"Alas~ Is it okay!?Momoi was stunned for a moment, with a somewhat surprised expression on his face.

The enthusiasm of the garden was beyond his expectations.

The biggest taboo for women is to make men think that you don't know what to do, so it's easy to be alienated, Momoi May had already planned to say goodbye, but she didn't expect the garden to invite her along.

This time, her heart became tangled...

The most taboo thing to make friends is to make simple and deep words.

Until now, she and Yuanzi had only met twice, let alone said a few words, and the other party sent an invitation like this, and it was not good for her to agree, and it was not good to refuse.

But since it wasn't good, she luckily chose the option she was more willing to do.

"If you don't mind..."Momoi May showed a polite smile, in her mind, it should be a very ordinary dinner party event, and it was okay to participate, so it should be left to a friend.

But this idea of hers didn't last long...


Two hours later.

On an extended version of the luxury aura, Momoi May obviously still had a dull expression on his face that he had not come back to his senses, and his eyes were also a little erratic, constantly sweeping around the car, and his heart was even more worried.


"I regret it~~"

"I'm really stupid this time, how could I agree to this invitation~~"

"But if you want to regret it now, it's too late. "

"It's really smart, and it's confused for a while. "

She's now sitting in an absolutely luxurious car with plenty of space, expensive leather sofas, and a private fridge and TV.

In the last seat in the car, sitting is Higashino Sheng in a white suit, and in the position on the left side in front of him, there is a blonde girl wearing a purple dress and a crystal headband.

The girl sitting next to Erina is called Scarlet, and the other party has introduced herself as Erina's secretary.

Next to Scarlet Sand sits Alice, Erina's cousin.

And opposite these three people, there are also Xue Nai and Yang Nai, and Yuanzi, and the three of them are also wearing very expensive long skirts and evening dresses.

These six people are all the eldest ladies of rich families.

And Higashino Sheng is the eldest young master of a rich family, and he is also very rich.

These people are the reason why Momoi May regrets it now.

God calls him a friend...

She's just an ordinary person in an ordinary family, and she's a fart friend with these big ladies, big and young masters.

Originally, she thought that the party that the garden would generously invite her to participate in must be a small private party, so she agreed.

No one thought it would be an upper-class successful person's party.

What does she, a child from a poor family, go to the place?

This is a big mistake...

Thinking of this, Momoi May looked at the pink evening dress, and regretted it even more, the set of clothes on her body was given by Higashino Sheng.

She didn't want to do it at first, but Higashino Sheng said, "You are acting as one of my female companions, do you want to embarrass me if you don't dress well?"

She couldn't refuse.

She also mentioned going home, but Higashino Sheng said "Are you going to reject me?" as a reason, causing her to hesitate.

And this hesitation was quickly shattered.

Because Yuanzi also invited Xiaolan and Haruko Akagi to attend the evening party together, of course the two refused at first.

At this time, Higashino Sheng said that Momoi participated in May, and if Xiaolan refused, he would be very sad.

What will happen in this kind of evening, just expand the social circle, everyone eat and drink casually, and then go back.

Acquaintances such as Yukino and Erina also stood up and invited at this time, and under the hospitality, Xiaolan and Akagi Haruko, who were not able to refuse again, had to agree.

At this time, Momoi May really wanted to question Higashino Sheng.

When did she say yes?

Obviously, what words would she want to use to refuse more politely, less hurtful to people and feelings?

Well, now she's hard to ride a tiger.

If she still insists on refusing now, then Xiaolan and Akagi Haruko will definitely quit, so won't she save everyone's face?

Momoi May thinks she's also a smart person, and she actually understands that Higashino is deliberately using Xiaolan, Haruko Akagi and her to influence each other...

Either you don't go, or you go..

And her hesitation led to the result that she could only go, otherwise she would offend everyone, there was no way, she could only make the right choice and participate in this evening.

Then, it seems that accepting the evening dress given by Higashino Sheng has become something that must be accepted.

Momoi May is very humiliated, she has grown so big, she has never suffered such a big "loss"

Thinking of this, she took a hard sip of cherry juice, and her face couldn't help but show an intoxicated expression.

Drink well...

It's a juice made from your favorite cherry...

It is said that these rich people are corrupt, and the cherries used to make cherry juice are the most expensive kind, and the bridge is hateful~

Today, she will represent the broad masses of the people to fight local tyrants and landlords in May.

"Hehe..."Higashino has actually been paying attention to Momoi May, seeing her look preoccupied, sometimes distressed, sometimes sad, sometimes regretful, and sometimes indignant.

It's kind of funny.

"Little Peach, seeing that you look preoccupied, are you dissatisfied with the evening dress I chose for you?"

"No, satisfied!"

Hearing Higashino Sheng suddenly ask himself a question, Momoi May hurriedly responded with a smile, but complained in his heart.

Jokes aside, the price of this pink evening dress is more than the salary of his parents combined for a year.

Momoi May, absolutely, wearing this kind of clothes by himself is like wearing a piece of RMB on his body, what can he be dissatisfied with?

Just be careful!

In fact, there are also Xiaolan and Haruko Akagi who have similar ideas to Momoi May, and the evening dresses on their bodies are also given by Higashino Sheng...

Good-looking is very good-looking, and it also matches their temperament..

But the long string of zeros behind this dress is really terrifying.

Compared to them, Nanako, who also received the evening dress from Higashino Sheng, didn't feel anything.

It's not that she has a big heart, it's just that Higashino Sheng also invited her to spend the night at Higashino's villa after the evening when he gave her clothes.

What to do overnight?

Adults know it..._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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