"Whew, what a pleasant battle! I haven't fought so hard in a long time. "

Rubbing his sore shoulders, Washington said excitedly.

However, Washington's words made his sister North Carolina stunned, "Don't tell you that you just emptied all the ammunition?" "

"Huh?? Isn't everyone like this? "

Hearing that Washington was dumbfounded?

North Carolina saw the stupid Washington suddenly did not know how to complain, although the size of the Siren fleet is large, but it only takes a little time to solve them, and in the absence of confirmation of whether there are reinforcements, most ship girls have a spare strength.

And even the commander, who had never participated in a naval battle, knew that this humble battle maniac was the happiest when she fired her guns.


The front line ~ Only the evolutionaries were left alone in the entire sea area, and they were a little overwhelmed by looking at the surrounding wreckage.

Gan! Weaving dreams pit me! It's not the same as saying yes!

Looking at the ship ladies who had already surrounded this side, the evolutionary knew that he couldn't run away, but fortunately he was directly placed in place, and by the way, even the ship suit was also contacted.

Even the several ship maids and Bai Qiu who surrounded them in this way did not let their guard down, on the one hand, Siren's personal strength is a few points stronger than the ship maid, although the purifier belongs to the side of the more dishes on the Siren's side, the command is sparse, and he only knows no brainless rush.

But no one knows if this guy will have any backhand?

The carrier-based aircraft hovered overhead, and the main gun was aimed at the evolutionary.

Looking at the somewhat ashen-faced purifier, Bai Qiu couldn't help but sigh: "This guy is really a wave, is he just holding the main guns of several ship ladies, and he is thick enough to have rough skin." "


"The commander is right to say so, that's how the evolutionaries fight."

Replying to Bai Qiu's question with a smile, the evolutionary can also be regarded as a Siren who has fought with Minato many times, and he feels a headache for this guy's jumpy personality more than once, and often has no way to take her.

To use an analogy, it's just like the husky in the Siren, silly.

With big round eyes, the evolutionary immediately bent down and bowed, and said with a very sincere attitude: "I'm sorry I was wrong, I won't dare next time, you adults have a lot to let me go." "


Several secretaries looked at each other, not knowing what kind of expression to face, the previous evolutionaries were so careful? It feels like a different guy.

Who knows~ I used to use mass production machines, and the thing is the same as the doppelganger, now I am infested with the body, what if these ship girls don't say a word to beat themselves? It hurts, okay!

And the purifier actually has a purpose ... appeared in this world, but was just put up by Weaving Dream, obviously he wanted to stage a drama with majesty, but the result was... Beaten up.

"What did the commander say?"

The enterprise asked Bai Qiu and said, they have not experienced the drama of Siren's surrender before, even if these guys are sunk by artillery shooting, they will appear on the sea in a few days, how can they surrender directly like today.

For a while, I couldn't get an idea.

"I think it's a direct sinker..."

Before Bai Qiu finished speaking, the evolutionary directly ran to Bai Qiu and hugged his thigh, frightening the enterprises on the side and almost sinking this guy with a carrier-based aircraft.

"You're the commander of Minato, right? Long admired daimyo, Jin has been looking up to you for a long time, specially came to join our Minato area, you don't know how bad the treatment on the Siren side is! The top ones are proud and like to instruct our subordinates to serve tea and pour water. "

"When you look at your face, you know that you are a great person! So handsome! "


How does the big-eyed cute say it nicely.

For a while, Bai Qiu was also happy, why did Siren also abandon the secret casting this this time, but the real purpose of this guy needs to be discussed, Bai Qiu is not a fool, naturally it is impossible to slack off her vigilance with her mouth.

"Pack it and take it back to the port area."

He waved his hand and said, the specific reason still needs to be tortured.

In the distance, the ship ladies who were still waiting for the commander to return, saw the end of the battle, bored and talked to the people next to them.

"Isn't the commander particularly prominent in that area lately?"

"Where do you start talking about this?"


The Duke of York, who was a big second sick man, pointed to his eldest sister Joe and the fifth and second sister Prince of Wales, pointed to Long Island who was hiding on the sea not far away, took out the handheld to play the game Long Island, and pointed to Yixian who was laughing with Zhenhaibin Jiang in the Donghuang camp and joking about someone's hobbies.

Or Befa, who was making tea for Her Majesty in the royal camp, or the big phoenix in the fighting spirit with Ron, the sharp and sweet voice of the big phoenix was heard from far away.

It seems that she promised to make a promise with the commander in a few days, and the commander promised her to take her out on a date or something, although I don't know why Da Fengfeng would associate the date with the hair ring, but seeing Da Feng's confident appearance, it also has some credibility.

"It's only been three marriages in less than a few weeks! I feel that the commander is going to become a ring mad in Minato, and when the time comes, he will give a ring every few days. "

Breaking his fingers and calculating, it seems that the commander will marry the entire port area in less than a year or two! This is a very different picture of the two or three rings the year before.

Speaking of this eldest brother, the Prince of Wales happily glanced at several ladies not far away, and it seemed that none of the ladies had a ring.

"Gee~ I also want to make a pledge with the conductor."


Hearing the words of the eldest sister King George V, York couldn't help but be stunned, so direct? Sister? The Duke of York and the Prince of Wales are not very anxious about the ring, and discussing this is only because of boredom, but I didn't expect to hear such a vigorous speech from the mouth of the eldest sister.

Obviously, her eldest sister is full of food, and she will also think of making an early vow with the commander.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I heard Yixian say that the commander is very good at cooking, so that I can pester the commander to make me a breakfast card in the morning, don't you know that Her Majesty has always been obsessed with cooking recently, and dragged me to try the dishes. "

Speaking of this, King George V suddenly wanted to cry, wow! As far as Her Majesty's craftsmanship is concerned, it is tears to say more! And stupid and reluctant to fall, a bone is stuffed into the mouth of King George V, the eldest sister's stomach is still quite able to contain.

Hearing Qiao Wu's words, the two sisters couldn't help but get goosebumps, Her Majesty's craftsmanship is quite indescribable, and fortunately she has not wandered around in front of Her Majesty in the past few days, and it is estimated that she will also go to try the dishes at that time.

PS: Tonight! Nine more! Everyone give something meaningful! Aim to hit the shelves tomorrow! Didn't do it to reward yourself once!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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