Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 59 Do You Understand The Gold Content Of Lap? Do You Like One Called Lsp?

At this time...!

A figure sat down in front of Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Hiratsuka looked up and was stunned for a moment, but before she could speak, the figure on the other side spoke first.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Mu Chen. I live alone in my family. I have a house and I have more than nine million in savings. I don't have a car at the moment. I'm quite satisfied with your conditions. What do you think of me?"

Mu Chen started to introduce himself seriously.

It seemed that he really wanted to have a blind date with Shizuo Hiratsuka.

"Boy, what do you mean?"

Hiratsuka Shizuo rolled the eyes of the dead fish and stared straight at Mu Chen.

"As you can see, a blind date."

Mu Chen answered seriously.

"Ha ha."

Hiratsuka Shizuo chuckled and clenched his fists.

"Are you itchy? Are you kidding me like this?"

"how come?"

Mu Chen's expression was very sincere, "As long as you marry me, you will be in charge of the family's finances in the future."

"I don't ask too much. You can give me two children."

Hiratsuka Shizuo: "..."

Have two? ?

What is your kid thinking?

Hiratsuka was stunned, and punched him directly.

Mu Chen's eyes narrowed, and he reached out to take Hiratsuka's fist.

"Boy, don't you know how to respect the teacher?"

Shizuo Hiratsuka said angrily.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble."

At this time, Yukinoshita Yono came over with three bottles of drinks with a smile.

Seeing this, Mu Chen and Shizuo Hiratsuka let go at the same time.

Taking a drink from the tray, Mu Chen drank it slowly.

"Teacher, your blind date always fails. Can't you wait until I'm eighteen?"

Mu Chen made a joke again.

"Wait for you?"

Hiratsuka Shizuo sighed, "I'm going to run three soon."

This may be the sadness of the older leftover women.

"That's why you have to wait for me."

Mu Chen smiled slightly, "I'm seventeen this year, eighteen next year, you wait for me for a year, can we just get the certificate directly next year?"

"You boy."

Shizuo Hiratsuka also laughed.

Taking a deep breath, she took a drink, "I heard from Teacher Chabashira before, are you planning to marry the two of us?"

"Not two~"

Yukino Yukino interjected, "He's an LSP~ As long as he meets a beautiful girl, he wants to marry him."

"Isn't this normal?"

Mu Chen was puzzled.

Do you understand the gold content of lsp?

Why is lsp called lsp?

Is it because they like more beautiful girls?

Like one, it's called licking! Or special.

But lsp is different, lsp only likes pretty girls!

Mu Chen feels good to be an LSP.

"I'll give you a chance when you're eighteen."

Hiratsuka thought for a while and said.

Anyway, the blind date is not very successful.

She doesn't care about the love between teachers and students.

After all, it's not easy to find someone who likes you.

And on weekdays, as long as he's not going to school, he doesn't dislike Mu Chen.


Mu Chen showed a pair of white teeth.

"By the way, Xiaojing, this is your first blind date?"

Yukinoshita Yono suddenly asked.

"Can not remember."

Shizuo Hiratsuka put out the cigarette butt.

"Tsk tsk, these people don't know the goods."

Mu Chen slapped his mouth.

Hiratsuka Shizuo is so cute that they don't like it, so what can they like?


Look out of the restaurant.

Mu Chen recalled himself in his previous life.

Social animal, single, mortgage.

It can be said that he exhausted himself to death in his last life!

So in this life, he has to live for his own ideas!

The current Hiratsuka Jing is similar to the self in her previous life, except that the mortgage is under pressure.

"I didn't expect you to be so good at talking."

A good-looking smile appeared on the corner of Shizuo Hiratsuka's mouth.

"I've always been good at talking, but the teacher doesn't know that."

Mu Chen shrugged.

"By the way, why are you two together?"

Shizuo Hiratsuka asked suddenly.


Yukinoshita Yangnai smiled, took out two real estate licenses in her left hand, and hugged Mu Chen's arm in her right hand.

"We just bought a house. After all, we have to plan for where we will live after we get married."

"That's right!"

Mu Chen heard Yukinoshita Yangnai joking, and put his arms around her shoulders, "Yangnai will teach me tonight!"

Yukino Yukino: "???"

The smile froze, and Yukino Yukino felt that she was still too tender.

I was actually led into the ditch by Mu Chen!

He is obviously so much younger than himself, but he speaks in a set way.

Hiratsuka Shizuo rolled the eyes of the dead fish, quietly watching the expressions of the two of them.

I have to say that when two active people stay together, there is really a lot of drama.

"If there's nothing to do, I'll leave first. I still asked Sae to meet in the game."

Shizuo Hiratsuka glanced at the time.

"We're going back too."

Mu Chen nodded.

His plan has been accomplished.

As long as you wait quietly for a year, you can win Hiratsuka Shizuo, so I plan to go back early.

So, the three were separated.

Mu Chen and Yukinoshita Yang Nao rushed in the direction of home.

Along the way, they teased each other, called the moving company and the cleaning company, and finally returned home.

After returning home.

When they entered the door, they saw Tian Yu Zanzhan and Yukinoshita Yukino who were chatting with Likasao.

"You are back."

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan got up and walked in front of Mu Chen, "Have you bought the house?"


Mu Chen nodded and said, "I'll go to the bedroom first and tell Blank."

After the words fell, Mu Chen turned around and walked to his bedroom.

After entering the bedroom, he closed the door.

Looking at the siblings who were sitting on their bed and playing games, Mu Chen took out the real estate license.

"Empty, the real estate certificate has been brought over. I contacted the moving company and the cleaner. You will give them the keys in a while and ask them to move the game equipment and important things."


He took the real estate certificate in the air and handed over a bank card.

"There is a million in this card, and the password is Shiro's birthday."

Mu Chen nodded, not mentioning the fact that the house price had risen by 30,000 yuan.

Immediately afterwards, he lay on the bed and put the game helmet on his head.

"There is still some time before noon, I will go to the game to settle the task first."

After the words fell, Mu Chen connected the game.

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