Masamune Kazumi stood with Kazuma Sato in silence, as if what had just happened had never happened at all.

Ever since he knew that the world he came to was the world of the anime "Blessings for a Wonderful World", he had decided to abandon his temperance.

Because he knows the urine nature of this world too well, and if you still care about your temperance in this world, then you may find that you are a little out of place with the whole world.

The goddess Eris who rules this world is a living example of this, if she could abandon her temperance like an idiot like Akuya, she would not have to work overtime 48 hours a day (overtime for the god body and overtime for the otherworldly doppelganger).

"I just don't know, that goddess Eris doesn't know that the world she manages will be so chaotic, it's all because of Akuya, an idiot, who recklessly sends goldfingers.

But if you think about it, you should know, right? After all, from the original work, since Akuya was pitted into the Nether, there has been no new reincarnation in this other world.

After all, every reincarnation sends a golden finger, even the god realm will not be able to eat it. Thinking

about it, Izumi Zhengmune began to recall in his mind the golden finger that was sent out by Akuya.

For example, the uncrowned king of the magical world, the land of the Red Devil, which is now famous in another world, is actually a race created by the goldfinger of the reincarnation sent by Akuya.

For example, it is still avoided by everyone in this world, as long as it is encountered in winter, it is dead - General Winter, in fact, it is a neon dead house YY sent by Akuya.

There is also a mobile fortress that must be avoided quickly, and the goddess Eris has to separate the scattered artifacts collected by the Nether.

Even the so-called demon king who wants to destroy this world and his demon king army are actually neon people sent by Akuya and their descendants.

And as for the rumors that the Demon King wants to destroy this world?

Well, it originally came from Axis, that is, the church that believed in Akuya.

Therefore, this world will be so chaotic, it is completely Akuya's pot!

The more Zhengzune Kazumi recalled the plot he had seen in his previous life, the more he felt that he had to stay away from Akuya's mental retardation, but her record was too terrifying, and she was mentally retarded and a cosmic-level non-chieftain goddess, and she couldn't afford to provoke R.


Just after Masamune Wakaizumi made up his mind to get the fee for registering adventurers from Kazuma Sato, he immediately stayed away from them.

Kazuma Sato was looking forward to what Masamune Waizumi's profession would be, and at the same time looked at the electric batons, flashlights, and chili spray hanging from Masamune Wizumi's waist, wondering if Goldfinger was among these three items.

Luna, who had changed her clothes again, also came to the counter again with a slight red face.

"Sorry to keep you waiting,

let me register the adventurer information for this gentleman."

Luna said that she wanted to register the adventurer information for Masamune Waizumi, but she just extended her hand in the direction of Kazuma Sato and waited, and the meaning was already self-evident.

"Clam! Miss Luna, can't you trust me so much!?

Could it be that in your eyes I am the kind of person who owes even fifty thousand Eris !? Kazuma

Sato seemed to have been touched by the bottom line of dignity, and the look in Luna's eyes was full of disbelief and loss.


Luna did not answer Sato and Masayoshi's words, but just gave him a look for him to experience for himself.

But under such distrustful eyes, Sato and Makoto's original demeanor that was still heartbroken quietly disappeared.

"Hey, they all said about Akuya's mental retardation, don't count it on my head!"

After Sato Kazuma finished speaking, he casually took out five gold coins worth 10,000 Eris from his trouser pocket and put them on the counter (50,000 is what I said nonsense, the original 1 Eris = 1 yen).

"Can you start testing now?"

"Of course (*^_^*)"

Luna smiled as she reached down with her small hand and pulled out a form out of nowhere, and handed it to Masamune Wizumi.

The form was just a normal form that required basic personal information, and Masamune Waizumi quickly completed it under Luna's guidance.

After filling out the form and handing it to Luna, I saw Luna take out an item that looked unusual from inside the counter.

It was a dull and dull blue magic ball supported by a golden bracket.

"Masamune Wakaizumi, please start your attribute test now.

The strength of your attributes determines the strength of your chosen profession.

Luna said and placed the blue magic ball in front of Masamune Kazumi.

At this moment, Waizumi's heart beat rapidly.

Whether it's a dragon or a worm depends on this wave!

Masamune Kazumi thought so, and then stretched out his hand and touched the direction of the blue magic ball.

The originally dim magic ball began to emit a glow that attracted the entire adventurers' union just a few seconds after it came into contact with Masamune Kazumi's palm.

"This is!? Innate full of soul power (bushi...)

"Look! It's the light coming from the union counter, it's someone registering adventurers!

"What!? The light emitted by the crystal ball when registering an adventurer is so dazzling! Could it be..."

"It's a genius!" A super genius who can truly choose all professions!

"That's right! Unexpectedly, a month ago, a high priest with super attributes except for very low intelligence and inability to upgrade and luck low to negative numbers.

Today there is another one, is it true that our Axel is a treasure land of feng shui? "


The group of adventurers who were originally happy in the tavern were quickly attracted by the light and looked at the three of them and Izumi.

At the same time, Sato Kazuma, who also saw this scene, began to sour, although in his opinion, Masamune Kazumi must be stronger than him, after all, there is a golden finger, and the golden finger will definitely not be as useless as his own waste goddess.

But sure enough, when he saw that it was a little more dazzling blue than a month ago, Akuya's light at that time, Sato and Mama soured.

Then, under the expectant, excited, envious, and fiery gazes of everyone, the light above the magic ball gradually dissipated.

Until the light was about to completely dissipate, a small metal card full of black luster was spit out by the magic ball.

Masamune Kazumi reached out and took the card, and then saw that it was written in neon writing.

Name: Waizumi Masamune

Gender: Male

Age: 16 Level: Lv0

Strength: 19

(Normal 10) (Including attack, physical fitness, etc.) Agility

: 17 (10 for ordinary people) (including running speed, nerve reaction speed, etc.) Spirit

: 22 (10 for ordinary people) (includes soul strength, personal will, etc.) Intelligence

: 30 (Ordinary 10) (including mana storage and upper limit, mental flexibility, magic attacks, etc.)

Lucky: 100+ (Normal 10) (Attributes that cannot be increased by leveling)

Note: The maximum number of basic attributes can only be displayed is 100, and beyond it is not countable.

"Is this my basic attribute? It's really, really! The

corners of Masamune Kazumi's mouth outlined a curve, but soon he couldn't bear it anymore, the corners of his mouth were slightly grinning, and excited laughter came out of his mouth.

"Huh, hahahaha! Hahahahaha "


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