Su Zhiming, who was outside the door, looked worried, but did not dare to easily set foot in the tutoring class.

Because, looking at the current situation, it is like a weird mechanism has been triggered.

And Brilliance seemed to have fallen into this.

In this case, Su Zhiming hastily followed up, isn't that sending heads together?

In the tutoring class, Hua Chen's face changed drastically, and he broke out in cold sweat, like a mortal.

"What do you need, what kind of book do you want?" It's all available here. "

Seeing Brilliance enter the store, Li Anping regained some enthusiasm and asked so enthusiastically.

Hua Chen broke out in a cold sweat, feeling that his body was stiff, and he could only turn his eyes to look at the internal environment.

At a glance, he saw the 'Anubis' lying on the carpet of the books.

I saw that Anubis was also looking at him at the moment, with a pair of small black bean-like eyes, with some look of watching a good show.

Turning his gaze again, Hua Chen saw 'Heshibi' again, and suddenly thought that this thing could command the Qin Warriors, and it was as if he was in person.

Without waiting for Brilliance to continue watching, he felt a pressure.

Hua Chen immediately woke up, and he had not answered Li Anping's words.

"Here, if you don't answer, it seems that you will die." Even, Brilliance came up with such an intuition.

He did not dare to delay at the moment, and his mind quickly flashed what he needed and what kind of answer he should make.

But one thing is certain.

His appeal must be as small as possible!

This is the experience of dealing with strange events internationally.

Because there is a law, that is, the greater the appeal, the greater the effort! There is no such thing as a lunch for nothing, and it is no exception!

Hua Chen's mind turned sharply, and he slowly pondered: "I'm a road idiot, I don't have a sense of direction..."

"Even if you are close at hand, you will get lost."

"It would be great if there was a way to improve that."

Brilliance slowly raised this point, thinking that this demand was not high.

"Road idiot?"

When Li Anping heard this, he said, "Then you should improve your geographical awareness." "

Li Anping said, went to the bookshelf and pulled out a book with a few big words on it: "Location Memory Method." "

This book, kind of a miscellaneous book, is about how to improve the sense of direction, involving psychology and memory.

The next moment, Li Anping took the book to Brilliance and showed the cover.

Hua Chen fixed his eyes on it, and immediately took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

He was really shocked, because he saw that this book exuded a strange fluctuation.

This kind of fluctuation is somewhat familiar to Brilliance, just like space fluctuations.

I saw that the space around this book seemed to be a little different, faintly, as if the space was folding.

And the black cover of this book is like an extremely black hole.

The moment he saw the cover, the name of the book also appeared in Brilliance's eyes.

The Law of Space: A Detailed Explanation of Fixed-Point Jumping

Hua Chen took a deep breath, feeling that all he was inhaling was cold, and there was only one thought in his mind.

Can he afford to get the book?

Li Anping stretched out his hand and motioned for Brilliance to take the book.

But Brilliance did not dare to accept it at all, although he was extremely moved by this book, he was worried that he would pay the price of getting this book.

At that time, it was empty!

Hua Chen spoke, his voice was a little hoarse, "This book doesn't seem to be suitable for me." "

"Maybe for me, it's too profound..."

Hua Chen forced his heart to say such words.


Li Anping was a little strange, but he didn't think much about it, thinking that Hua Chen was a person who didn't like to read this kind of book very much.

"Then change the copy."

Li Anping put the book back and found another one on the shelf.

This book, also regarded as a miscellaneous book, is how to enhance your sense of direction, as well as other senses, is called "One of the Sense of Knowledge, Sense of Direction".

"How about this?"

Li Anping took out the book and brought it to Brilliance.

Brilliance couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of spit, because he saw the book shining golden, with a swastika symbol on it.

At the same time, Brilliance saw the title of the book.

"Six Roots for Mutual Use, Eight Senses and Understandings"

The moment he saw this cover, Brilliance's heart was pounding.

He understood what these six roots of eight senses represented.

The six roots are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

The eight senses are a Buddhist term.

It is mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures that everyone has eight senses, even the disabled.

Among them, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and meaning the first six senses.

The so-called five senses and five senses refer to the first few.

The sixth sense is consciousness.

In addition to this, there is the seventh and eighth senses.

But these two understandings are not something that everyone can develop.

The seventh knowledge is the last knowledge, which is said in the Buddhist scriptures to be the treasure of all laws, and to possess this knowledge is equivalent to the bodhisattva realm of Buddhism.

The eighth knowledge, which is even more amazing, is called Alaya knowledge! It is also called 'true truth' by Buddhism.

The meaning of this true ru means that those who can develop this eighth knowledge are true as they come!

There is also another saying that Alaya is a collective consciousness, for example, if a planet can be born with wisdom, then it is born to be dominated by the gods of a planet, and it can be called Alaya knowledge!

Brilliance's heart, when he saw this book "Six Roots for Mutual Use, Eight Senses and Understandings", was constantly pounding!

He was so moved, because if what this book describes is true, then after cultivation, he will directly become a god or become a Buddhist person!

But when his heart returned to action, Brilliance was still somewhat rational, telling himself in his heart to be calm.

"Even if I wanted this book, I definitely couldn't afford it!"

After taking two deep breaths in succession, Hua Chen calmed down a little.

The next moment, Brilliance spoke with great difficulty: "This book... It's also a bit hard, and I probably won't fit in. "

When Li Anping heard this, he casually put the book back on the shelf.

He could see that Hua Chen in front of him seemed to be a person who didn't like to read.

As a result, Li Anping also gave up the idea of recommending books for him.

"In fact, if you don't have a sense of direction and don't fundamentally solve it, there are ways to treat the symptoms but not the root cause."

Li Anping casually took out an item from the miscellaneous compartment of the bookshelf and put it in front of Hua Chen.

"This thing doesn't need you to have a sense of direction to take you to identify the direction."

Hua Chen looked down and saw a compass, lying quietly in the palm of Li Anping's hand.

Brilliance breathed a sigh of relief, because this compass looked less terrifying than the previous two books.

But Brilliance still asked cautiously: "If I want this, what price do I need to pay?" "

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