Under the eyes of the Heavenly God Buddha and several saints in the sky, I saw Dao Ancestor Hongjun do something that surprised everyone!

He gave a thank you in parallel to Ang Lee!

Say thank you Li Anping and wish to preach for this world!

"What exactly is going on?"

"The teacher would even thank this person..."

"Just preaching, so that the teachers are willing to thank it, what kind of road is handed down?"

"What is the origin of the so-called physical beast?"

The thoughts of several saints fluctuated constantly, and they could not calm down.

The Heavenly God Buddha also refreshed his understanding of Li Anping again.

This is a figure that Dao Zu Hongjun wants to thank!

As for the half-words that Sun Wukong had revealed before, about the Taoism of the fundamental three laws of 'heaven and earth people', the Heavenly God and Buddha paid more attention.

For the Buddhist sect, they all received a message.

"Surrender and defeat the five physical divine beasts, and the Buddha will be able to get out of trouble!"

Buddhism cannot be without a Buddha for a day, and from this moment on, many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Buddhism have decided in their hearts that they want to help their Buddha get out of trouble.

On the other side, Li Anping calmly accepted Hongjun's worship, and the next moment turned and left.

For him, 'dream' has achieved this point, it is already almost.

Towards the huge chaotic portal behind him, Li Anping stepped into it.

Suddenly, in the eyes of the Heavenly God Buddha and even several saints, I saw Li Anping step out and disappear directly between heaven and earth.

Even the sage senses were so thorough that they could no longer find any trace of Li Anping, and they couldn't even find out where Li Anping had returned.

The Three Realms of Nuoda, the Heavenly God Buddha, only Dao Ancestor Hongjun and Sun Wukong could see that Chaos Portal.

Hongjun's gaze was far-reaching, and he watched Li Anping enter the chaotic portal.

And the 'student card' on Sun Wukong's chest was slightly warm, which also allowed him to see this scene.

"Teacher..." Sun Wukong was a little reluctant, but thinking of Li Anping's instructions just now, he felt infinite firmness.

"Five hundred years later, spread the law to the west and submit the five divine beasts!"

The Monkey King strengthened his will.

And Hongjun on the side also turned away in the next moment, without saying too much to Sun Wukong.

Because just now, Li Anping's instructions to Sun Wukong were perfect enough.

The gods and Buddhas in the sky are all above the clouds, and they are all silent.

It wasn't until Sun Wukong also returned to Huaguo Mountain that the cloud became noisy again, and the gods and Buddhas each returned home.

But the gods and Buddhas in the sky could not be calm.

Especially the entire Buddha Gate and the entire Lingshan Mountain are like a fryer.

Their Buddha was suppressed under the Five Finger Mountain!

In addition, in the outer heavens, in the chaotic void, several saints were also unable to calm down.

In this state, several saints set out and came to the place they had never visited since they were canonized.

Zixiao Palace!

Zixiao Palace is Hongjun's Dao Palace and the place where it preached in ancient times.

The last time the saints appeared in the Purple Xiao Palace was during the period of consecration, they gathered in the Zixiao Palace to discuss the consecration of gods.

And now, because of Li Anping, all the saints gathered in the Zixiao Palace again!

"Teacher, disciple Taishang asks for a meeting!"

"Teacher, disciple Yuan Shi asks for a meeting!"

"Teacher, disciples are asking for a meeting all over the sky!"

"Teacher, disciple introduction..."

The six saints, whether it was Sanqing, or the two saints of the West, and even Nuwa, who created the Terran race, came together at this moment to ask for a meeting outside the Zixiao Palace.

Today's Zixiao Palace is extremely deserted, even the boy who used to guard the door has become the supreme of the three realms, incarnated into the famous Hao Tianyu Emperor, and the same Yaochi has also turned into the queen mother, the head of the world's fairies.

In the deserted Zixiao Palace, the gates are closed, and no one has set foot in it for many years.

After the six saints were briefed, they waited quietly.

For them, whether they wait a day or two, or wait a hundred years and a thousand years, it is similar.

And they didn't wait long, and the gate of the Zixiao Palace burst open.

Several saints immediately understood that this was Hongjun's power and agreed to their visit.

So, several saints immediately entered the Zixiao Palace.

In the Zixiao Palace, as it was back then, there was no change.

And in it, Hongjunpan sits on a high platform.

"I've seen the teacher!"

Several saints greeted one after another.

And Hongjun sat firmly on the high platform, his face indifferent: "You are all together, what is the matter?" "

At this moment, Hongjun does not seem to have any emotional fluctuations on his body.

Even when facing Hongjun, several saints seemed to be facing the Heavenly Dao.


The most dangerous similar temperament to Hongjun is Lao Tzu, the way of cultivating Wuwei, and at this moment he was the first to speak, directly representing the six saints.

"I want to know what kind of divine Li Anping is."

"Why is it that he is not a saint, but he can suppress Rulai, and he can have such divine power?"

After Lao Tzu's words, Na Jun Ti couldn't help but continue to ask: "Teacher, why should the matter of the journey to the west change because of him?" "

"Although he is not a saint, but he is better than a saint, why does the teacher not care?"

Hongjun's face was indifferent, his eyes were flat, and he replied one by one: "Anping Daoyou is a strong person in other realms, not weaker than me in the slightest, and its characteristics are even better than me, which can affect the heavens and realms." "

"He is not a saint, because his way of practice is very different from the way of this world."

"As for why the matter of changing the journey to the west..."

Hongjun paused slightly, and then continued to speak: "Because if the Dao of Anping Daoyou can spread in this matter, it is more important to us heaven and earth than the great prosperity of Buddhism. "

Hongjun said rationally and indifferently: "The way of heaven is impermanent, only look at the pros and cons. "

"The changes brought about by Li Anping are beneficial to the Dao of Heaven."

"And the original Buddhist journey to the west is just a self-circulation of the three realms."

"In contrast, the matter of natural peace is more important."

This remark surprised the six saints a little, because the information content was very large.

Zhun Ti said with some displeasure: "Then my Buddhist plan for the One Yuan Meeting, the long-awaited journey to the west to promote Buddhism, will it end because of this?" "

Hongjun looked at Zhun Ti and said, "No, the Dao has no front and back, but there are high and low." "

"If the Buddhist path can be higher than the path of Anping, Buddhism will still be able to flourish."

"And vice versa, if the Buddhist path is covered, then the matter of Buddhism's journey to the west is naturally empty talk!"

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