Su Zhiming looked at the calm reception, a little unbelievable.

He even had an urge to call Brilliance immediately to ask if he had made a mistake.

Did Anubis teleport to this riverside street, or to somewhere?

If it was teleported to the riverside streets of Jiangcheng, why is there no trace of it now?

Su Zhiming suddenly thought of another possibility.

"Could it be... Was Anubis suppressed? "

"Is it a few Qin figurines, or a masterpiece of the 'tutoring class'?"

While thinking, Brilliance slowly moved forward, calming his mood in the process.

He walked to the door of 'Daqin Security', and saw that there were several tower-like big men inside, but there was nothing else, and everything was calm.

Moving on, Su Zhiming came to the door of the 'Anping Tutoring Class'.

Looking inside, through the glass door, Su Zhiming saw that in addition to Li Anping's figure, there was also a pitch-black little milk dog who was lying on the ground drinking milk.

"When did he get a dog?" Su Zhiming was slightly stunned, and such a thought flashed.

But the next moment, Su Zhiming's face changed: "No, that... Is it a dog? "

Su Zhiming stared, carefully looked at the little black dog in the house, and saw that its pitch-black was excessive, faintly, and even black qi emerged from its body.

A 'dog's head' is slender, not like the characteristics of any dog cub on the market, but somewhat similar to the creature unique to the pyramid country - jackal.

"Anubis is the image of the wolf-headed human being..." Su Zhiming suddenly thought of this, and an idea came to his heart.

But the next moment, Su Zhiming himself denied this idea: "It's impossible, Anusby is a wolf-headed person, and he didn't say that he was a puppy." "

"Host Ren? What are you doing standing in the doorway? "

When Su Zhiming was still thinking, he suddenly heard such a voice.

Suddenly, Su Zhiming's body froze slightly: "No, it's nothing, just take a look." "

Li Anping followed Su Zhiming's gaze and found that his gaze fell on the 'Xiao Hei' he had just picked up.

"It just so happens that I have something I want to ask the host Ren." Li Anping thought that the other party was a neighborhood committee run by the street, so he must also manage the city's pet breeding.

Li Anping asked, "I just didn't know which guy without public morality left this little guy at my door. "

"See if you can find the owner who abandoned it and take it away."

"If I can't find it, it's just me, and I recently had the idea of getting a pet."

"However, the dog license and registration are still troublesome to the host."


Su Zhiming was slightly stunned, but quickly reacted to Li Anping's words, and directly said: "No problem, no problem, I'll pay attention to it." "

Saying that, Su Zhiming paused and asked a little cautiously: "Is there anything abnormal about this puppy?" Do you show any characteristics? "

"Abnormal? There is nothing unusual about this. Li Anping said: "Features, that is, on the two paws of dogs, both have pendants, one side is a mini long column, the other is a mini scale, it should be regarded as a feature, right?" "

Su Zhiming's body stiffened, and he thought of more detailed information about 'Anubis'.

Anubis, the god of death, holds an artifact in each hand, one is the staff of death, and the other is the soul scale.

And now, the little black dog in Li Anping's tutoring class has two pendants on his body...

"Could it be that this little black dog is really that Anubis?"

This idea, Su Zhiming felt a little strange and unbelievable.

Naanubis is internationally recognized as a 'god' level weird, and is of the unsolvable type.

The so-called no solution, that is, no difference and no law, cannot be solved.

On the Ganges River that day, I don't know how many lives died on both sides of the river, and all the departments similar to the secret services of various countries were dispatched and used all kinds of tricks, but they could not solve it.

And now, this terrifying and incomprehensible Anubis has become a little black dog in the tutoring class?

Or a little black dog who snorts milk.

Su Zhiming's heart shook and it was difficult to calm down.

Li Anping still thought that he had some clues echoing: "How?" Do you know Blackie? Do you know who abandoned it to me? "

"If you know, send it back for me."

Li Anping's words surprised Su Zhiming, and he said again and again: "No, no, no, I don't know, I don't know." "

"Maybe no one wants it, you can adopt it."

Su Zhiming's tone was dry, and he repeatedly denied that he knew something.

Just kidding, even if he knew that Brilliance used tricks to send this Anubis over, he wouldn't say it at the moment.

After all, in addition to this tutoring class, what if Anubis was really taken away by others and turned into the weird soul of the life without solution?

"Only you are here, it is its best destination!" Su Zhiming was very sure that he had identified this Anubis because of this change here in Li Anping.

And once he left Li Anping's tutoring class, no one could say whether Anubis would cause any harm.

"Just adopt it, I'll help you handle the formalities for raising a dog in the city."

Su Zhiming could not calm down, and after leaving such words, he hurriedly took his leave.

Li Anping looked at Su Zhiming's figure leaving in a hurry, and he was also a little puzzled: "Why is the director of this street office also a little abnormal?" Wind and fire. "


Su Zhiming called back to Brilliance for a communication request.

As soon as it was connected, Su Zhiming hurriedly asked, "Director Hua, are you sure you teleported Anubis to the door of that tutoring class?" "

"I was sure that because I didn't dare to teleport directly into the tutoring class, I was afraid that something bad would happen, so I located the location at its door."

Hua Chen over there said in a deep voice, "How is the situation over there now?" What happened? "

Su Zhiming sighed: "You can rest assured, Anubis has been solved." "


Hua Chen couldn't help but be stunned, but he didn't expect Su Zhiming's answer to be so crisp: "How did you come to the conclusion?" "

"It's not clear here, you can understand it when you go back to Jiangcheng."

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