General Tiandao glanced over, and what he saw out of the corner of his eye was broken ceramic-like things on the ground, which made General Tiandao narrow his eyes slightly.

If it is someone else using the Gaia Memory, then the person defeated by him will reveal his human appearance and drop the Gaia Memory instead of just broken ceramics like now. , the shadow of Sonosaki Wakurai can't be seen, so the Chief of Tiandao guessed that Sonosaki Wakurai's Gaia memory ability is somewhat special, which is why he looks like it will be broken into pieces after being hit by one of his knight kicks..

Turning around calmly, the Chief of Tiandao watched like this until thirty seconds later, the fragments on the ground began to beat, and then the fragments quickly recovered, forming the appearance of Sonosaki Wolai's doped body.

Looking at Sonosaki Wakurai who had completely recovered in less than two seconds, the Chief of Tendou said with great interest:"Oh, so that's what happened.

Your Gaia memory is pretty good.

Not only does it have a strong attack power, but it can also Being fatally injured will be like ceramic recovery, which is a bit interesting, but in the end, this is only the ability of your Gaia memory.

As long as your Gaia memory is knocked out or the belt is destroyed, then you are just a ordinary people"


Sonosaki Wolai looked at Tendo Souji in shock. He originally thought that he would leave within ten seconds of her recovery. Unexpectedly, he kept standing there and watching, and he even directly saw through the nature of her recovery. , what a smart mind

"In this case, then hand over your Gaia memory."

While saying this, the Chief of Tiandao walked towards Sonosaki Wolai, while Sonosaki Wolai backed away in fear, because she was no match for the Souji of Tiandao. Although she did not die just now, But it doesn't mean that she is immune to pain. She is still frightened by the power of the kick just now, and now that the Chief of Tiandao has seen through her ability to be resurrected, there must be countermeasures. What should she do now?

She had that stupid idea. It was clear that the person in front of her was no match for her father, but she thought that relying on her immortal ability to step forward alone to provoke would achieve something. Now that it was like this, it was all his fault. A person asked for it


Looking at the closer and closer Tiandao General, Sonosaki Wolai fired his cannon at the Tiandao General Secretary while retreating.

However, Sonosaki Wolai already had some shadows about the Tiandao General Secretary, and his mind was not as firm as at the beginning. , the shot was fired, but the accuracy was a bit lacking.

The Tiandao General looked at the energy ball hitting his right side, turned slightly, and the energy ball passed by the side of the Tiandao General.

【One! 】

Although Sonosaki Wakarai can reorganize and recover, as long as she does not destroy her with excessive force, she only needs to hit the Gaia memory. Therefore, Souji Tendou will also control the angle and hit the Gaia memory without destroying her.

【Two, three】

【RiderKick! 】

Tiandao Souji once again aimed a knight kick at Sonosaki Wakurai in front of him. This time, it was mainly aimed at the belt around Sonosaki Wakurai's waist. If the kick hit, then the belt would be destroyed. And the Gaia memory will fall out.

And just when Tiandao Souji was about to kick, he suddenly felt a hurricane coming. After Tiandao Souji kicked out, his kick missed.

The Chief of Tendou looked to the left with slight surprise, and saw a saber-toothed tiger dopant standing there holding Sono Sakurai.

The Chief of Tiandao said in surprise:"It's so fast, even I didn't react."

Previously, the Chief of Tiandao only felt a gust of wind and passed away. Sonosaki Wolai's figure disappeared, and then appeared This saber-toothed tiger dopant was so fast that the Chief of Tiandao didn't even react.


Sonosaki Rolai stood on the ground and looked at the saber-toothed tiger hybrid squatting next to him, licking his claws. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Mick actually came. He should have been released by his father.

Mick, he is from our Sonosaki family. A cat in the world has also been given a memory. Its memory is that of a saber-toothed tiger, and it has the top speed in the memory of the earth. In addition, cats can react faster than humans. This cat relies on its super high speed. With such speed, even she and Saeko Sonosaki were no match.

Mick squatted next to Sonosaki Wolai and licked his paws a few times before looking at Tendo Souji, and rushed out in less than a second. Several attacks had been drawn on Tiandao General Si's body.

Tiandao General Si fell to the ground and rolled twice without any reaction.

"By the way, his father said that this Tiandao Souji can move at super high speeds, and Mick is the fastest on earth and has the attack style of a saber-toothed tiger, so Mick should be able to restrain Tiandao Souji!"

Although Mick is a cat, the power of his Gaia memory is ranked first among all Gaia memories, because it has the fastest speed on earth and its powerful attack power. Even Isaka Mikuruo can only be beaten.

"It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this kind of speed. I didn’t expect that besides Zerg, there are people in this world who have this kind of speed!"

The Chief of Tiandao stood up and looked at Mick who was standing there. It can be said that he didn't see the attack just now. This kind of speed was only available to the zerg in the previous world. Now he actually encountered a dopant. There is also such speed, which makes the Tiandao General Secretary a little surprised


Mick attacked again, but Tiandao General Secretary still didn't see anything as sparks shot out of his chest and he staggered a few steps.


Tiandao General Secretary no longer hesitated, and immediately used the signature ability of his knight system to accelerate

【ClockUp! 】

When the belt was announced, General Tiandao instantly saw Mick who was beating rapidly.

It's just that this time Tiandao Sosi no longer seemed to be moving like he was dealing with other doping bodies. At this time, even though Miko used ClockUp, his speed was not slow.


Mick suddenly rushed towards General Tiandao, but now General Si Tiandao has also turned on the acceleration mode, so naturally he will not be hit like just now.

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