Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 77 Reach the upper level limit! Go to the Yukinoshita Family! (seven shiftsten shifts)

【Nickname: Chen】

【Level: 40】

[HP: 202w/202w]

[Divine Power: 85]

【Godhead: None】

[God Attack: 665丨God Defense: 665丨God Magic: 665丨God Speed: 3.7w+]

[Talent: Space Mastery]

[Skill: Speed ​​Space (Exclusive)...]

[Weapons: Space Dragon Knife (Space Set 1/5), Dimensional Rubik's Cube, Snow White Windbreaker, White Dragon Ring, Space Necklace]

Needless to say about the speed, at this stage...

In addition to himself, there is no player with a speed value of more than 3,000!

The most important thing is divine power!

That's right!

Now Mu Chen's divine power has reached 85 points!

As long as there are fifteen more points, the space dragon knife can be promoted to the artifact!

All in all, very good.

To talk about the destructive power of Mu Chen now.

Among Bluestar's existing weapons, without using divine power, it was possible to avoid mushroom eggs by relying solely on speed.

But there is no way to resist.

It is estimated that some levels need to be improved to resist.

Closing the panel, Mu Chen flipped through their executive's private channel.

Everyone has a good harvest today.

All executive officers have orange unique suits.

Lihuazuo's orange suit is the angel suit that comes with his talent, but it needs to be swallowed and upgraded.

But with so much equipment, her suit has also reached orange!

God's Domain reached the eighteenth floor, and many tasks were also cleared by the Guild of Fools.

At the same time, rare materials are a big push.

I believe it will not take long before you can make golden equipment again.

not only.

At around 4 o'clock this afternoon, Sora also collected enough materials to make a pair of golden equipment.

It can be said that the entire guild is developing in a good direction.

"It's time to go to sleep!"

Mu Chen stretched.

He can cause quite a stir today.

All the players in God's Domain saw him connect to the level boss, one by one from the shock at the beginning, to the numbness at the back.

"This matter is estimated to have caused quite a stir on the Internet."

After thinking about it, Mu Chen went offline.

He's going to the Yukinoshita family tomorrow.


Mu Chen's house.

As soon as he quit the game, Mu Chen felt something was wrong, and immediately took off the game helmet and looked aside.

I saw Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was wearing a game helmet, lying beside him.

Mu Chen's face was flat, and he didn't say much, got up and left the bedroom.


Miss and sister are like this, what else can he say?

Just go with the flow.

Going to the kitchen, Mu Chen took out the ingredients and simply made a small supper.

Don't eat something at night, sorry for the beautiful nightlife~

About ten minutes passed.

Mu Chen's stir-fried pork is ready.

At this moment, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan and Li Hua Zhan came out at the same time.

But when Li Huazao saw Tian Yu Zhan Zhan come out of Mu Chen's bedroom, his face froze.

"Chen Jun~ why is she in your room!"

Li Huazuo walked quickly to Mu Chen's side, looked up at him and asked.

There was a hint of anxiety in his tone.

"She went by herself."

Mu Chen told the truth.

"Don't do this, Xiao Zong, you can live with us too."

Tian Yu slashed his face and it didn't matter.

After Mu Chen heard this, he nodded in agreement.

As expected of his best friend, he speaks to himself!


Lihua Zan nodded expressionlessly, with seriousness in his tone.

Mu Chen smiled, took the meal out of the kitchen, and sat at the dining table.

"Let's eat together, sleep after eating, and get up early tomorrow."

Hearing the words, the two women sat down to eat at the dining table.

In about ten minutes, they finally finished their meal.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Chen and Tian Yu Zhanzhan cleaned up the tableware.

Afterwards, they went back to their respective rooms and went straight to sleep.

silent night...

The next day, eight in the morning.

The sunlight waved down, reflecting Mu Chen's cheeks.

Mu Chen opened his eyes slightly, and his hazy vision gradually became clear.

This time, he slept very sweetly.

After all, getting up early in the morning is good for you.

After getting up and getting dressed, Mu Chen went out of the room and found that Tian Yu Zhan Zhan and Li Hua Zuo had both gotten up.

"I'm going to Yukinoshita's house today, let's eat together at noon."

Mu Chen rubbed his eyes.

"Okay, do you no longer have breakfast at home?"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan asked.


Mu Chen shook his head, "I'll call Yang Nai later to buy some breakfast."

"Well, then I'll sleep again."

With that said, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan returned to his room on his own.

Lihuazuo went to the bathroom in a daze.

Mu Chen simply washed, cleaned up, and left his home.

As soon as he left the house, he saw Yono Yukinoshita and Yukinoshita Yukinoshita coming out next door, yawning.

"Chen sauce, it's not too late for you to get up~"

"I heard Koyuki say that you usually get up late~"

Yukinoshita Yono made fun of his sister.

This made Yukinoshita Yukino blushed.

Glancing at Pinao, Mu Chen looked at Yono under the snow, "Pingnao is going too?"

"My name is Xue Nai!"

"I know~ I know~"


Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Mu Chen angrily, all the good mood of the day was gone.

"Let's go, the car is probably coming to pick us up."

Yukinoshita Yono had just called the family driver to pick them up.


Hearing this, Mu Chen followed the two sisters downstairs.

After leaving the building, he saw a black car parked outside at a glance.

Yukinoshita Yono sat in the co-pilot with the flow.

And Mu Chen and Xuenai sat behind.

The vehicle moves slowly.

Mu Chen sat in the car, didn't speak, just stared out the window at the shops that had already opened on the street.


Forgot to buy breakfast.

Mu Chen complained in his heart.

"Here's your breakfast."

Yukinoshita Yangnai handed Mu Chen a sandwich, and then handed another one to Yukino.


Mu Chen thanked, took the sandwich and started eating.

While eating, I occasionally glanced at Yukinoshita Yukinoshita, who was sitting gracefully and chewing slowly.

"What's the matter? Pervert?"

Yukino Yukino couldn't help but speak.

Mu Chen has been staring at himself since the beginning, which made Yukinoshita Yukino's face hot.

"just looking around."

Mu Chen responded, looked away, and couldn't help thinking of a teacher's quote in his mind.

Lu Xun: An elegant person is the best choice for a wife.

Zhou Shuren: Makes sense!

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