At the same time as the blood moon ended, Yono Yukinoshita and Kotoko Iwanaga on the other side finally broke away from the encirclement of the monsters of the inner world.

Well, to be precise, not completely detached.

Because behind the two of them, followed by a group of adult men with fist-sized scarabs with golden bay leaf patterns climbing on their black armor.

Not one or two, not ~ one or two hundred.

But at a glance, you can’t see the edge, conservatively estimated, the number of insects above 100,000 – tide!

The scarab’s limbs are very hard, and when climbing on the ground, it will make a sound similar to the collision of stones.

It’s good that the number is less, there are many of them, and countless sounds are mixed together, and the scalps of Yono and Kotoko Iwanaga who listened to it were numb.

The two fled in a hurry, but no matter where they fled, this group of scarabs just followed.

Even more frightening, scarabs don’t seem to be picky eaters, and everything organic matter is in their recipe.

Along the way, including those miners, they were all eaten clean by the scarabs, and there were no skeletons left.

Cannibalism belongs to yes.

“Damn it! Damn it! ”

Iwanaga Kotoko only has one leg, and the legs are relatively short, and she can’t run Yono under the snow.

Falling behind her at this time, she couldn’t help but glance back at the golden beetle swarm, and her face instantly showed an expression similar to Akuya’s crying.

“Hey! Yono, can’t you help? ”

“Think of a way! Otherwise, sooner or later we will be caught up! I don’t want to die yet!!! ”

Yono shouted as he ran, “What can I do?” And you’re a senior, aren’t you? You have to figure it out, right? ”

“I can’t help but ask you!”

“I can’t help it.”


The two were silent for a moment and continued to speed up and run forward.

The factory gate is very thick, and Yono Yukinoshita and Kotoko Iwanaga want to hide in the factory and find an opportunity to get rid of this group of golden beetles.

In fact, this method is indeed useful.

The golden beetle walked around the factory gate and did not force it in, but divided into two groups and surrounded the entire factory.

It was not until the core area of the mountain sounded again with a whistle similar to an air defense siren that the group of golden beetles slowly dispersed and left the area.

Yono Yukinoshita breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the dusty floor: “Whew-”

“It’s really dangerous, I almost thought I was going to be eaten by this group of bugs.”

Kotoko Iwanaga is in a similar state.

It’s not that I’m physically exhausted, it’s mental exhaustion.

After the scarab swarmed, it brought its own pollution, which was always eroding the spirituality of the two.

Fortunately, the two of them, one is a professional, and the other has the protection of the elven god, and ordinary people have long been polluted, and then alienated into monsters and eaten by the golden beetle swarm.

“It’s really dangerous here.”

Iwanaga Kotoko gasped and calmed her too fast heartbeat while saying, “I was chased by this group of disgusting insects just after I came in, and I don’t know what else to encounter later.” ”

“Yang Nai, do you say that just the two of us can successfully reach the core area?”

“How I feel a little suspended.”

Yono Yukoshita stood up, rolled his eyes, and said: “Don’t shake the heart of the army, I think we have no problem, how to say that we are also extraordinary, even if we can’t take the insect swarm, can you still fight the monster that has fallen behind?” ”

“That’s what I said.”

Since she had decided to take a gamble, she would not escape without permission and become a deserter.

Don’t look at Iwanaga Kotoko always opening the yellow cavity, it looks unorthodox, in fact, she is quite reliable when she does business.

Yono Yukinoshita said suddenly.

“Well, you noticed that too?”

Iwanaga Kotoko’s expression became much more serious, and she analyzed: “The whistle should represent some kind of command in the core area, and the golden beetle heard it and left according to the whistle’s instructions.” ”

“But before the whistle sounded, they didn’t try to storm the abandoned factory, which means that there may be something very scary in the factory.”

“Of course, it is also possible that this is a very important area, there are special guards inside, and the golden beetle cannot enter casually.”

“Anyway, whatever the outcome, it’s not a good thing for us.”

Yono Yukinoshita nodded, indicating his approval of Iwanaga’s analysis.

That’s what she thought, too.

Otherwise, wouldn’t the golden beetle rush in directly?

No matter how thick the gate is, it is impossible to block the 100,000 golden beetle swarm.

You know, just before, they have demolished several residential buildings.

It didn’t even take more than ten seconds!

“Anyway, let’s take a look in the factory first.”

“Fortunately, if something is discovered, it may be able to help Anada.”

If both are in favor, then it is possible to act.

Yono Yukinoshita and Kotoko Iwanaga had the kung fu to look at the factory where they were currently located. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It can be seen that this place has not been used for a long time.

The ground was covered with dust, and the smell of rancid sour smell was also in the breath.

Only a very large machine stained with black oil is still operating.

Make a “clang” sound.

The sound is not very loud, but it is very rhythmic, with a beauty unique to mechanical creation.

The huge exposed gears kept spinning, driving the tracks, as if to transport something to where it was supposed to go.

It’s a pity that Yono Yukinoshita and Kotoko Iwanaga don’t know much about this matter, they just glanced at it a few times, then they didn’t look much more, and prepared to go to the factory room to take a look.

Unscrew the rusty door lock, the door that has not been used for many years, make a long, “squeak-” sound.

Kotoko Iwanaga conveniently put a divine shield on herself and Yukinoshita Yono before taking a deep breath and probing her head out.

The entire abandoned factory was quiet, only the roar of machinery.

The floor they were on was on the third floor, and looking down from the corridor made of steel supports, you could see a huge furnace in the center of the factory.

The furnace exudes high temperature, and the molten iron inside is churning, bubbling with fire and bubbles.

Not far away, on the tracks, a sleepy human was being transported.

……………. Gentleman..

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