also felt that his little brother was right, in terms of Zhang Gong's status, his sister could not be called a princess too much, not even the princesses of ordinary small countries.

While satisfied with the Xiao family's tactful resignation, Chen Jian was also angry that the Xiao family dared to take the initiative to resign and humiliate the pillars of the country. If he hadn't been rational, he would have bombarded the Xiao family who didn't know what to do.

He is all like this, and his little brothers are naturally similar. No one knows Zhang Qing's status, contribution and importance to the country better than them. It can be said that if the top leader of the country has an accident, Zhang Qing can't lose a hair, that's all important.

Chen Jian pondered for a moment and then said, "Let Zhou Lian give the information to Guoan without revealing his identity. I'm worried that if that kid doesn't give up trying to catch a student from Baixi High School and let him cooperate, it will have a very bad effect." , and it didn’t end well.”

As far as Xiao Nan's temperament is concerned, I'm afraid that it is really (caaa) enough to threaten one or two high school students to cooperate in asking Zhang Shishi or Zhang Mengyao out. The reasons can be anything, although there should be nothing wrong with their people's secret protection , but it also followed that they were all exposed, which would make many people think too much, especially when Xia Guo still had a lot of half a million people in the country, it could be called the worst result.

It is the best way to resolve Xiao Nan's potential danger as soon as possible.


"Is there anything else!?" Seeing that the other person did not hang up the phone, Chen Jian asked suspiciously.

"That...... Boss......"

"Fart when you have something to say, talk when you have something to say, don't act like a sissy."

"Ahem, then I'll tell you, boss, don't be angry, it's that holographic game or something, I didn't get the game helmet, can the boss..."

"Get out!" Chen Jian hung up the phone with a dark face, "This kid hasn't cleaned up for a while, and he has an Internet addiction again!? Wasn't it enough to confiscate his game console before!? How old is he, and he still thinks about it all day long!" Playing games, even if you find a girlfriend! Fuck!"

And it's useless to find him like this, what can he do if he has no way out!? This kid is just messing around!

On the other side, Zhang Shishi, who was sandwiching a fried dumpling dipped in sauce, smiled and said to Zhang Qing, "Brother, you don't know, Yaoyao, but she is looking forward to the release of the drama "Runaway". If the changes are so unbearable to look at directly, tell her not to expect too much."

Hearing Zhang Shishi's joke, Zhang Mengyao blushed a little. She really didn't expect it, but she couldn't say it, and burst into tears.

Zhang Qing picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea, then said calmly, "I don't really care about this, is it another TV series about the domineering president!?"

Zhang Qing recalled that when he was at home, his mother and Shishi loved to watch this, and whenever there were some speechless plots, they would frantically wipe away their tears with tissues.


The heroine removed the eye mask for the male protagonist to restore his eyesight and asked the doctor to transplant it, but the male protagonist knew it belonged to the female protagonist as soon as he saw the eye mask in the doctor's hand. The protagonist and the female partner were together, and the male protagonist immediately sat up regardless of the effect of the anesthesia needle, grabbed the eye mask and tore it up, saying, "I don't want that bitch's stuff, I'd rather not see it for the rest of my life."

With this kind of illogical and broken plot, these women can be moved to tears. They feel that the wronged heroine is not worthy of pity. How speechless Zhang Qing was at the time. How did they review it? When the screenwriter wrote this kind of drama, Don't you have any brains!?

Fortunately, afterward, Zhang Qing found out that her mother and sisters were still thinking normally, so she was relieved.

So, why did you still cry when you knew it was unreasonable, women!?

Zhang Shishi rolled her eyes, "Then you guessed it wrong, it's a costume drama! It's super cruel!"

Zhang Qing sneered, "It's not the same if the background is changed, I'm the male lead is a prince or something, this is not the same domineering president, but he doesn't wear a suit anymore.

Zhang Shishi puffed up her cheeks immediately, "Brother, you are so annoying! Hmph!"

Zhang Qing didn't take it seriously, and turned to look at Zhang Mengyao, who was eating silently, "Do you like reading sad articles!?"

Perhaps Zhang Qing's surprised gaze was too obvious, and Zhang Mengyao couldn't pretend that he didn't see it, so he waved his hands in a panic and said, "No, I like reading sweet articles, this... this is an accident.

She doesn't like being abused!

Zhang Shishi laughed and said, "What kind of accident was that, Xiao Yao!?"

"Anyway, it was an accident." Zhang Mengyao couldn't help but roll her eyes, can you stop talking about this!?

Zhang Qing rubbed his chin, "You want to read a sweet story, I still have something to do with it, I have a classmate who may be able to help, maybe the crew who escaped can change the script.

Zhang Mengyao was taken aback, "Don't! Don't, brother... I like to watch abuse, the more abuse the better.

halfway through,

Zhang Mengyao almost gritted her teeth, and that monster Li Bing returned her sweet text!? Zhang Mengyao has never been so heartbroken, so don't let her brother do bad things with good intentions!

But Zhang Shishi said "Oh", looked at Zhang Mengyao jokingly and said, "I like to abuse, Yaoyao, you don't mean what you say~~~~!"

Zhang Qing also sighed, what should I do!? My sister is a freak who likes to abuse literature, and her psychological condition is worrying.

"Okay, I'll let people make her abuse even more. In the overall situation, all the characters who have appeared on the scene will be abused once, and they will all be given a knife in the end."

The corner of Zhang Shishi's mouth twitched when she heard the words, she felt that the script had been changed beyond recognition by magic, let alone the original work, the author of the original work was crying in the toilet right now!?

Brother, you are awesome!

Zhang Mengyao is a little happy. To be honest, she hated everyone in that crew in her previous life.

It's just abuse in the film, but those people don't have any acting skills now, I'm afraid they will have to suffer a lot if they want to make a good film, so I'm naturally happy.

"Thank you, brother!"

Zhang Qing touched the silly girl's head, "Don't worry, I promise to abuse, it will never be sweet at all!


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