This sleep is not very steady, rubbed the eyes, once people have something to worry about, they always think about these things from time to time, so that Bai Qiu did not sleep peacefully at all, looked at the gate that only he could see, thinking that he could go again in the afternoon after school.

Ship lady ah~ I don't know why Bai Qiu was inexplicably a little excited.

The sun in the morning is not very sunny, but it also reminds Bai Qiu that now is not the time to sleep in, and it is time to go to school. After school in the afternoon, let's get ready and go to the world of Azur.

Private Sowu High School, a neon-famous high school, this is where Baiqiu goes to school.


Yawned, Bai Qiu, who felt that he hadn't woken up yet, scratched his head, the saddest thing of the day was when it was time to go to school, and now his mind was full of things from another world, about how to say hello to the ship girl, and about going to the naval academy and so on.

So much so that I didn't sleep well last night, and looked around. Facing the rising sun, many students dressed in the uniforms of the General Armed Forces College were bustling, or walking in groups in the direction of the school, talking and laughing.

Came to his class second year class A, the hometown of the back row by the window king, elbows supporting his chin, Bai Qiu squinted his eyes and looked like he was about to fall asleep, taking advantage of the fact that Teacher Shizuki Hiratsuka had not yet come, it was a break to take a break.

Otherwise, the iron fist is invincible and the quiet and cute iron fist is not something that everyone can bear. But fortunately, Bai Qiu didn't have any friends in the class, and there were not even many people who spoke to him, so no one talked to him in the morning.

And now Bai Qiu looks like an introverted and autistic dead otaku, especially the long bangs cover his eyebrows, which is even darker.

I have to say that Neon High School is actually very much like a small society, exclusion and gossip abound, in short, all kinds of small circles. However, these are not good for Bai Qiu to participate in, he is like a bystander and does not participate in their story at all.

Hey ~ Sometimes I envy these students who don't understand anything and giggle every day, the world is not very safe at all.

"Hmm? Looks very tired, Bai Qiu-san? "

"Oh? Miss Kato? "

For a girl with a low sense of existence, Bai Qiu is very reluctant to open her eyelids, and it has been almost a year since she was at the same table, Megumi Kato's sense of existence is really a magical thing?

Put in the fantasy world, that is, the breath convergence big turtle breath technique is full level, and it is afraid! I feel like I can be a killer, Miss Kato.

"Hey" The plain and waveless face did not have any ups and downs, and sighed slightly, "Bai Qiu's title is still so surprising, we are classmates, aren't we?" "

Miss or something, how does it sound like a social animal? Hello everyone, let's be at the same table for a year.

But Bai Qiu's classmate is like this, and he is not interested in anything around him.

"Good night ~ Miss Kato." After saying a few words, Bai Qiu lay on his table again, looking for Zhou Gong in a daze.

Soon the morning class will begin, don't look at what neon high school is very leisurely in anime and so on, generally it is really hard in reality, otherwise how can the neon suicide rate be relatively high in high school students? Most of them can't resist the pressure.

Moreover, orthodox students who want to go to college have more pressure to study, especially in the entire high school ranking.

And Bai Qiu also woke up confused before Hiratsuka Jing arrived.

Open pendulum!

In terms of curriculum, neon high school is a little more relaxed, basically you can leave school after 5 p.m., and then the so-called club activities.

Bai Qiu, who did not participate in any club, immediately grabbed his bag and went back, he did not have any friends and relatives in this world, naturally there was no arrangement and invitation after school, in the eyes of outsiders, this is the ultimate loneliness, of course, for Bai Qiu, this is a lonely freedom.

However, Shizuki-sensei Hiratsuka did not think so.

"Hey..." sighed slightly, looking at Bai Qiu who didn't look serious in front of him, thinking about leaving immediately, it was a headache that couldn't be stopped, "You, you, how many times have you said it." "

Hiratsuka Shizune is very confused, but Bai Qiu understands, because he is often taught by Hiratsuka Shizumi, because he is not like a high school student at all, has a normal social life, but has nothing to do every day.

This is an extremely dangerous phenomenon in the eyes of Shizuki Hiratsuka, the ultimate loneliness will one day turn into something irreparable because of some small things, for the sake of his students' mental health, Shizuki Hiratsuka has asked him more than once to join a club, even if there is no formal game club in the school, or make friends.

In short, I hope that he will get out of this state, and I have to say that Shizuki-sensei Hiratsuka really deserves to be a good teacher, and he has worked hard for a problem child like him.

But when you say it, I won't necessarily listen to it~ What you said is for ordinary people, and for Bai Qiu, who has almost one foot into the door of the extraordinary world, it is different.

Although he thought so, Bai Qiu's face did not show any impatience, and he quietly listened to the nagging of Teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka.

"Having said all this, did you kid listen to it?"

"Ah, huh! The teacher is right, I will definitely next time. "

Looking at this kid with a stupid look on his face, he knew that he had deserted, and sighed helplessly, "There are no problems in life recently, right?" If the living expenses are not enough, if it is not enough, I can apply to the school for work-study, and I can also help you find the part-time shop. "

"Don't worry, Shizuki-sensei Hiratsuka, the funds left behind are enough to make me very rich."

Hiratsuka Jing, who still has an understanding of this kid's family situation, can be regarded as a little relieved, although both parents are gone, but the assets left behind are enough for this kid to eat and drink for a lifetime, as long as he doesn't spend money lavishly, there is no problem.

"Let's go, let's go, you can't stay when you see it."

Hearing this, Bai Qiu smiled and said goodbye, now how can he have the heart to listen to Hiratsuka Jing preaching here, now his mind is full of things in the Azure Route World, ship girl, I'm here!

ps: Ask for some free data! It's really hard to write without data now!!

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