"What kind of liquid would cause such consequences?"

"It's unimaginable that being able to kill the Immortal Emperor and pollute the dark source of the world is just a drop of liquid!"

Several immortal king giants, all in an incredible state.

The corpse raised its head: "According to my speculation, it may come from an existence beyond the long river of time and space." "

"Beyond time and space? I don't know if it's related to those who invaded our foreign lands. "

A giant said to himself, "The people who came to the foreign land could not find them in the long river of time and space, and they were suspected to come from outside the long river of time and space." "

Hearing this, the corpse shook his head: "The long river of space at this time is not the long river of time and space." "

"Time and space are as vast as the sea, and each world has its own long river of time and space, accommodating people from one world."

"But beyond the world, there is a big river, and the inner Hengsha is a world, and a long river contains countless worlds."

"If we call it, this river may be called the mother river, and it is the source of the heavens and all the worlds."

"Our world is just a drop in the ocean in the long river of time and space, insignificant."

"Even this vast realm sea, which is boundless in my eyes and almost contains countless worlds, is just an insignificant small tributary of that mother river."

Several Immortal King giants were shocked when they heard this, and their bodies shook: "The vast and boundless boundary sea is just an insignificant small tributary of the mother river of time and space? "

They were horrified and unbelievable.

Because, in their understanding, the boundary sea encompasses everything.

Even if it is the world they are in, three thousand states plus foreign lands, it is just a world in the realm sea.

And the realm sea is full of danger, boundless, and other worlds.

Even an immortal king giant like them is extremely dangerous in the realm sea, so be careful.

However, in this way, the vast realm sea, which was already extremely dangerous in their eyes, was too large to explore, and it was just a small tributary of the Kongmu River at that time.

This kind of truth, which subverted their concepts, suffered a huge impact.

"And that black liquid may have come from above the mother river."

The corpse sighed: "Otherwise, I have become an Immortal Emperor, but I can look at the mother river, how can I fall so easily." "

Several Immortal King giants were silent, slowly digesting and accepting this information.

"In other words, the true source of darkness may come from beyond the boundary sea." So said the Red King." No, it could be beyond the mother river! The corpse corrected.

Hong was stunned: "Beyond the mother river of time and space..."

It is the mother river of time and space, and it is the reason of these giants.

What's more, in the mouth of the corpse, the so-called mother river is beyond the imagination and understanding of several giants.

The Red King opened his mouth and snorted for a moment before saying, "Then what is the reason for this ominous aura of death on my body?" "

The corpse glanced at the red king, and this glance the red king felt as if all his internal organs had been seen through.

"I don't know, so I need to see for myself."

Saying that, the corpse's gaze turned and cast its eyes to the location of the foreign land: "It may be from an existence outside the boundary sea, with strange and ominous, just to see it." "

When the corpse said this, the several Immortal King giants present did not dare to have any opinions, and they could only echo and agree.

Even, several giants are happy to do so.

Because a Natanotoya who can petrify living beings makes them retreat, not to mention the more weird Anubis who spreads death.

"We will return with our predecessors."

Several giants followed.

The corpse stood up, the realm sea was shaking in turmoil, and he headed towards the foreign land.

Behind him, several giants followed honestly like attendants.


In foreign lands, the battle continues.

And with reinforcements from the three thousand states, the small stone side is even more powerful.

Even, an immortal king was bleeding constantly, and was hit on the head by Sun Wukong!


The head of this immortal king exploded on the spot, and the black blood burst out, and the Yuan God True Spirit was destroyed at this moment, grinding out from the atomic and molecular level.


The sky exploded, as if crying for the fall of this immortal king, and the movement was much more amazing than the immortal fall.

In Naruto's live broadcast room, there was an uproar.

"So strong!"

"Comparable to the existence of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, it has fallen!"

"It's rare, no Great Luo Golden Immortal has fallen in our world for many years, and now Archmage Wukong has killed one in a foreign land."

"Archmage Wukong is not indebted to the name of Qi Tian Great Sage, and the battle god is so powerful!"

"After all, it was the existence of the Heavenly Palace."

"The Archmage is mighty!"

In the live broadcast room, the audience from the Westward Journey World was hotly discussed, some were shocked, and some sighed.

Tang Sanzang looked at his master's appearance at the moment, and he couldn't connect with the scholar-like Great Master Wukong on the journey to the west.

It was at this time that Tang Sanzang really felt (so good) the demeanor of Sun Wukong's once Qi Tian Great Sage.

And Rulai, who was also next to the Zimu River and watched the live broadcast through the fragments of the Book from the Earth, was also moved in his heart: "He is stronger, and now he is incredible, full of the highest scientific theories, and he is almost invulnerable." "

"These foreign people will not be opponents."


The fall of an immortal king has demoralized the foreign side.

On the other side, Ying Zheng also showed his might, and a long sword pierced the head of an immortal king.

Black blood flowed from the head of this immortal king, his eyes lost their radiance, and the Yuan God was worn out.

The vision of the heavenly cry rose again, and the exotic land shook.

The successive visions were felt even on the side of the imperial pass.

Some of the powerhouses in the three thousand states have even noticed this situation through the long river of time and space in this world. _

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