Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 24 The Story About Me Lying Flat On Campus? (For Collections, For Flowers)


Early in the morning, at 7:25 Kyushu time...

The entrance of Zongwu High School.

At this time, the number of students who came and went from the gate of the academy to enter the academy was already very small.

After all, classes are about to start early, so the peak period has just passed.

When the students entered the gate, they looked at the guard with a surprised expression.

only see...

In front of the doorman, stood a white-haired boy in pajamas and hugging a pillow.

The boy looks very handsome, so many girls can't help but take a second look.

This boy... is Mu Chen who just arrived at the academy!

Just before, after Mu Chen had breakfast, he was surprised to find that his clothes had not been washed for two days, so he washed them by the way.

But he only got one set of school uniform at the beginning of school, so he plans to wear pajamas to school.

Although it is a college policy to wear a school uniform to school, it is not a big deal not to wear a school uniform.

Otherwise, how can bad students pretend to be approved?

The guard complained wildly in his heart, and the two tiger eyes looked directly at Mu Chen, and couldn't help but say, "Classmate, you just said that you got a school uniform at the beginning of the school year, so I understand wearing pajamas to school."


"What's the matter with this pillow?! You explain it to me!"

The doorman pointed at the pillow Mu Chen was holding between his arms and shouted excitedly.

On a horse!

You old man is too much!

What does bring a pillow mean? !


What's the matter with the two-dimensional beautiful girl on your pajamas? !

Too much color! !

"Didn't the teacher say that the school should be regarded as his home?" Mu Chen's face was flat.

"It makes sense."

The guard took the sentence subconsciously, and immediately shook his head: "No, this is not your reason."

"Cough cough."

Mu Chen cleared his throat, walked quickly to the doorman, and secretly stuffed a pack of cigarettes for him.

"Uncle, I'm going to be late, look..."


The uncle of the doorman touched the cigarette in his pocket and looked embarrassed.

Seeing this, Mu Chen stuffed a pack again.

"Good boy! You're going to be late, why don't you go to school? Hurry up and go to class!"

The doorman changed his embarrassed appearance and looked at Mu Chen admiringly, this kid is not bad, something will happen!

"Thank you then!"

Mu Chen had a smile on his face, and the moment he turned around, the smile disappeared and his face sank.

"Made! The cigarettes that I bought to bribe Shizuka and Sae-sensei are gone."

"Old Dogecoin! He actually accepted two packs of cigarettes from me! Gan!"

"Fortunately, I still have a few bottles of wine in the inner pocket of my pajamas."

In a bad mood, Mu Chen walked quickly towards his class.


Class D of high school.

In the class, Hiratsuka Shizuka, the head teacher and deputy head teacher, and Chabashira Sae, were standing on the podium, looking around the class.

At this time, there was only one vacant seat in the class, and the other students were already sitting in their seats, reading books on their own.

"Isn't this kid quitting the game yet?"

Hiratsuka Shizuo glanced at Mu Chen's seat, feeling a little irritable and always wanted to light a cigarette.

"He won't be singled out for the ninth floor boss, will he?"

Chabashira Sae said lightly.

When she was eating in the early morning, she found that the boss on the eighth floor had been pushed past.

According to the current time, the strategy team has advanced to the ninth floor BOSS!

I just don't know if Mu Chen is also challenging the ninth floor boss maze.

As soon as these words came out, Shizuo Hiratsuka became quite agitated.

She promised to let Mu Chen go to school to sleep, but she didn't expect that the other party would still be absent from school.

Shizuo Hiratsuka had already decided that as long as Mu Chen didn't come today, she would go to Mu Chen's house and ask him for advice.

step, step, step~~

At the same time, footsteps sounded in the corridor.

Two seconds later, the front door of Class D was pushed open, and everyone looked at the front door.

Hiratsuka Shizuo: "..."

Chabashira Sae: "..."

all the classmates:"……"

Seeing Mu Chen entering the class, everyone was dumbfounded.



What are you here for?

By the way, aren't you embarrassed, the old two-dimensional? The pajamas are full of beautiful girl Q pictures.

"Yo, Teacher Jing, Teacher Sae, I'm not late, right?"

Mu Chen said hello flatly.

Hiratsuka Shizu was the first to react, and then his face sank, and it was difficult to see the extreme.

"Boy, you are wearing pajamas and pillows. Are you taking the school as your home?"


Mu Chen nodded as he deserved, "A teacher once said that the school should be regarded as his home."

Lu Xun: Yes, I said that!

Zhou Shuren: Fart! I just said that!

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back to my seat first."

After speaking, regardless of Shizuo Hiratsuka's face, Mu Chen strode to his seat, then sat down and put the pillow on the table.

Smashing his head on the pillow, Mu Chen lay down and fell asleep!

This smooth and smooth action made the whole class hesitate to say anything, and they all complained in their hearts.

The whole class was quite silent.


"Qiqi...~Don't grab my coconut milk...~"

After a while, Mu Chen started talking in his sleep.


The students in the class all looked towards the podium.

It was found that not only Hiratsuka Shizu's face became gloomy, but Chabashira Sae also did the same.

I saw the two head teachers walked to Mu Chen's seat one after another.

Hiratsuka Shizuo stretched out his hand and pulled Mu Chen up, while Chabashira Sae pulled the pillow away.

"Oh~ my pillow~!"

Mu Chen stumbled to see that his pillow was taken away by Sasuke Chabashira.

"Sleep at school is presumptuous enough, and you want a pillow?"

Shizuo Hiratsuka sneered, and then said: "I will take an exam next week, just take what you learned this week, if you dare to fail... hum!"

Saying that, Hiratsuka Shizuo squeezed his fist.

Without saying much, Shizuo Hiratsuka turned and left.

Mu Chen was expressionless and lay down again.


Can high school knowledge scare me?

With the combined age of my two lives, you can only be my daughter!

Mu Chen was disdainful in his heart, closed his eyes, and fell asleep in a second.

Staying up late last night was too bad, he had to make up for his sleep.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the morning campus life passed.

Back and forth, several teachers saw Mu Chen lying on the table sleeping, and their expressions were very surprised.

But they didn't care.

I have seen this student in the office for the past two days.

We are all old acquaintances, who will take care of you?

Let your head teacher take care of you.

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