Megumi wanted to raise her wand and chant a spell after speaking, but was stopped by Masamune again.

Masamune looked at Megumi seriously.

"Megumi, you better not make a move for the time being, the distance between the giant frogs is too scattered.

Unless someone is willing to lure them all into a pile, it's impossible to solve them all with your current burst magic.

And after unleashing the burst magic, you will only become a liability.

"Hmm! Call me a burden or something, even if it's authentic, I'll be angry!

It's just that Masamune also ignored Megumi who looked at him with a small face and dissatisfaction, but looked at Kazuma and Akuya.

Kazuma quickly reacted to the authentic meaning and quickly shook his head.

"No, I just exhausted my strength to kill this giant frog, and I can't pull monsters anymore."

Kazuma really didn't lie, and his head was already covered with beads of sweat at this time.

And when Akuya heard Hezhen say this, her brain rarely had a light, and she also shook her head quickly.

"I don't want it! I don't want to attract giant frogs!

Masamune looked at her speechless when he heard this, when did he say that he wanted this retard to attract giant frogs, don't trouble him, thank God.

Masamune also ignored Akuya's meaning, but nodded to several people.

"If that's the case, keep your head down."

As the authentic words fell, the wand in his hand also emitted a hot and sharp emerald green magic, which formed the shape of a sword.

“Light of Saber!"

The sword of light extends infinitely while wielding it authentically, and then it is like an unparalleled sword light that cuts through the bodies of all giant frogs.

As the sound of snorting sounded, all the giant frogs stopped, and then turned into two and fell to the ground.

"Whew, the mana consumption is a little bigger."

Masamune said and wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, but the smug look on his face was difficult to hide, and the feeling of personally using magic to destroy the enemy was something that others could not experience.

(No wonder Megumi, this little loli, always likes to burst magic when there is nothing to do, which is really cool.)

"Awesome, is this the power of the superior profession!?"

The only non-superior professional in the team exclaimed with envy, which made the pale and authentic face due to excessive mana consumption become more obvious.

Commissioned - crusade against giant frogs, overfulfilled!


On the streets of Axel, Akuya was covered in frog slime, crying and crying behind the three of Zhengzong, so that all passers-by who saw this scene stopped and looked at Zhengzong with strange eyes.

"Hey, shouldn't even this kind of thing be counted on my head?"

Seeing this, Masamune secretly said something bad in his heart.

Sure enough, when his voice fell, the surrounding pedestrians seemed to be whispering, but in fact, the sound of loud conspiracy came out.

"Isn't that perverted authentic!? He was followed by a girl covered in slime and still crying! "

This pervert went to play those weird plays again!?"

"So envious, no, so hateful!"


"Well, whatever they say.

Kazuma, Megumi, and Akuya, left, went to submit the commission. The

corners of Masamune's mouth twitched when he heard this, and then he ignored the words of these passers-by, called the three of them, and walked straight towards the direction of the guild.

Looking at Masamune's figure who left without looking back, a look of sympathy appeared on Kazuma's face.

"Brother Zhengzong is so miserable, how did his perverted name come from? Didn't he only come to Axel for a few days?

Kazuma said, looking at Megumi suspiciously.

"Who... Who knows, let's hurry up and submit the commission.

After Megumi finished speaking, she didn't say more, and quickly caught up with the authentic steps.


In a corner of the guild, as the adventurers ate and drank, they all began to leave the scene, working part-time, and executing the commission.

Luna, who finally had free time, came to the authentic four.

"The reward for completing the commission is ten thousand Eris, and the price of nine giant frogs is two hundred and twenty-five thousand Eris, for a total of two hundred and thirty-five thousand Eris."

Luna said, handing out a stack of Eris in her hand and looking at Masamune with kind eyes.

Masamune wanted to reach out and take it when he heard this, but after seeing Luna's eyes, he could only draw out forty-five thousand Eris from it and handed it to Kazuma and Akuya.

"Hezhen, Akuya, let's say okay before, before the level of Hezhen is not high enough, your share will be a little lower."

After speaking, he handed 20,000 of them to Kazuma, and the rest were all handed to Akura.

As for him and Megumi's?

The two looked at each other and did not mention it again.

Seeing this, Luna did not hesitate to take all the remaining money back into her pocket, and then looked at the authentic one.

"Actually, in addition to the remuneration, there is one more thing."

Luna said and leaned over Masamune's ear and lowered her voice.

"In two days, the cabbage flocks that are sweeping towards us from the north will arrive in Axel, and I hope you can go and squat in advance."

"Cabbage? Is cabbage just an ordinary vegetable? Is there any need to squat in this kind of thing?

Before Masamune could say anything, Kazuma, who heard the news, couldn't help but ask, which startled Luna, who heard his words.

Luna quickly turned around and looked around, only to breathe a sigh of relief after noticing that no one else noticed them, and looked back at Kazuma.

"Cabbage is no ordinary vegetable!"

Megumi also stood up with a serious look and added.

"These cabbages not only fly, but also swarm every time, causing a lot of damage to the cities they pass by, and with Axel's strength, it is difficult to resist the onslaught of cabbage."

Listening to the two women say such horror about the cabbage of this world, Kazuma was frightened, and then looked at Luna.

"Such horrible things, you tell us, do you want us to intercept them?"

"How is that possible? Didn't Miss Megumi say it just now? It is impossible for these cabbages to intercept them with the strength of Axel, let alone you.

But these cabbages can be sold for 10,000 Eris each, and then processed into dishes by the guild, which can be sold to adventurers at twice the price. Hearing

Luna's price, Kazuma's eyes widened.

"Your adventurers' guild is so dark!"

"Well, don't say that~, processing is also very labor-intensive."

Luna listened to Kazuma's words and directly snorted.

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