Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 29 Preparations Before The Event Starts! Give Empty Equipment!

Tian Yu slashed the corner of his mouth.

She wanted to spit out a few words, but found that the words reached the corner of her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

at last!

A thousand words in one sentence...

"As expected of you!"

Mu Chen grinned, "You know that I don't understand emotions, I understand kidney emotions."

"Forget it, I'll see you on Saturday."

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan retracted his arm.


Mu Chen nodded, he quite liked girls like Tian Yu Zhan Zhan, and if he loved someone, he would act boldly.

Just like the character in the anime.

Fortunately, Mu Chen was her best friend in junior high school.

Otherwise, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan would probably ignore Mu Chen now.

"I'm going home first, I'll have an event tonight, and I'll go online earlier."

"Okay, remember to add me as a friend and nickname the Empress!"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan reminded.

Her game nickname is the nickname given to her by her junior high school classmates.


Very domineering!

Mu Chen nodded after hearing this, he felt that Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was in the game, and he must mainly focus on melee type equipment.

Afterwards, the two left the academy together.

Twenty minutes later...

When Mu Chen got home, he took the clothes he washed in the morning to the house.

In this hot summer weather, clothes dried in the morning can be dried at noon, very quickly.

After going to the toilet, Mu Chen entered the bedroom, went to the bed and lay down, put on the game helmet, and started to connect to the game.


God's Domain, the eighth floor.

Mu Chen, who just went online, received the information in the friend list and clicked it.

[Empty: Mu Chen, come to the tenth floor, the event starts at seven o’clock, let’s discuss how to fight first. 】

[Bai: Chen Ni ~ Come to the tenth floor, we are on the second floor of a hotel, room 203. Coordinates.JPG]

The messages that the blank siblings sent to themselves contained their current coordinates.

"Let's add Tianyu to cut friends first."

Mu Chen thought for a while, then searched for the other party's nickname and clicked Add.


[Ding, you have become friends with the player "Queen". 】

In less than a second, the application was approved.

Obviously, after Tian Yu Zhanzhan returned home, he also directly launched the game, so it was so fast.

[Chen: You went online so fast. 】

[Empress: Your nickname... Won't it be Chen Chen, one of the three most popular players in the game industry? 】

[Chen: That's right~ it's me! 】

[The Empress: In reality, there is only one promise, and there is a heavy attack on the Internet? 】


Mu Chen's mouth twitched.

He's not a little black, as for?

[Queen: Are you putting this ovulation on hold? 】


[Queen: Still in line? ? 】

Mu Chen didn't want to speak, so he closed the friend page directly.

vulgar woman! He disdains to communicate with it!

Clicking on the teleportation page, Mu Chen entered the coordinates passed to him by Bai, and the whole person turned into a streamer and disappeared here.

The tenth floor of God's Domain, the safe area.

In a hotel, Mu Chen just teleported over, looked around and found that many players were renting the hotel.

Without ink marks, he stepped forward and walked towards the second floor.

Arriving on the second floor, Mu Chen quickly found room 203 and knocked on the door.

"Come on~"

Maple's voice came from inside, and without thinking about it, the other party arrived here before me.

"You're finally here~ Mu Chen~"

Maple smiled and pulled Mu Chen in, then closed the door.

The staff in the hotel are the same as yesterday.

Blank, Maple, Sally.

Counting myself, there are five people in total!

"Mu Chen, do you want to bring you a bento tomorrow?"

Maple actually wanted to bring a lunch box for Mu Chen today, but she didn't bring it because she was afraid of her mother's misunderstanding.

"No, I'll bring it myself tomorrow."

Mu Chen shook his head.

Bring me a bento?

Although I also want you to bring a bento, but in order to play my wife, I can only do it myself.

"I know~"

Maple nodded and stopped talking about this matter, pulling Mu Chen to sit down on her and Sally's bed.

"Okay, everyone is here now."

Sora glanced at everyone, clicked on the event panel, and reminded: "Everyone, look at the event introduction first."

Hearing this, Mu Chen quickly clicked on the event introduction.

【Event "Slaughter Feast"】

[Introduction: Massacre Feast, every player may become your enemy! Of course, it may also be your teammates, but if you can't trust people, it's best not to form a team! Because he might backstab you! 】

[Rule 1: If you kill a person, you can get a headpoint! 】

[Rule 2: If you kill a player with more than three head points, you can automatically get one-third of the total number of corresponding players! 】

[Killing Ranking: Not yet open]

[Number of applicants: 530 million (only players from the Eastern Dragon Kingdom)]

【Event countdown: 3:30 pm】

"More than 500 million people?"

Mu Chen frowned.

The Kyushu Dragon Kingdom has a total of two billion people.

The game has only been launched for more than two days, and there are more than 500 million players, and at present, there are still many players at level 20.

One can imagine how hot the Divine Realm is!

But Mu Chen is not afraid.

He is now thinking about whether to use group skills to kill all the surrounding players when the event starts!

"In this event, we have to pack the first three."

Mu Chen glanced at a few people and said.

"of course."

Kong smiled, "We are the top three players in the world, and we will never lose!"

"But in this event, there should be a lot of people targeting us."

Sora to understand the current situation of players.

He, Mu Chen and Bai, three legendary figures in the gaming industry, will naturally be targeted.

But they are not afraid!

Because they have never been defeated!

Mu Chen smiled slightly, "Just right, I have something for you. By the way, how should we rank in this ranking."


Empty interest.

"Give you."

Mu Chen took out the Xie Yue suit that he played last night and handed it to the other party.

Sora just glanced at it and widened his eyes.

"good stuff!"

"This is really good stuff!"

The only orange warrior equipment!

The best weapon at this stage!

And the necklace has the ability to fly, which made Sora excited.

Even the rest of the people have their eyes shining!

As long as you equip this suit with nothing, you will be the first warrior of God's Domain!

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