If Bai Qiu chooses the most special ship girl in the Minato area, it will undoubtedly be Long Island, and as the true original ship girl of every player, Long Island is waiting for you in the Minato area before the commander arrives.

Imagine that in the empty and uninhabited port area, Long Island silently guarded the port area waiting for the only commander in his life, even if the rarity is not high, the skill is not strong, and the ship data is not luxurious.

But it couldn't shake in the slightest, the position of Long Island in Bai Qiu's heart.

Commander~ is a ghost oh, Long Island is a ghost.

When he first met Long Island, Bai Qiu thought that Long Island was just a little girl with a more lively and playful personality, but after the transformation, he found that the ghost identity was just a social armor, and the real Long Island was a more homely, lazy and soft cute girl.

Who wouldn't love Long Island?

The ship lady who stayed in the port area for a long time before you came to the port area, she will welcome you and open a new chapter in the port area, and then watch the port area gradually become prosperous step by step.

I believe that every commander will not forget Long Island, right? The carrier girl who accompanied you on your first sortie.

Accompany the commander on a date? It's a really new experience.

Looking at the palms of the two of them with ten fingers interlocked, they couldn't help but smile stupidly around Long Island, and the current commander was much more frank.

Speaking of which, Long Island is not the kind of girl who is very anxious to get a ring, compared to Da Fengfeng.

But the favorability is here, but I don't expect the commander to give himself a ring immediately, of course, if there is good, there is no so-called, anyway, I have to accompany the commander for the rest of my life.

Along the way, the two held hands and strolled through Akihabara, talking and laughing like a loving little couple.

Nagashima prefers to go to the Akihabara arcade rather than a date venue, and how enjoyable it is to play games with the commander here.

However, while passing a roadside stall playing balloons, Long Island stopped because the grand prize of this roadside stall was a regular GUNPLA puzzle.

In addition to playing games and reading books, Nagashima also likes to build models and enjoy the fun of completion, and Mikasa Daisenbei also has this hobby in Minato.

"Commander, let me tell you, Long Island is a master of shooting~"

Picking up the air gun in front of him, he boasted to himself, the deputy leader made himself seem to be good at it, "Once a dozen quasi-commanders you can see!" "

Le ~ After hearing Long Island's words, Bai Qiu suddenly became happy, isn't this guy an aircraft carrier girl? It's not as good as fighting ~ cannons or something.

"Then you come on."

Rubbed Long Island's brain, and watched the rather confident Long Island hold an air gun and aim carefully.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After several gunshots, only five balloons burst out of ten rounds, and half of the bullets missed the target.


Gasping for air, Nagashima stared at the result with wide eyes in disbelief, isn't it? According to the rifling, he is clearly aiming right?

"Commander, you said if I can shoot down with the cannon on the carrier-based aircraft."

said indignantly, obviously they all boasted about Haikou in front of the commander, and the result was ~

"Why don't you just set off this stall without aerial bombs, look at me."

Pinched Nagashima's soft face, it's this broken mouth bragging there, right?

"Boss bring me ten rounds."


The owner of the stall saw this scene and happily collected the money and handed an air gun to Bai Qiu, at this time, he liked such a small couple to play, and there were always many unjust heads who spent money on it.

In fact, everyone knows that this kind of air gun has moved on the feet, but the girlfriend wants a big doll and the like, can she not fight down?

Almost the first few shots are rifled in accuracy, and the next few bullets will be deflected, and no matter how you hit them, you will not hit the target.

However, this little trick is only suitable for ordinary people.

The red pupils lit up slightly, and with the help of the auxiliary combat system, it was almost unnecessary to aim and aim the wound according to the planned route.

Syllable! Snap!

All ten bullets hit.


The rather cup-filled blow on the muzzle of the gun, and said to Long Island on the side: "Do you see me holding it?" "

At the same time, Long Island was also extremely cooperative, and said cheerfully: "Hee-hee, don't look."

In short, under the crying gaze of the boss, the grand prize was taken away.

Long Island, who was holding the model box on the road, laughed, "The commander really doesn't want to cheat on his face." "

"Hey, you guy is so bad that I won it back for you, the hateful Long Island actually didn't show or thank you at all, the commander is sad."

"Wow! How are you like a child commander, oh understood! Recently, everyone has often spoiled you, and the commander has begun to like to spit and roll, understand that this is called Frederick to take care of the commander. "

With the shoulder on top of the white autumn, if you really want to call Frederick over, it is not a matter of favor, because Frederick the Great really treats the commander as a baby.


Quickly left a kiss on Bai Qiu's face.

"Commander, this is a reward, oh, a reward from Pretty Girl Long Island."

Hehe smiled, index finger tapped lips, soft long black hair fluttered, cute and beautiful face showed a playful smile, which made people a little dumbfounded.


"What kind of beautiful girl is Long Island? Obviously, only the house girl is good, besides, I recommend here. "

Clicked his mouth, the intention is self-evident, wow this person likes to inch.

Hey! You color embryo! Get cheap and sell well!

Long Island glanced at Bai Qiu with disdain, the commander always entered the office with his face first, and this guy's face was almost thicker than the city wall.

I glanced around, but there was no one.

Stepping forward quickly, Zhu's lips tapped, and Long Island, who wanted to fulfill the commander's wishes, stepped forward.

Wow! Forcefully held down by the commander!

The taste of Long Island is a light cola flavor, sweet and silky ~ but addictive.

"Wow wow~ The commander really likes it."

Long Island blushed and reprimanded, no matter how much he likes to open his mouth, Long Island is also a girl with simple feelings~

When he encountered a strong and domineering commander, he was naturally unable to resist like a poor little white rabbit.


The overbearing commander is a little handsome!

"That's enough."

Bai Qiu smiled, should I say that kissing is very addictive.

With a blank glance at his own commander, Long Island suffered a loss, obviously took a model, and as a result, he was deceived by the commander, but... What if I like it a little?

"Let's go, today's date is not over yet."


It's a wonderful feeling to be held by the commander's hand... My heart is pounding.

I didn't expect that I would have such a day, I could be alone with the commander, how to say that I was just a ship girl with a low degree of training and rarity, and I could also say that I was inconspicuous in the huge port area, but...

In Bai Qiu's eyes, Long Island saw himself, and the commander saw himself in his eyes~

After spending an afternoon in the arcade with Long Island, it was almost time for dinner, after all, I still needed to go home to eat, and Yixian was still waiting at home.

Taking Long Island out for a date is also a temporary decision, and you can't pigeon Yixian wife~

Strolling home with a lot of loot in hand, all won back from the game hall.

"Wow~ I'm so happy, Commander, go home early, win so many prizes and go back, I'm going to decorate my room well."

Stretched his waist, the better figure is at a glance, and I really had fun today.

"No hurry, I still have a gift for you."

Bai Qiu waved his hand and motioned for Long Island to wait longer.

"What gift?" If it was the commander's personal relatives, today is enough..."

Before Nagashima finished speaking, he saw Bai Qiu kneeling down on one knee and feeling out a small box from his pocket, and inside the small box was a shining vow ring.

"Long Island! Will you marry me? "

PS Love it.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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