Dakonis looked at the figure of the two leaving, and said with a little regret: "Let's go..." Then,

Dakonis also stood up and looked at the two daughters.

"In that case, I'm going to go home and exercise my muscles first."

Dacknis said and gestured to the muscles in his arms to the two women, and then walked towards the door as well.

Megumi and Akuya looked at each other.

"It's just us, what to do? Without commission, there is no valid reason to release burst magic, and I will die unbearably.

Megumi said, her little face was also bitter, in fact, when she knew that she might not go to the commission for two months, she wanted Masamune to take her out every day.

But the serious look of Masamune just now made her feel that they should have something very important to do, so she didn't speak.

Megumi thought that although there is no authenticity, Daknis is also a good choice, after all, Daknis is very hard, enough to protect her weak self after releasing bursting magic.

And hearing Huihui's words, Akuya, who was originally a little desperate and thought that she might have to work to pay off her debts, instantly brightened her eyes.

Akuya looked at Megumi.

"Naa, Megumi, if you help me pay off the debt of 100,000 Eris, I don't have to go to work, and I have time to accompany you out to release the burst magic, how?"

After Akuya finished speaking, her gaze towards Megumi was full of expectation.

But what she faced was Megumi's questioning eyes.

"Akuya, you coming? Can you really do it? If we encounter a monster in the wild, we will die, right? "

Oh, isn't that bastard Demon King Army cadre there? There are no other monsters around Axel.

"So, Megumi, do you think it's okay?" As long as I don't go to work, I can accompany you every day!

Akuya's words made Megumi's heart shake a little.

Although the best candidate is Masamune, and the second choice is Dakonis, Megumi knows that Masamune will not accompany him every day to find a suitable venue to release bursting magic.

And Dakonis? Megumi doesn't even know when she'll return.

"Naa, Megumi, you quickly agree! The look in my eyes was a little strange for both guys.

"Well... Well..." Finally

, at Akuya's urging, Megumi still agreed to Akuya's request, and at the same time turned her money bag low, and searched for a little gold from other pockets, and finally collected Akuya's 100,000 Eris.

Megumi took out her empty pockets and purse, and while distressed, she looked at Akuya, who was saying goodbye to the two loan sharks with a happy face, and a look of distrust appeared on her face.

"Zhengzong has spent all the money I gave me, is it really worth it?"

Akuya, who saw off the two creditors, heard Hui Hui say this, and directly patted her chest with a confident face.

"Don't worry, Megumi, I know that you like to target large or large targets, I happen to know one, it is a large and dilapidated castle, and it is full of undead atmosphere, just right for Megumi to send you every day."

"Really... Are you sure!? Is there really such a great place!?

"That's right, really~!"

"So what are you waiting for, let's go!"

So, Megumi and Akuya also found what they were going to do.

And at this time, what is Zhengzong Hezhen doing when he walks out with a serious face?

Time goes back to Kazuma and Masamune just walked out of the door of the Adventurers' Guild.


After following Masamune, Kazuma walked out of the gate and came to a small alley, and then saw two men dressed in adventurer costumes.

The two men looked to be in their thirties, and they looked very thin, but there was a sharp light in their eyes, and in such a casual alley, when they looked at Hezhen, they made Kazuma feel a chill.

The two men quickly noticed Kazuma's uncomfortable look, and their sharp eyes converged a lot, and then they looked at Masamune with a little dissatisfaction.

"Why are you only here now? We've been waiting for you for a long time.

"Sorry sorry, after all, there are three female players in the team, excuse me." Masamune said and scratched his head, looking embarrassed.

When the two saw Masamune say this, they looked at Hezhen, and the doubt in their eyes was not concealed at all.

"Are you really going to take him? This perverted kid wouldn't do anything out of the ordinary, would he? I don't want to be blacklisted.

"Don't worry, isn't my reputation also bad? These are all false rumors, and this guy is actually not so perverted! Faced

with the doubts of the two, Masamune directly stood up for Kazuma, and was moved by Kazuma for a while.

(Authentic big brother, sure enough, this world is still the most reliable for you!) Thank you.

However, the gratitude in his heart was not over, and he saw Masamune hesitate under the questioning gazes of the two men.


Masamune said and scratched his head awkwardly.

(Hey!) What is probably! I'm not a pervert in the first place! How can it be repaired! Give me back my touches!

But soon, Masamune converged his expression and pointed at the two men towards Kazuma.

"Kazuma, to introduce you, these two are friends I met the day before yesterday, Shuk and Beta, they are two brothers.

Don't look at the fact that they have been staying in a novice town like Axel, but both of their brothers are true high-level adventurers.

And with the introduction of the authentic one, Shuk and Beta nodded although they looked at Kazuma a little questioningly.

"My name is Shook and I'm my brother."

"My name is Beta."

When I heard this, I subconsciously wanted to introduce myself.

"Brother Shuk, Brother Beta, my name is

Kazuma..." But before Kazuma could introduce me, Shook looked at him with excitement.

"No need to introduce yourself, male adventurers in the entire Axel, who else doesn't know you bastard!?"

Huh? Huh?

Kazuma is a little overwhelmed, are these friends of the real big brother angry against themselves, should they suddenly want to kill me because of my reputation!?

Authentic big brother, help! I'm no match for these high-level adventurers!

Thinking so, Kazuma wanted to ask Masamune for help, but before he could make any moves, Shuk and Beta grabbed one of his shoulders.

"How can it be repaired! You know how much I envy your ability! Why, why can't this good thing happen to me!

"That's right! The kind of theft skill that can steal women's fat times at will, where is the basic skill of thieves! That's a divine skill! The

envy and jealousy on Shuk and Beta's faces made Kazuma scratch it embarrassedly.

Is he just disgusted by the female group, but the male group is very envious of him?

This kind of thing and Zhen was the first time to know the comer, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

Even the shoulders, which were grabbed by the two brothers and had a faint pain, were quietly straightened.

Seeing that the three gradually ran off, Masamune was a little anxious, and directly stepped forward to interrupt the movement of the three.

"Okay, okay, Brother Shuk, Brother Beta, let's be in a hurry, if we go late, there will be no place."

Being reminded by Masamune, the three of them also remembered the reason why they got together today.

"That's right, let's go quickly, we should still be able to grab a spot now."

"So what are you waiting for? Let's go!


After the three of them finished speaking with excitement, they all turned their eyes to the authentic one.

Masamune nodded, and then chanted his spell to teleport magic.

As the emerald green magic wrapped the four and disappeared, silence fell into the alley again.

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