"You mean, you don't bow down because of the phone booth, it's because of this?"

"You call this Heshibi?"

Li Anping asked a little 'incredulous'.

"Yes." Xi Zhengqi nodded seriously.

Li Anping had an indescribable strangeness in his heart, looking Xi Zhengqi up and down, wondering in his heart whether the other party wanted to deceive his 'Heshibi'.

In fact, Li Anping did not think that he was holding Heshi Bi, after all, that thing belonged to a legend.

But this does not prevent the name from being called Heshibi.

Li Anping understood a little, this big man called Xi Zhengqi knelt when he came in, because he saw 'Heshibi'.

And according to Xi Zhengqi, those who have the Heshi Bi also have the authority of Daqin.

As a warrior of Daqin, Xi Zhengqi should naturally possess the 'Heshibi', that is, Li Anping's most sincere and noble etiquette.

"What I wish is my pursuit!" But if there is any command, the subordinates will not return! Xi Zhengqi also showed his loyalty in a serious way.

For Xi Zhengqi, it is not a loss to quickly show loyalty.

After all, the object of loyalty now is the master who almost retreated in the reincarnation space in the first place.

Li Anping looked strange, looked at Xi Zhengqi, and thought that he was not young, and he was still in the second middle school.

"Let's go."

Li Anping sighed, thinking that he had nothing in common with this kind of second-year older man.

Xi Zhengqi originally reacted, and he had the intention to set a set, but he didn't expect to usher in such a sentence.

There was some reluctance in his heart, but as Li Anping's words came out, it was not only his body that reacted first.

In this tutoring class, there seemed to be an indescribable force majeure, which made him involuntarily walk out of the tutoring class.

After walking out, looking back again, although the tutoring class was behind him, Xi Zhengqi had a faint feeling that he couldn't go in at will.

"I was kicked out?"

Xi Zhengqi was stunned, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have missed something.

At this moment, the sound of the downtime cycle coming from the reincarnation mark also slowly stopped.

At the same time, the voice of the Lord of Reincarnation came from the mark of reincarnation.

"Warning! Warn! Warn! "

"This plane is extremely dangerous! All this world reincarnation quest changes, you can choose to return unpunished at any time! "

Such an alarm suddenly sounded from the mark of reincarnation.

Xi Zhengqi was stunned, and immediately reacted, whether the reaction of the reincarnation space had anything to do with the existence he had just met.

"It definitely matters!"

Xi Zhengqi muttered, "Because of that person's existence, is this world listed as highly dangerous by the reincarnation space?" "

When Xi Zhengqi was thinking about this, a message came from his reincarnation mark again.

Name:Li Anping(??? )


Judge: Extremely dangerous, never approach!

"This is?"

The information transmitted by the reincarnation mark made Xi Zhengqi slightly stunned: "Is this the personal information of that person?" "

"It's too basic, with a question mark after a name."

"What is the origin and strength, nothing is explained."

Xi Zhengqi complained in his heart.

But despite such a complaint, Xi Zhengqi also understood one thing from this 'information'.

That is the existence of Li Anping, which cannot be detected by the reincarnation space, and even Li Anping's true name, the reincarnation space cannot be determined.

Otherwise, there would not be so many question marks to replace information.

"The information review is completed, and 100,000 reincarnation points are deducted."

"100,000 points? Lakh? "

With this voice of the reincarnation imprint, Xi Zhengqi jumped up directly and incredulously, and his face changed greatly: "Is there a mistake, it takes 100,000 reincarnation points to query a message?" "

Xi Zhengqi inquired about his current reincarnation point through the reincarnation imprint.

A large -95759 number appears above his Samsara Point balance number.

"Hey, can you deduct me a negative number?"

Xi Zhengqi felt very strange, and directly scolded.

The reincarnation point is negative, which is unheard of, unseen.

Xi Zhengqi himself experienced such a feeling, but there were 10,000 grooves in his heart.

"Did I make a mistake? There is no information, deduct me 100,000 reincarnation points? "

Xi Zhengqi directly protested through the reincarnation mark on his hand, and at the same time, he was even more shocked by Li Anping's existence.

Because, in the space of reincarnation, many reincarnators communicate with each other and have a consensus.

Even the gods and demons of eight stars and nine stars, the price of the reincarnation space query is only two thousand to three thousand.

Now, just by inquiring about Li Anping's information, he was directly deducted 100,000 reincarnation points... This undoubtedly represents Li Anping's unfathomable strength from the side.

After all, the charging information of the reincarnation space is also based on the assessment of the strength of the target.

"Damn, all negative 90,000 reincarnation points, how to be a reincarnation?"

Xi Zhengqi gritted his teeth at the reincarnation mark on his arm: "Is it a mistake?" If I am not mistaken, Lao Tzu, the reincarnation, will not do it! "

Saying that, Xi Zhengqi turned around and was about to return to the appearance of 'Anping Counseling'.

"Just look for that existence showdown, anyway, you can't live!"

While saying this, Xi Zhengqi took two steps while gesturing.

The next moment, Xi Zhengqi's arm was slightly hot, which was from the reincarnation mark.

A share of information emerged: "Settlement error, deduction of reincarnation points are returned in full." "

In this way, after a slight pause, another stream of information gushed out: "Settlement error, compensate the reincarnation Xi Zhengqi 1000 reincarnation points." "

Xi Zhengqi was a little incredible, looking at his reincarnation point, it had become a positive number, and there were a thousand more.

"This..." Xi Zhengqi turned his head and looked, suddenly suspecting that the 'Lord of Reincarnation' of the reincarnation space was not a mechanical system without feelings, but had a certain logic.

Otherwise, at this time, he would not be compromised by Xi Zhengqi's 'threat'.

That's right, just now Xi Zhengqi borrowed the name of 'Li Anping', threatened the reincarnation space, and succeeded!

Xi Zhengqi couldn't help but turn his head, looked at the 'Anping Tutoring Class', and remembered Li Anping: "This, what kind of existence it is!" "

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