Shima Yosuke will come to the sealed city - Lubadram. He has only heard of the barrier magic here and thinks that analyzing the barrier here may be helpful for him to return to the original world.

When Ye Cheng and Cui Hui came to the Sealed City, they originally heard that there were clues about ancient relics here, so Ye Cheng accompanied Cui here.

In the picture, Shima Yosuke is holding two elemental swords made by elves against each other, and the magic pillar formed by them instantly destroyed the barrier protecting Rubadram.

Seeing the scene on the screen, Takaoka Keifumi and Fujimiya Sumika were instantly confused. They couldn't understand why their uncle had said that this barrier magic was an important barrier to protect the city a second ago, but why he said it the next second. The barrier was destroyed.

"Because I want to figure out the principle of this barrier magic, which should be helpful for me to return to my original world.

And even if the barrier is destroyed, I have the ability to repair it with the help of the elves. "

After hearing what their uncle said, Gaoqiu Jingwen and the two looked at the projection screen in front of them again.

The uncle said that after destroying the enchantment magic, he had the ability to repair the enchantment, but in the image, after destroying the enchantment, his expression was obviously a little panicked...

"Well, I was so selfless when I was studying the barrier that when I reacted, nearly 1,000 legendary monsters had already surrounded the sealed city.

Many of them entered the city directly because of the disappearance of the barrier.

So if I repair the barrier at that time, those legendary monsters that have entered the city will also be trapped in the sealed city. "

After hearing their uncle's explanation, Takaoka Keifumi and Fujimiya Sumika were speechless.

They knew that their uncle had no ill intentions, and he probably didn't know why those monsters suddenly swarmed over them like sharks smelling blood, even though the barrier had only temporarily disappeared for a while.

However, it is wrong to be wrong. Because Cui stopped him in time in the original plot, when the barrier disappeared this time, many Warcraft had already entered the city and began to hunt the humans in the city.

And it was at this time that Ye Cheng and Shima Yosuke, who were also in the sealed city, met again.

Ye Cheng and the elf girl Cui were wandering on the street and looking for clues about ancient relics.

Since it was Ye Cheng's first time to come to the sealed city, Cui Huan was explaining to Ye Cheng how awesome the barrier of this sealed city was with a knowledgeable attitude.

It is said that it is also a super powerful barrier magic left over from ancient times. It has protected the sealed city for hundreds of thousands of years. Even powerful monsters like the Demonic Flame Dragon are helpless against this barrier.

However, Cui was still blowing the magic of the barrier that sealed the city to the sky and the earth. But the next second, Ye Cheng saw that the huge barrier that enveloped the town was directly hit by a magic light beam. A hole was punched out...

"Is this the absolute defensive barrier that no one can break?"

Seeing that the huge barrier covering the sealed city of Rubadlam gradually faded and disappeared due to a big hole being broken, compared to Ye Cheng's calm complaints, the elf girl was completely stunned.

Because she really didn't mess around before. The barrier magic that sealed the city has been guarding this place for many years. Not only is the defense strength extremely high, but there has never been any problem!

As the barrier was destroyed, all the monsters living outside the town seemed to sense something at the same time and all rushed towards the town.

The first ones to enter the sealed city are the strongest and fastest legendary monsters.


When I saw a giant wolf that was at least over five meters long and had jet-black hair, it crashed through the city gate and started wreaking havoc on the streets.

And in the path of the giant wolf's impact, a father and daughter who were setting up a stall were about to be killed by the wolf because they couldn't avoid it. Ye Cheng, who was still standing next to Cui, was crushed under his feet in an instant. ground.

In just a few fleeting seconds, the distance of nearly a hundred meters was instantly shortened to nothing.

When Ye Cheng's figure appeared again, he had already arrived in front of the five-meter-long Black Wolf monster.

"Yakami Style Three Styles - Mad Butterfly!"

Ye Cheng stabbed in front of the giant wolf. The moment his figure appeared in front of the opponent, he also made a motion to draw the sword.

As for the legendary magical beast Black Wolf, which was originally about to bite the human father and daughter, he didn't know how the human man in front of him suddenly appeared in front of him just now.

But a mere human being with the strength of a legendary monster would naturally not take the opponent seriously, so he opened his bloody mouth even wider in an attempt to kill Ye Cheng and the father and daughter behind him. Swallowed in one gulp.

However, just when its fangs were about to touch Ye Cheng's body, criss-crossing sword lights erupted in the air in an instant.

The next second, the giant wolf that was still opening its mouth in an attempt to bite Yecheng and the others suddenly had horrific scars on its hair like steel needles.

A large amount of blood splashed out from Mo Lang's body like a fountain!

When Ye Cheng sheathed the long sword in his hand, the body of this huge legendary demon wolf also collapsed.

And in the brief flashback, what the legendary demon wolf saw in his sight was a blue butterfly that was transformed and flew by the light of the sword.

It never figured out how it died just now.

As a majestic legendary monster, no matter where it is placed, it is the overlord of one party.

It has eaten a lot of humans before, and even destroyed a small town by itself, but just now it was killed by a young human boy?

Can humans really be this strong? Who is he?

No one answered the question of this legendary demon wolf, because the human boy who killed him did not look at it twice. Instead, after killing it, he slowly walked towards the father and daughter...

"Cui, you find a way to evacuate and protect the people here. In such a big town, there should be an Adventurer's Guild. You try to cooperate with them.

I went to look for the initiator of the destruction of the barrier. The magic light beam that destroyed the barrier just now should have erupted from the town. I still remember the approximate location. "

Cui didn't have much opinion on the distribution of Night City.

Since the person who destroyed the barrier has the ability to destroy the barrier that sealed the city, he must be very strong. If she were to find the initiator, even if she found him, she might not be his opponent.

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