Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 40 The Embarrassing Moment Of Little Secretary Hayasaka Ai? ?

After a few minutes, the music ends.

Mu Chen looked at the screaming classmates in the audience.

"Remember!! The old man is Hideyoshi Kinoshita, Class D of the first year of high school!!"

When the words fell, Mu Chen picked up the speaker and hurried away.

Everyone from Class E also rushed over, carrying their musical instruments and following behind!

Light Voice Department: "..."

MMP! Gan!

Class D of high school.


The whole class looked at Kinoshita Hideyoshi with a black face, and left one after another.

It's not that they are not comforted.

Mainly because I don't know how to comfort.

But one person was different.

"I understand~"

Master Tong smiled and patted the other person's shoulder.

"Thank you...thank you..."

Hideyoshi's laughter was reluctant.

after a little while……

Mu Chen, who entered the class leisurely, naturally came to Benjo Kaede, and then sat down on her desk.

“Mu Chen-san!!!”


Master Tong and Hideyoshi came over with angry faces.

"What did you mean just now? Why are you calling our names?"

Master Tong roared angrily.


Mu Chen sighed, "Young people, don't think about being low-key all day long, I'll let your names appear in front of the whole school. This is a good opportunity to exercise!"

"Look at Hachiman Hachiman in the back row, I prefer to call him a great teacher!"


"Because he understands many social truths at a young age, but he is low-key and outrageous!"

The students all looked at Hikiya Hachiman who was listening to music with headphones.


Does this sell me? ? ?

The corners of Hikigu Hachiman's mouth twitched, and he hurriedly lay on the table pretending to be asleep, madly complaining about Mu Chen in his heart.

"But we don't want to show up either."

Kinoshita Hideyoshi complained.

"Anyway, it has already appeared, and you will gradually get used to it."

"Okay, okay, don't bother me with the two single dogs! Didn't you see me and my little sister want to chat?"

Mu Chen waved his hand, chasing people with disgust on his face.

Kazuto Tonggu: "..."

Kinoshita Hideyoshi: "..."

I want to hit him! ! !

Taking a deep breath, the two left helplessly.

And Mu Chen turned to look at Benjo Feng, "How is it? What were you all playing yesterday?"


Benjo Feng smiled: "Yesterday Kong taught me a way, we have been brushing my defense, and now my defense is more than 15,000."


Mu Chen was stunned, more than 15,000?

It's only been four days since the server was launched. At most, you are a little over level 20, and your defense is directly over 15,000? ?

For a time, Mu Chen felt that his speed of more than 6,000 was not good.

"How did you brush it?"

Mu Chen asked.

Bai Feng Lisha interjected at this time: "Kong asked Feng to challenge the boss alone, and then kept beating, let the boss destroy Feng's equipment, trigger the destruction and growth of the poison dragon set, brush and brush, and Feng's defense increased to more than 15,000. Clicked."

Hearing this, Mu Chen suddenly realized.

It was an equipment issue.

However, this method is only applicable to this maple.

And if they hadn't reached the eleventh floor, the BOSS's strength would have increased exponentially, and it would have been impossible for Benjo Kaede to brush the defense to ten thousand in just one night!

"What are you going to do tonight?" Taking Si Xun back, Mu Chen asked again.

"Kong said that we all have to brush up the resistance tonight." Benjo Maple replied.

Brush resistance?

I have to say, the empty plan is very good.

Honjo Maple now has the "Poison Ineffective" resistance.

Mu Chen also intends to brush some resistances that are useful to him.

Elemental resistances such as poison, fire, ice, thunder, etc., are not needed by Mu Chen at all.

He has space for divine power, and these can't affect him at all.

The only thing that can affect him is the debuff buff!

Such as "slow", "control" and other buffs.

If these are forced to be classified, they are all "spiritual" debuffs, so Mu Chen is now going to nullify all these things!

As for resistance to poison, fire, etc.

It's not too late for him to finish brushing the debuff buff about speed!

"Has the strategy team attacked the eleventh floor?"

Mu Chen asked again.


Benjo Feng shook his head, "Their level is too low to beat the boss on the eleventh floor. It is estimated that they will continue to level up today and tomorrow."

"After reaching level 20, the leveling up was very slow. We spent 3 hours brushing wild monsters yesterday before we leveled up."

Mu Chen nodded.

Every tenth floor is a watershed.

Every twenty levels is also a watershed.

Therefore, the experience needed to survive increases, and Mu Chen is not at all surprised.


Bai Feng Lisha thought about something and asked, "Do our guild still accept people?"

"Of course!"

Mu Chen responded, and then said: "The specific night will be said in the game."

Bai Feng Lisha nodded.

Jingle bell~~~

The class bell rang, and Mu Chen returned to his seat.

Looking at the history teacher who came in, his eyes trembled, and he fell asleep on the table again.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was time for lunch.

At this moment, Mu Chen, who was lying on the table, woke up leisurely.

He looked up and glanced at all his classmates and found that they were having lunch.

"Finally woke up."

The little secretary behind him, Hayasaka Ai, rolled the eyes of the dead fish and ate a mouthful of food expressionlessly.

Mu Chen turned his head to look, "I just woke up, I plan to stay overnight tonight."

While speaking, he glanced at her and Shinomiya Kaguya's bento.

"Don't look, classmate Mu Chen, I won't give you food even if I look at it."

Hayasaka Ai spoke subconsciously and continued to eat.


Mu Chen looked surprised, and took out three big lunch boxes from the table with both hands.

Hayasaka Ai: "..."

Although her face was expressionless, judging from Hayasaka Ai's actions when she stopped eating, she must be very embarrassed now.

This is not to blame Hayasaka Ai.

Because she didn't expect Mu Chen to bring lunch today.

Kaguya Shinomiya next to him smiled.

When she was reading early, she noticed that Mu Chen brought a lunch box today, but she didn't tell Hayasaka Ai.

Because she didn't expect Hayasaka Ai to suddenly say such a thing to Mu Chen.

Carrying the lunch box, Mu Chen didn't say much, got up and left the classroom.

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