"Hahaha, it turns out that my baby daughter has returned, it seems that the so-called Black Beast Church has disappeared from the neon!"

The middle-aged man who was originally frowning tightly, after seeing that it was Huina who came, the displeasure on his face quickly dissipated and turned into an expression full of smiles.

However, for the middle-aged man's expression, Huina just pouted in disgust, which made the middle-aged man who suddenly remembered that his daughter had super high witch qualifications show an embarrassed smile on his face.

Shinji Qingqiuin knew that under his daughter's ability to be the top witch in neon, his idea of wanting to go directly just now must have been seen.

The ability of the witch girl is really troublesome.

The so-called Yuan witches are the descendants of god killers who were originally earth mother gods, or god killers who had the authority of earth mother gods, and they were born with a small amount of god-level power, which they could use to detect various information that was not visible.

Things like emotions in the hearts of others are not difficult for most witches.

The most top-notch witch can even vaguely probe the inner information belonging to the gods, and its power can be seen.

Although this is done, this witch will not live.

"Well, it's because even your father is like this, so I don't like those guys in the family."

Seeing her father, who was obviously angry with her for being disturbed, just because it was herself, she directly converged her emotions, and even fawned over herself if she didn't like herself, Huina felt unhappy.

Huina, who spends most of her time in the mountains or by Sujin's side, has long been accustomed to going straight, and she doesn't care about Shinji Seiaki-in reprimanding her, after all, this is a father's power in her opinion.

But it is clear that at this time, Huina respects her identity more in the eyes of her father than her daughter's identity.

"Well, forget it.

Father, I've already thought about it, and sure enough, I still prefer Adachi Ward No. 4 High School.

After Huina finished speaking, she deliberately reached out and pulled the taupe JK outfit she was wearing, which was the uniform of Adachi District No. 4 High School.

"Wait! Huina, you are the first person in our neon young generation, and even the older generation is among the top Tianjiao.

Going to this kind of civilian high school will only make other families secretly laugh at my Qingqiu Courtyard family.

Or not....

Change one?

Seiaki-in Shinji's words were extremely serious, but in the end, after seeing the undisguised displeasure on his daughter's face, his tone immediately softened again.

"If I don't change, I'm going to this school, father, you can arrange it for me quickly."

In the face of Shinji's last request-like words, Huina did not have the slightest sense of appreciation, and continued to insist on her choice, which made the embarrassment on Shinji's face of Qingqiuyuan even more intense.

The old man in a gray kimono sitting opposite the middle-aged man listened to the conversation between the two, and the expression on his face immediately smiled like a chrysanthemum.

"Qingqiu Courtyard Master, is this Gui Qianjin?

Even if I don't know the technique, I can see her extraordinary at a glance! It is worthy of being the person valued by the adults.

After the old man finished speaking, he no longer looked at the embarrassed expression of the head of the Qingqiu Courtyard, but got up and looked at Huina of the Qingqiu Courtyard with great enthusiasm.

"Miss Seiakiin, the old husband Takumi Fujiwara is also a bit thin as the former prime minister of Neon.

Where is the little Adachi District No. 4 High School worthy of your identity, why not let the old man help you enroll in the best noble school in neon, Hidenoin Gakuen?

Not only is it not far from the Qingqiu Courtyard home, but it also gathers most of the elite children of Neon, only such a place is worthy of your identity.

Moreover, the two granddaughters of the old man are also in this school, and they can also saddle up for you and solve some small things when the time comes. "

Seiaki-in Huina: "(* ̄〈 ̄)"


"Ah Ji ~ Ah Ji ~."

At Hidenoin Academy, a pretty girl wearing a black and red short skirt school uniform with long pink hair suddenly sneezed, and the grandeur of the girl's chest also trembled with the girl's sneezing.

This action made the already cold face of the black straight girl sitting opposite the pink-haired girl and also wearing a black and red short skirt school uniform a little colder.

"Well, what's going on? Who is saying bad things about me behind my back?

Nai, Kaguya-chan do you know who it is?

After sneezing, the pink-haired girl put her hands together on her chest, and at the same time looked at the black long straight girl opposite with an innocent expression on her face.

The girl known as Kaguya, when she saw the pink-haired girl asking, her hands were just lightly placed on her chest, causing a wave, and her face was originally just a cold expression, and slowly began to permeate with a trace of killing intent.


In the Qingqiu courtyard house, Fujiwara Takumi looked at the back of the girl who opened the door and left directly, and the smile on his face like a chrysanthemum directly froze.

Fujiwara Takumi also thought that Keina was just having a conflict with his father, but when he said that he wanted to recommend Hidenoin to Huina, and Huina's obviously displeased expression, he knew that he was most likely mistaken.

But at this time, it was too late, and Fujiwara Takumi would only look helplessly at Shinji Qingqiuin on the side, but all he saw was a face full of helpless expressions.

"Brother Fujiwara, don't think too much, Huina, this child has followed the adult since he was a child, and there is no way to think differently from us.

Since she wants to go to that Adachi District No. 4 High School, I will find a relationship and buy that school in a while.

Although he also felt that his daughter was a little difficult to deal with, after seeing Fujiwara Takumi's puzzled and slightly flustered look, Shinji Seiakiin comforted him a little.

After all, although in the eyes of outsiders, Fujiwara Takumi lost his position as prime minister because he offended him, the head of the Qingqiuyuan family.

But in fact, it was because Fujiwara Takumi was a little unbearable to bear the high pressure of the prime minister's position, so he asked his friend Seiaki-in Shinji to help him naturally launch the prime minister's position.

After all, only those who have been prime ministers will know that compared to the people in power in other countries, the neon prime minister is simply a back-pot machine.

But if Fujiwara Takumi withdrew from the election for no reason or deliberately failed by releasing water, then he did not dare very much, after all, although he has been carrying the pot during his reign, he still offended many people.

If Fujiwara Takumi really retreats directly, he may not be able to withstand the retaliation of these former political enemies at that time, so he can only seek the help of his old friends.

Fujiwara Takumi needs to have a backer after abdicating, and the rising star of the four major families, the Seiaki-in family, needs a record that can be obtained.

So Fujiwara Takumi discussed with Shinji Seiaki-in and settled on such a feeling.

Of course, the Qingqiuin family will certainly not be called Fujiwara Takumi's backer on the surface, but the former prime minister pulled down by the Qingqiuin family, the Qingqiuyuan family did not mean to deal with it, if others went to retaliate against him, this was not to hit the face of the Qingqiuin family?

So there is the current situation, Qingqiuyuan can then control the name of the change of prime minister at will, and the limelight in the neon world is a little more popular.

And in this neon, the only person who can influence the position of prime minister is the adult in the eyes of everyone.

Isn't this faintly superficial, the Qingqiu courtyard family, in fact, has already received the help of that adult?

Fujiwara Takumi not only took advantage of this to retire, but also gained a super umbrella.

Fujiwara Takumi: "Well, since the old brother of Qingqiuyuan said that it was okay, then the old man didn't have to worry much."

In fact, this time I came to find Brother Shinji, I have something I want to tell you.

Seiaki-in Shinji: "What do you have to bother Brother Fujiwara, you come over in person?"

Fujiwara Takumi stretched out his palm full of lines, and his tone began to become serious.

"Shinji, someone is running away again in Akinayama."


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