Yono’s state under the snow is so wrong that even the rookie Yukinoshita can see it at a glance.

Although the eldest lady is not a good person, she is not so bad that she wants to kill people with her mouth shut.

There is only one possibility that it will become like this!

“Sister, is her spirit polluted?”

“As you can see, the pollution she was actually quite serious.”

Lin Mubai summoned the Magic Guide Book and applied a hypnotic spell to Yukishita Yono, and then channeled her to begin faintly distorting her spiritual consciousness.

The pollution of the sea demon on her was eliminated at one time.

Yukishita Yono’s talent is not bad, comparable to the second young lady, and people like her are the most affected in the sea demon landing.

It is foreseeable that in the future, Neon is estimated to pop up several cults that believe in sea devils.

Yukinoshita Yukino thought of this as well.

She’s just confident, not conceited.

On the first day of living together, Lin Mubai told the second young lady that her spiritual vision talent was not particularly outstanding, and she could barely make do.

What is really rare is her profession, the singer.

It is about as talented as Yukoshita Yukina, and there are about a few out of every 500,000 to 1 million people.

Those who are slightly inferior to the Snow Eye Spiritual Vision, for every 100,000 to 200,000 people, there are a few.

It’s just that these people have not awakened their spiritual vision, simply because the stimulation they received is not enough.

After all, not everyone can have the rare talent of spiritual vision like Shitani Miko, and every resentful spirit can stimulate awakening.

And the whole territory of Neon, there are exactly 12.6 billion people, such a huge base, how can I say that one or two thousand people with spiritual vision talent can come out.

There is no doubt that tonight, I am afraid that these two thousand people, let alone more than half of them, can awaken!

And those with high qualifications are even more unlucky eggs.

If you can’t survive it, it’s not impossible to directly alienate into a monster.

“Neon, it’s going to be messy.”

Catching Yono under the snow, who was already asleep, the second young lady was in a state of confusion at the moment.

She even felt that this was the beginning of the end times!

If it weren’t for Lin Mubai standing by her side and giving her courage, I’m afraid that Xue Nai would be completely confused by now.

“It’s just a small chaos, the sea devil should not wander around, every special place, there are powerful life forms occupied, they will not allow the sea devil to enter their hunting grounds.”

Lin Mubai said: “Neon everywhere, no, it should be said that it is actually the same everywhere in the world. ”

“The glory of the old days hangs over the entire planet.”

“Sea Devil coming ashore is just the beginning………. Strictly speaking, it’s not even the beginning, it’s just a dessert before the meal. ”

Sea Devil can only be regarded as a dessert?!

Forgive Yukinoshita Yukino for her shallow knowledge, she really can’t imagine anything more terrifying.

Could it be the backstage of that group of deep divers?

“So what do we do in the future? Lin Sang? ”

After hesitating for a moment, Yukinoshita Yukino asked, “At this rate, I’m afraid it won’t be long before those monsters are completely exposed to everyone, right?” ”

“Conservative estimates, a year at most.”

Lin Mubai estimated it and said, “To be honest, I think this world is strong enough, not only is it not immediately polluted by the old days, but it can last so long. ”

“If it weren’t for the fact that I never found any supernatural existence, I would have suspected what kind of high-demon world this is, such as the Foundation worldview and so on.”

After a pause, he continued: “In short, there is still about a year left under the ideal situation, and the only thing we can do is to seize the time to advance. ”

“Otherwise, everything you say is just a fantasy and meaningless.”

“Don’t say more, you just have a bottom in your heart, now go out with me immediately, I need you to do me a favor.”

Yukinoshita Yukino asked, “What’s the busyness?” ”

Lin Mubai, who had already put on his raincoat, turned around, holding the magic guide book in his left hand and the magic staff in his right hand, looking like he was fully armed and wanted to go out to fight.

“Of course, to get my advanced materials.”

The main material for the Evil God Investigator to advance is a tentacle from Lalaye, that is, the tentacle of Cthulhu.

Well, it grows on His face.

As for the auxiliary materials, it is the slime of the sea devil, as well as part of the sea devil’s body surface tissue.

For example, it is used to secrete mucus, much like the skin of creatures such as yellow eels.

All in all, the sea devil is a treasure, especially for Lin Mubai.

His advanced materials are basically all in the sea!

By the way, Dagon’s scale armor, Lin Mubai also needs it.

After gathering these three supporting materials, as well as Cthulhu’s tentacles, the Evil God Investigator will enter the second stage – the old summoning!

At that time, Lin Mubai could be regarded as truly becoming a qualified investigator.

He will harness the storm and thunder and wield the authority of the god of the sea!

It’s an epic transformation!

As long as it wasn’t the existence of the old dominator level that lowered the projection, Lin Mubai basically wouldn’t be in any danger.

The other gods of Chiba Shrine that have accumulated thousands of years of human mental power are not impossible to touch.

It is not as it is now, there is only one high-level spiritual vision.

There is no increase in combat power at all, in case you see something that you shouldn’t see, you will be killed on the spot.

This is also the reason why Lin Mubai usually only uses magic guide books.

No way!

Who let the Evil God Investigator pit so much?

The weakest class in the early days, there is no one!

In the top 10 sequences of advanced difficulty, they all belong to the unique gear!

If it weren’t for the terrifying potential, advancing once was a metamorphosis, and Lin Mubai would have scolded his mother a long time ago.

“Got it!”

Yukoshita Xueno knew that he and Lin Mubai had signed a contract, both prosperous and detrimental.

If something happened to Lin Mubai, she wouldn’t be able to run.

Therefore, for things that can increase Lin Mubai’s strength, Xue Nai under the snow is very positive.

Although she was afraid to die, she still took a suitable raincoat and silently put it on her body.

The two were dressed neatly and confirmed that nothing was missing.

Yukishita Yukino turned off all the lights in the house, and before leaving, she asked, “Hayashi-san, will we die?” ”

“I don’t know.”


“But I know that if we don’t fight hard, even if we don’t die today, we will die sooner or later.”

Looking back, the young man’s star-like eyes shone brilliantly in the rain.

He was laughing.

“In that case, why not give it a try?”

“Believe me, under the snow, we will definitely make it to the end.”

Looking at the boy’s outstretched hand, Yukinoshita Yukino shook it hard.

The girl braved the torrential rain and withstood the typhoon, followed Lin Mubai, and walked towards the direction of the sea demon together.

There is no turning back.


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