"His Highness Naruto!"

Qin Yiwu's address to Naruto surprised Naruto.

In Naruto's body, the Nine Tails couldn't help but say, "Your Highness? This seems to be a very honorable title. "

"Why do you call me 'Your Highness'?"

Naruto asked such a question after being surprised.

"Because, His Highness is a disciple of the Dao Lord and has a noble status." Qin Yiwu said slowly.

At this moment, almost all of Konoha's ninjas jumped onto the roof.

The original panic also calmed down because of Naruto's appearance.

When people saw Naruto and Qin Yiwu talking, they relaxed their hearts, and it seemed that they were not enemies.

In the leaves below, there was a series of discussions.

"Who is that?"

"Why so tall?"

"What is the relationship with Naruto-sama?"

"As long as it's not an enemy."

Even in the air, Naruto heard a burst of whispers from Shimomoroba.

So Naruto waved his hand: "Let's change places." "

"Good." Qin Yiwuji didn't say a word, he directly responded, and his body shook slightly, and he changed from the original battle form of more than ten zhang to a normal appearance of about two meters.

Led by Naruto, they fell to the ground, and it was still a remote place in the village.


From Naruto's hand, several handfuls of kunai were thrown out, forming a large circle.

This big circle encircled them, while also insulating them from the prying eyes of others.

Then, Naruto looked curious, "What is the relationship between you and the teacher?" "

"I am... A member of the Great Qin Space-Time Advance Team, the 1000th fifteenth Qin Warrior created for His Majesty..." Qin Yiwu reported his origin.

"The Dao Master has the same authority as His Majesty, and we must also obey the orders of the Dao Lord."

Qin Yiwu's words made Naruto add a few more questions.

"Daqin? Your Majesty? Qin Warriors? "

Qin Yiwu saw these questions from Naruto, and continued to speak immediately.

"I am from Daqin, Your Majesty is the emperor of Daqin, the meritorious three emperors and five emperors, unifying the sea and abroad, and using the Qin warriors to conquer the heavens..."

Qin Yiwu said slowly: "As far as I know, when His Majesty was a teenager, he entered the Immortal Palace and worshipped the immortals as a teacher, and Fang achieved supreme greatness. "

"And Your Majesty's teacher..." Qin Yiwu pondered, but his tone was firm: "It's the Anping Dao Lord!" "

This time, Naruto connected the cause and effect.

"That is, His Majesty Daqin and I are both students?" Naruto suddenly became excited, and the first time he heard this kind of news, although he had not seen it, he already had a sense of intimacy.


Qin Yiwu nodded, these words he said were all fundamental, not nonsense.

"Your Highness Naruto, your teacher is the Lord of Anpei Dao, that incredible existence."

"And Your Majesty, it should be yours... Brother! "

Qin Yiwu spoke out about the relationship between Yue Zheng and Naruto.

"Senior Brother... It turns out that I still have senior brother. Naruto was so happy that he couldn't help but ask, "What kind of person is my senior brother?" "

"Your Majesty... Throughout the ages, there has been no surpass. "

Qin Yi's eyes showed reverence, and at the same time counted the merits of the government.

"In the past, the Warring States were divided into seven, and His Majesty was just a proton of the Qin State..."

Just to introduce Ying Zheng, Qin Yiwu said for a long time.

In the process, Naruto's eyes were glowing.

Finally, he couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart: "Senior brother is really powerful!" "

Qin Yiwu did not forget the right thing in addition to saying the matter of Ying Zheng.

In his hand, he held out a book and took out a bead.

"This is ... Is the teacher going to give it to me? "

Naruto looked down and saw that the book exuded a strange fluctuation.

Such fluctuations are somewhat similar to the fluctuations of space ninjutsu, but they are too much more advanced.

The surrounding space seems to be a little different, faintly, as if the space is folding.

And the black cover of this book is like an extremely black hole.

The moment he saw the cover, Naruto's eyes also saw the name of the book.

The Law of Space: A Detailed Explanation of Fixed-Point Jumping

"The laws of space? Is it about the way of space? "

Naruto picked up the book and just held it in his hand, and it felt different.

His comprehension and understanding of space has risen to a whole new level.

You know, Naruto is still only holding this book, and he has not yet opened it to watch and study.

And in addition to this book, Naruto also recognized another bead.

In Naruto's body, the Nine Tails was a little excited: "It's this!" It's this! It's this bead! "

"This can make a big difference for me, and maybe even change the origin of life!"

With the nine tails in his body extremely excited, Naruto picked up the bead.

When he picked it up, a cool aura energy suddenly poured into Naruto's body.

In Naruto's body, the Nine Tails even let out a happy moan.

"This energy, purer than pure natural energy, higher than yin, can make me evolve."


The changes in the nine tails in the body made Naruto also have some changes.

Behind Naruto, a blurred tail slowly emerged.

This is the manifestation of some of the nine tails in the body who cannot control their own power, and some leaks out.

A total of nine tails emerged, and slowly solidified, but they were all completely energetic, not limited to Chakra.

After the nine tails, this change has not stopped, and slowly a tenth tail emerges.

"Nine Lamas."

Naruto bowed his head unexpectedly: "You gave birth to the tenth tail!" "


The tone of the Nine Tails was clearly excited: "I... It seems to have evolved and broken through the shackles of the tailed beast. "

"Now I'm already ten tails!"


Naruto looked at the bead in his hand, and none of the energy seemed to be consumed at all, so he put it up.

Raising his head, Naruto looked at Qin Yiwu again and said sincerely, "Thank you for sending these for me." "

"That's all I deserve, Your Highness." Qin Yiwu lowered his head slightly.

"Mission accomplished, I should go back too."

Qin Yiwu said, "Looking forward to meeting next time, His Highness Naruto." "

"Well, looking forward to the next meeting, and also looking forward to meeting Senior Brother." Naruto's heart also had some expectations.

The next moment, a chaotic mist appeared on the "Laws of Space" book in Naruto's hand.

Qin Yiwu did not hesitate, followed this chaotic mist, and disappeared.

Leaving Naruto a little surprised, looked at the book in his hand and felt its extraordinary: "Could it be that this book is alive?" "

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