"He is also a Qin Warrior? That from the unknown Daqin time and space? "

When Hua Chen heard Qin Yu's words, he was shocked, and he was a little more surprised by Xi Zhengqi's existence.

On the side, Xi Zhengqi saw this Qin Warrior team and heard the words from the leader's mouth, and his face was also full of surprise.

"You, too, are from Daqin?"

While speaking, Xi Zhengqi 'touched' the Qin Warrior core in his body.

Suddenly, a stream of information poured out from the core of the Qin Warrior.

At the same time, Xi Zhengqi also felt a stream of information from the several Qin warriors in front of him.

"It's really a Qin Warrior, with the Great Qin Mark!"

Xi Zhengqi was slightly stunned, but he was sure of this.

Every Qin Warrior is an 'identity mark', and this identity is in the core of their Qin Warrior.

Therefore, the Qin warriors of Daqin confirmed each other's identities, which was directly confirmed through this identity information.

Now, Xi Zhengqi and this Qin Warrior squad exchanged confirmed information with each other, which was equivalent to confirming each other's identities.

This confirmation is mutually beneficial.

"Great Qin Conquest of the Heavens Advance 108 Squad! Captain Qin Yiwu! "

After confirming Xi Zhengqi's identity as the 'Qin Warrior', the captain of the Qin Warrior squad raised his right hand, waved it in the air, and hit his chest.

This is a gift of meeting in the Great Qin Army.

"Qin Yiwu?"

Xi Zhengqi was taken aback, because he understood what the name meant.

In the time and space of Daqin, Xi Zhengqi was captured by Huan Zheng and transformed into the body of the Qin Warrior, and stayed in Daqin for a while.

It was during that time that Xi Zhengqi had a sufficient understanding of Daqin and the Qin Warriors.

Therefore, he understood that almost all of the Qin warriors were surnamed Qin, and the names behind them were both names and code names.

Qin Yifeng, which means that it is the 100 million and fifth Qin Warrior born in Daqin.

It was this kind of data that surprised Xi Zhengqi and couldn't help but mutter: "Between worlds, the speed of time flow is different, could it be that so long has passed since I left Daqin?" "

"So much so, the Qin Warrior sequence has reached the level of hundreds of millions, that is, Daqin already has hundreds of millions of Qin Warrior soldiers?"

This number, Xi Zhengqi only felt that it was difficult to resist.

While shocked in his heart, Xi Zhengqi did not forget to perform a Great Qin military salute.

"Daqin, Xi Zhengqi."

Xi Zhengqi reported his name without introducing it too much.

In fact, at the moment of their core information exchange, they have already understood each other's identity and authority, and what they don't know is only their names.

In the Qin Warrior squad, as soon as Qin Yiwu lowered his hand, he said with some impatience: "How did Bachelor Xi come to this world?" "

"Is it the Great Qin who sent to support us?"

Qin Yiwu's words were filled with some emotion: "We have encountered time and space disorder, lost the coordinates of time and space, and have been in exile in this life for more than three years, and finally waited for Xi Bachelor, and Daqin really will not give up our soldiers." "

The amount of information in Qin Yiwu's words made Xi Zhengqi digest it for a while.

Then, Xi Zhengqi spoke: "I am not from Daqin..."


The little stone walked out of the 'Dao Palace', in the chaos, towards the direction he inducted.

It didn't take long for the chaos in front of him to suddenly change and turn into an originally familiar scene, appearing directly outside the stone village.

"It's back."

A smile bloomed on the little stone little face, and looking at the stone village in front of him, he could hear all kinds of sounds coming from inside.

The little stone holds the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in his arms. Alien Beasts" and a can of Wangzai milk headed towards the village.

"The little stone is back!"

"It's small! Little Bu Dian is back! "

"Finally back!"

People from the village came out one after another, surprised to see the small stone, but also pleasantly surprised.

The words of the villagers were filled with worry, and some people inquired.

It turned out that three days had passed since the small stone disappeared.

In the past three days, the village was almost turned upside down, and the people of the village ventured to search the Cangmang Mountain Range all over the place, just to find small stones.

Even, in order to find the small stone, they communicated with the 'sacrificial spirit' Willow God, wanting to find out the whereabouts of the small stone, but they did not get results.

It was under such circumstances that the little stone returned on its own and inexplicably appeared at the entrance of the village.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"yes, where are you going?"

The friends in the village are also very concerned.

Xiao Shi looked ignorant and innocent, looking at the faces of the adults in the surrounding villages, they were all full of worry, and couldn't help but whisper: "I went to the Dao Palace, met a teacher, and learned some treasures." "

"I don't feel like it was long, even like it was only for a moment, how come three days have passed here?"

Little Stone scratched his head a little puzzled.

The old village chief walked out through the crowd, his old face, looking at the small stone: "Dao Palace? What Dao Palace? "

"Little stone, describe where you went."

The old village chief guessed very seriously: "It may be a secret place hidden in the Cangmang Mountain Range, and you ran into it." "

Xiao Shi thought about it, thought of the name of the palace he saw, and said it without hesitation.

"Dao Palace, it's Anping Dao Palace."


When the word 'Anping' in the mouth of the little stone had just been spoken, a thunder suddenly sounded between heaven and earth!

In the village, chickens and dogs suddenly jumped, and the ancient relics raised were trembling.

"What Dao Palace?"

None of the people in the village heard Little Stone's words.

The little stone repeated again.


With this thunderbolt, the people in the village felt as if the sky was about to fall, and they were all under the pressure of heaven.

"Don't ask again, don't mention it again."

A voice suddenly sounded in the village: "This is an ineffable existence, and the name must not be taken lightly, otherwise it will cause ominousness." "

"Little stone, come to me."

As soon as this voice sounded, many people in the village were surprised and did not understand where it came from.

The old village chief's face changed: "Liu Shen! "

At the same time, the old village chief personally took the small stone and went to the location of the willow god.

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