Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 56 Everyone Gathered At Mu Chen's House, And Yukino Was Angry.

After a few minutes……

on the street.

Mu Chen hugged the soft and cute Bai, and glanced at Sora who hugged his arm and cried bitterly.

"The high school student also said that I don't look like white."

"Say I'm wretched! I'm not wretched at all! I just have tears!"

Sora recounted the scene when he was just caught.

He has been talking since Mu Chen picked him up.

It is clear.

He has never been so wronged in his life!

"Alright, alright."

Mu Chen said helplessly, "We will arrive at my house in a few minutes. It just so happens that there is still breakfast at my house. You can have some later."

Hearing this, Kong did not cry.

He burst into tears and smiled, "I'm just hungry."


Bai Shen nodded in agreement and touched his stomach.

Their brother and sister miss Mu Chen's food, but it's very tight!

The three soon returned to Mu Chen's house.

As soon as they entered the house, the blank duo looked around.

"It's still clean here, where we..."

Sora said here, hesitant to say anything.

His house is very messy.

Blank and neither of them clean up.

It is enough to have a place to sleep, so I am lazy to a certain extent.

"well enough."

Mu Chen turned his head to look at the kitchen and found that Lihuasuo was washing dishes.

"No, where's the rest of the food?"

"In the refrigerator."

Lihua played the dishes without looking back.

"This is Zou? It feels a little bit of nothing."

Sora looked at each other strangely.

"Xiao Zuo is very good."

Mu Chen said.


Bai hit Mu Chen's shoulder with a small fist.

"Bai is also very good."

Mu Chen gave the soft girl in his arms a head slap, and immediately put her down.

Being praised like this, the corners of Bai's mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile.

Walking into the kitchen, Mu Chen came to the refrigerator and took out the extra buns. There were about three or four left, enough for two people to eat.

At the same time, he also took out the egg pancake that he had not finished eating.

"You eat, it may be a little cold."

Mu Chen came with the early morning and put it on the dining table.

"It's not a big problem."

Kong went up to pick up Mu Chen's leftover eggs to fill the cake, "It's okay to cool it down, you can eat it."


Mu Chen stopped Sora who wanted to eat.

"What's wrong?"

Sora looked at him suspiciously.

Mu Chen stared straight at each other, "This is what I have left over in your hand."

"It's fine, I don't mind."

"I mind!"


The atmosphere was gradually suppressed, Mu Chen and Sora stared at each other with serious expressions.


I saw Mu Chen roaring loudly, and his expression gradually became arrogant.


Sora also subconsciously took a sentence, and the appearance of invincibility appeared on his face!


The two of them start shooting together!

"Wood, wood, wood, big...!"

"Ola Ora Ora...!"

The voices of the two of them were very loud, especially in the middle school. For a while, the two of them didn't hear the door being knocked at all.

With little stars in his white eyes, he felt like he was back in his childhood.

And Li Huazao, who had just finished washing the dishes in the kitchen, looked at the two of them curiously, expressionless.

About a minute or so passed.

Mu Chen looked at the egg filling in his hand and took a satisfied bite.


Looking intoxicated, he glanced at Kong who was eating steamed buns next to him: "I made one this morning, so I can't give it to you."


Sora took a bite of the bun.

I was just joking with Mu Chen just now.

Otherwise, the two of them wouldn't use the lines in the anime "JOJO" to talk.

Bai, who was on the side, was fascinated by his eyes, and tasted the buns carefully. The buns had a spicy tofu flavor and tasted very good.

bang bang bang~~

At the same time, the door was knocked again.

The four people in the living room looked at each other, and finally Mu Chen got up and walked to the door.

Opening the door, Mu Chen took a bite of the egg filling, looked outside, and found that the Yukinoshita sisters and Tianyu Zhanzhuan were both here.

"Yo, we're all here, let's go in."

While speaking, his gaze was frantically squinting at Yukinoshita Hirano.

This made Ping Nao's face slightly rosy.

A group of people came in.

"Chen-chan, why did you make DIO's voice just now?" Yukinoshita Yang Nao looked around the room with a smile and asked.

"I was going to move next door when I was young, and I made a joke with him just now." Mu Chen closed the door.

"Small? Moving?"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was puzzled, "Who are you when you are young?"

"Sora and Shiro, two of the three major players in the game industry." Mu Chen returned to the living room on his own.

This made the three girls stunned at the same time.

good guy!

Are the three major players in the game industry small?

This is great news!

Seeing three strangers coming in, Blank was obviously a little restrained.

"Introduce you two."

Mu Chen looked at Blank and introduced them: "This is the eldest young lady of the Yukinoshita family, Yono Yukino, and this is the second young lady, Yukino Hirano."

"This is my best friend in junior high school, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan."

"Who's Hirano?!"

Yukinoshita Yukino is fried.

How is this going?

Why did he become Hirano here?

You are going too far!

Beside, Yukinoshita Yangnai and Tian Yu Zhanzhan smirked.

"Don't mind."

Mu Chen waved his hand, walked to Blank and sat down.

This gave the blank brothers and sisters the backbone.

After all, negotiating with others is not the area that the two brothers and sisters are good at.

"This is the wine I brought."

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan put the drink on the table.

"Let's drink it at noon, I'll go buy the house next door in a while, and try to get things done in the morning."

Mu Chen picked up the drink and put it in the refrigerator.

"Is there no one living next door to you?"

Yukino Yukino asked curiously.

"No, the two households next door to me are both headed by the same household. He will sell both of these houses. I will help Blank buy a house in a while."

Blank and the two went to buy a house by themselves, Mu Chen was still a little worried.

Although it is said that the two of them are more open in the anime crossing another world, but in this daily world, the two of them are not good.

So Mu Chen planned to help them buy a house.

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