Li Anping stood on the street, looking at the newly opened shop next door, which contained several tower-like big men.

This newly opened shop also has a sign scratched on it.

"Security company?"

On the name of the new store, there are several big characters 'Daqin Security'.

As if he felt Li Anping's gaze, several tower-like big men faced him together, smiling on their faces, stiff and cold, very strange.

"A couple of weirdos."

Li Anping shook his head and stopped looking.

At this time, a man approached Li Anping, with a red mark on his sleeve, indicating his identity.

Street neighborhood committee.

"Teacher Li, this is the newly opened security company."

Su Zhiming smiled and tried his best to act like a real street office.

"This is an officially certified security company, which can go up to personal bodyguards, down to escort children to and from school, and all kinds of related businesses, they are very proficient."

"Host Ren."

Li Anping knew Su Zhiming and had been to his tutoring class before.

"It turns out that these are for security." Li Anping nodded, "I see." "

Su Zhiming scratched his head, not knowing what Li Anping understood.

However, Li Anping's attitude made Su Zhiming breathe a sigh of relief.

Because according to Li Anping's attitude now, it seems that he has no opinion on the opening of 'Daqin Security' in the shop next to several Qin Warriors.

If Li Anping had an opinion, then Su Zhiming would not hesitate and would directly persuade several Qin Warriors to stay away from here.

Looking at Li Anping, who walked away, Su Zhiming walked in front of the Qin Warrior team and said in a low voice: "That one, without resistance, agreed that you are here." "

"However, you should keep a low profile and don't show any extraordinary."

"Because looking at the appearance of that person, it seems to enjoy an ordinary life, we can't break it rashly, otherwise we may encounter uncertainty."

Several Qin Warriors glanced at each other, and the Qin Warriors at the head said, "Thank you Director Su, I know." "

Su Zhiming stayed for a while, then left again.

Su Zhiming, who left, couldn't help but think in his heart: "Sure enough, weird versus weird is the most effective method." "

"This Qin Warrior squad once gave Xia Guodu a headache, but now it is willing to be near the tutoring class, disguised as a mortal..."


"Not good, Anusby is splitting and spreading!"

"The banks of the Ganges are almost occupied by it!"

"Something must be done!"

Tianzhu region, a section of the Ganges region.

Inhumans from all over the world are here at this moment.

The Special Affairs Bureau of the Xia Country, the Special Shield Bureau of the Star Banner Country, and other countries shelter strange aliens are all here, and their faces are solemn.

In front of them, the Ganges River was dyed with black mist, and the figures of wolf-headed figures were faintly visible in it.

In addition, there are also mortal souls, which are taken in.

The figure of the wolf-headed figure in this black mist is the latest weird one defined as a 'god', Anubis.

Anubis, the god of death in the ancient mythology of the Pyramid Country, represents death and rebirth.

And Anubis who appeared in Tianzhu at this moment purely brought death.

On both sides of the Ganges River in Tianzhu, I don't know how many creatures were taken away by it.

And as the more life is harvested, Anusbi is still 'splitting', the black fog is spreading, and one after another Asnubi's figure splits out.

At this rate, soon the entire Tianzhu was doomed.

And once Tianzhu falls, other countries will not be too far away.

Up to now, the aliens of various countries have used various methods to try to contain or find the law of 'Anubis', but they have not achieved anything.

"Everyone, don't hide it, if you have any means, you must use it!"

An alien looked at the Star Banner Country camp and couldn't help but ask: "Satan's chair, is there any solution?" "

The Inhumans in the Star Banner State camp shook their heads: "We have sent someone to use the Satan's chair, but the reply we got is... It takes the governor of our country to trade with Satan in order to get information about Asnubi. "

"Such a price is something that our Star Banner Country cannot bear!"

Satan's chair is the number one object of the Star Banner Country, on which living beings can meet Satan, communicate with him, and make wishes.

But the fulfillment of every wish comes at a price.

The price Satan demands is often the soul.

The higher the requirements, the greater the desire, and the higher the quality of the soul required!

The Star Banner State has already used Satan's chair and asked how to solve 'Anubis' if it wants to get it.

The reply given by 'Satan' is the soul of the Star Banner Country!

Such a price, the Star Banner Country will naturally not accept.

In this way, the Star Banner Country side can not count on it, and people have set their eyes on the neon camp.

Neon camp, there is a 'Ask Me Machine'.

And this question-and-answer machine, almost any question can be answered, the key is its price, which is somewhat high.

The Q&A machine in the neon country, its use price, is the island of the neon country, will sink.

Depending on the size of the problem, the islands of the Neon Country will sink a bit.

And since the neon country got this 'Ask and Answer Machine', in a few years, the neon island has sunk to 70 centimeters!

That's a horrific number.

If used unrestrained, there is no doubt that neon will even sink in the ocean.

The alien of the neon camp, seeing the others staring over, immediately replied, "There is nothing we can do." "

"We consulted the Q&A machine to see how much the neon island would sink if we got information about Anubis."

"The result is ... More than 100 centimeters! "

The Inhumans of the Neon camp smiled bitterly: "If we really ask questions, then Neon will sink by a third!" This price is unacceptable to us. "

At the scene, there was silence.

People can think that the most convenient trick to deal with 'Anubis' is the demon chair of this star flag country, and the neon 'Q&A machine'.

But now, neither way works.

Therefore, the strangers present set their sights on the Xia Guo camp again.

Star Banner Country is different: "Xia Guo has always been modest and conservative, hidden and hidden. "

"You must have backup means, maybe you can deal with Anubis."

As the representative of Xia Guo, Hua Chen put his hand in his pocket, touched a map in his pocket slightly, and said in a deep voice: "There is a way, but you need everyone's cooperation." "

In Brilliance pocket, there is a map called the 'Teleportation Map'.

This map is also a great thing, and at the same time, the price is both large and not large.

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