"It's already done."

"The world is already hidden, and there is no way to find the space of reincarnation."

"There will be no more reincarnations to disturb Daqin."

"Next, it's time to look at the heavens."

Huan Zheng was wearing a black water Xuanjin dragon robe, holding a book in one hand, and the other hand naturally fell, his eyes were slightly raised, and he seemed to have passed through the river of stars.

At this moment, he is standing on a high platform.

Under the high platform, it was densely packed and seemed to stretch endlessly, all of them were Qin warriors wearing Qin armor.

Among these soldiers, there are many weapons of war.

The huge artillery carriage that rushed into the sky, the cloud ladder platform towering like the Tower of Babel, and the battering ram lying horizontally like a ferocious beast.

This camp is boundless and dense.

So many Qin warriors remained quiet at the moment, but there was still an atmosphere of slaughter floating in the sky.

"Today, a new moment of conquest is opened for Daqin."

"Today, the rivers above the blue star speak the Qin language, and the sun and the moon shine on the Qin officials."

"However, the journey of Daqin is not over yet, let the place of the ten thousand worlds, everyone knows Daqin, and all worship Daqin!"

Ying Zheng's words seemed to have caused fluctuations in heaven and earth, spread among the army, and reached everyone's ears.

"Daqin! Daqin! Daqin! "

As the words of Ying Zheng fell, a heaven-shaking roar burst out of the sky below.

After a while, this roar stopped.

Ying Zheng's gaze swept over the faces of a soldier, and finally fell on the Academy of Sciences.

The Daqin Academy of Sciences has been studying 'science' for a long time.

They also received the 'Records of Organ Creation' taught by Ying Zheng.

Too many Daqin scientific and technological products are produced from the Academy of Sciences.

Now, if Daqin wants to conquer the heavens, it also needs the Daqin Academy of Sciences to 'open the way'.

This path is a passage across time and space, a passage that can cross the heavens.

"Turn on the Lightspeed Collider."

In the camp of the Daqin Academy of Sciences, a huge collider was slowly launched.

"Start the collider, perform energy collision, and break through space-time!"

The people in the Daqin Academy of Sciences, all of them worked as one, began to operate.

The collider is huge, but essentially just an energy and starting device.

The collider has a core energy source, that is, relying on the energy of the core energy, the collider has the ability to crash space, make space jumps, and cross the heavens.

At the core of this is a piece of jade.

At this moment, at the core of the collider, Yubi emitted extremely mysterious chaotic energy, urging the entire collider.

There were two streams of light, lit up from the collider, both pure energy, but the attributes were one yin and one yang.

This yin and yang energy evolved and separated from the jade energy.

The next thing the collider has to do is that this yin and yang energy re-collides, which can re-enact the wind and water fire and reshape the space.

In this process, the use of positioning means can open a channel that can jump space.

"Although the teacher has never taught me the most profound way of time and space, everything that the teacher has given me contains it."

His face was still like that of a teenager, and looking at the energy emitted by the collider, his thoughts couldn't help but fly.

The energy of this collider, that piece of jade, was originally the first 'tuition fee' given by Ying Zheng.

After the second class, Li Anping returned it.

And it is this piece of jade that has now become the source of energy for the collider, and it is also the key to Daqin's conquest of the heavens.

As early as many years ago, Daqin began to study the technology of space, and Ying Zheng was also involved in it.

It's been a long time, and there has been little progress because there is no reference.

But then... By chance, Ying Zheng found out, whether it was the jade bi he brought out of the Anping Dao Palace or the "Record of Organ Creation".

In both, there is energy that seems to have all its qualities, and this energy seems to be endless.

Then, based on this, Daqin's research on space began to make progress.

Coupled with the contributions of a batch of reincarnators, this space technology has gradually improved.

So with today's Great Qin Whole Army, to conquer the heavens!

The two yin and yang energies generated by the collider slowly collided together.


The collision of two energies, silently.

But in front of everyone, the originally normal space was shattered.

It was as if a mirror had been shattered, and the space was shattered, and black cracks appeared.

Ying Zheng, however, was in no hurry and had expected this scene.


He gently patted the "Organ Creation Record" in his hand, and suddenly a chaotic light rushed out and fell into the spatial crack.

Suddenly, the original spatial crack was closed, and gradually turned into a huge portal!

One after another, the chaotic aura formed the door frame of the portal, stabilizing the entire portal.

This portal is tall, like the gate of heaven, and the inside seems to be pitch black.

But facing this portal, countless Qin warriors were not afraid and panicked.

"Your Majesty, the spatial passage has been opened."

Below, the Daqin Academy of Sciences, the contemporary Mojia Juzigong reported on his revenge: "The opposite world should be a place of war. "

"When we go to the Great Qin Army, we can sweep the chaos and rule the world."

Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

Daqin has long been planning for today.

And with the means to locate other worlds, they are not without selectivity, find a civilized world and go, but have a choice.

Through the long river of time and space, observe the light of civilization.

Among them, the light of peaceful civilization and the civilization full of chaos are completely different.

What Daqin chose was the world that was not very powerful and chaotic at the same time.

In this way, the Great Qin sergeant will be able to directly sweep the unified world in the past, and there will not be too many necessary battles.

"Lords! Fight with the Fall! "

The figure of Ying Zheng floated up from the high platform, personally taking the lead, and wanted to lead the team to this other world.

"Daqin! Daqin! Daqin! "

Countless Qin warriors, with the same steps, all of them walked in unison, slowly entering the huge space portal.


"This reincarnation world... Three Kingdoms. "

"There is no limit to the camp of this world, and the reincarnation is free to choose the camp."

"Faction Selection Mission: Help your faction unify the three countries..."

"The highest achievement, the reincarnation leader leads the unification of the three kingdoms..."

In the reincarnation space, another group of reincarnators began their own reincarnation tasks and entered the task world.

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