Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 322 Helping The Goddess Of Fire And Thunder To Improve Their Strength

Let me talk about the first plan first.

Beat the world down!

Dragon Kingdom definitely has this strength now!

Because now the Dragon Kingdom has successfully entered the Extraordinary Era, and there are also many natural disaster-level powerhouses, and it is easy to fight the world.

But it is more difficult to manage.

Let's talk about the second option.

Each country chooses a plumber to become the leader and restore order with the help of the Dragon Kingdom.

Although the number of countries in the world remains unchanged after the order is restored, the pattern has changed a lot!

Because in this way, Blue Star will be the master of Dragon Country in the future!

Dictatorship by one person!

Finally, let's talk about the third option.

The third option is more prosaic.

However, it is very difficult to actually implement it.

Want Dragon Kingdom players not to target foreign players? This is simply impossible! After all, Dragon Kingdom is now the leader!

Dragon Kingdom players have already claimed to be superior!

Why not target their foreign players? Have they targeted Dragon Kingdom less before?

Now that the gap in strength has changed, they naturally don't want to continue. 06

The above is the current world situation.

Mu Chen turned off his phone and continued cooking.

The meal was finished quickly, and he put away the lunch boxes of sisters Tianyu Zhanzhan, Li Huazuo, and Yukinoshita, stood up, and stretched.

"What are you going to do this afternoon?"

Yukinoshita Yoshino looked curiously and asked.

"I have something to do today, let's brush up my divine power tomorrow."

Mu Chen thought of going to the house of the five Nakano sisters today, and said to Yukinoshita Yono.

Things are settled for today.

So no big deal.

For the next two days of vacation, Mu Chen also has plans.

same as usual!

Brush magic power!

Now Mu Chen is very short of mana!

If he can directly generate 50 million divine power points, he will first upgrade all the divine weapons to become magical weapons.

Let's talk about the current issue of the realm of the gods.

Now that the gods battle has started in the realm of the gods, but there is no movement from the gods, Mu Chen feels that he needs to promote the progress!

The rest of the people heard Mu Chen's answer and didn't ask any more questions.

After stretching, Mu Chen sat down again.

Everyone chatted at noon, mainly talking about things, or some common crimes.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

At this time, the playground also changed greatly.

The rest area remains unchanged.

However, the tables that helped Mu Chen and others test their individual abilities in the morning have all been removed and moved to the edge of the playground.

The test in the afternoon was for the student council and student representatives, but Mu Chen was idle.

Because Tian Yu Zhan Zhan and the others are students, they naturally became student representatives.

On the side, Mu Chen and Yukinoshita Yono saw that the test had started, so they stood in the rest area.

"Let's go to Teacher Jing and Teacher Sae."

Mu Chen had an idea.

Today is a brand new day, and he can help the two executives advance to the peak of the gods again.

The candidate has already been decided.

Let Yukinoshita Harino and Hiratsuka Shizuka advance first!


Yukinoshita Yoshino responded, she rolled her two beautiful big eyes, and asked with a smile: "By the way, why do you still call them teachers? Shouldn't you just call them by name?"

Yukinoshita Yoshino has already discovered the problem of Hiratsuka Shizuka and Chabashira Sae.

But she didn't care, after all, everyone knew each other.

"Teacher, be easy on your tongue." Mu Chen replied with a smile.

Yukinoshita Yang is "I understand".

She has also seen on the Internet that boys like a certain kind of tune.

Things like teachers, sisters, sisters, stewardesses, bunnies, and more!

In a perverted~

No more words, Mu Chen looked around, and finally saw Shizuka Hiratsuka and Sae Chabashira in the rest area.

While he was looking over, Hiratsuka Shizuji also noticed his gaze.

"Is Mu Chen looking for something with us?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka subconsciously asked.

Just as Chazhu Sae was about to answer, he saw Mu Chen waving at the two of them, so he quickly changed his words: "He's beckoning, let's go over."


They got up at the same time, turned around and walked around behind the rest area.

after a little while.

The second daughter came to Mu Chen and the two of them.

"What are you looking for from us?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't talk nonsense and got to the point.

"Let's go to God's Domain, I plan to improve the strength of you and Yang Nai.

Mu Chen replied.

Hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka and Sae Chabashira looked at each other.



Hiratsuka nodded quietly, she had no reason to refuse, after all, this was to improve her own strength.

Chabashira Sae had no expression on his face, but he was also a little interested.


Compared with these trivial tests, the scene when you reach the peak of the god level is even more shocking!

The four looked at each other and logged into the God's Domain game together.

In the rest area next to it.

Ye Lao, Yucheng's father, and Simomiya Yan'an, who were just observing Mu Chen and the others, saw this scene, and all looked away without saying a word.

The thirtieth floor of God's Domain.

The endless continent, the land of the extreme north.

587 to the kingdom of the Eastern Empire.

The four of Mu Chen appeared here.

Seeing Yukinoshita Yono and Hirazuka Shizuka in front of him, Mu Chen directly forced out a pile of divine blood, divided them into two, and gave them both.


The divine blood floated in front of them, and they swallowed it without saying a word.

Mu Chen also waved his right hand at this time, blocking the breath of the two of them!



Blood is boiling!

Yukinoshita Haruno and Hiratsuka Shizuka sat on the ground at the same time, closed their eyes and began to absorb the blood with all their strength, advancing their strength!

Seeing that the two of them had already started, Chabashira Sae took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one and lit it in his mouth.

"Speaking of the soldiers in the empire, how do you plan to pay back?"

Chabashira Sae took a breath and asked a question abruptly.

"A soldier of the empire?"

Mu Chen was silent when he heard this.

He understood what Chabashira Sae meant.

Now these executive officers have all become gods, so the soldiers of the empire cannot be promoted, because they will be eliminated sooner or later.

Level 100 is just the peak of the mortal world, they are not gods after all!

After thinking for a while, Mu Chen said:

"I plan to make them all follow Kong! Let them be the background of Kong!".

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