In order to avoid embarrassment, the caring Minato did not tell Kushina the truth.

  After that, Lin and Minato went to Obito together.

  "I'm not going, you go."

  Kushina didn't go with the two, she was going to go somewhere else.

  In the brand-new Konoha Village, there are many interesting places waiting for her to visit.

  "Finally... still have to face it?"

  Seeing the Minato couple walking towards him, Obito, who was hiding in the distance, was a little flustered at first.

  But now that the matter has come, he knows that he can no longer escape, and he has to face what he should face.

  So Obito tried to calm himself down, and then slowly took off the white mask on his face.

  At this time, Lin and Minato also walked in front of Obito.

  "Long time no see, Obito."

  Minato smiled slightly and waved hello to Obito.

  His smile didn't change, and he still looked so gentle.

  "Ah, it's been a long time indeed, teacher."

  Obito looked at Minato in front of him with complicated eyes.

  He knew that Watergate would have this attitude.

  But Minato's gentle attitude made him uncomfortable, and he would rather Minato blame him.

  "Teacher, about the past..."

  With a look of guilt on his face, Obito wanted to apologize to Minato.

  "Well, don't mention the past."

  Minato interrupted Obito with a smile, and then put a hand on Obito's shoulder.

  To be honest, in fact, Minato never blamed Obito.

  Not only did Obito feel guilty about Minato, why did Minato feel guilty about Obito?

  If he had arrived at the scene earlier, Obito would not have become what he is now.

  Lin's death and Obito's fall, he was more or less responsible.

  Therefore, Minato couldn't blame Obito at all.

  Moreover, Obito finally atoneed for his sins, and tried his best to make up for the sins he had committed.

  Without the help of Obito's divine power, Ming Zuo would not be able to crack Kaguya's space-time ninjutsu, and would not be able to seal Kaguya.


  Obito raised his head, his eyes began to redden unconsciously.

  Minato was willing to forgive him, but he couldn't forgive his mistakes.

  In the past, he regarded himself as the savior of the ninja world.

  But after he learned the truth, he realized that he was just a sinner who disturbed the ninja world.

  "Okay, Obito, we're here to travel, don't be so depressed."

  At this time, Lin stretched out her small hand and held Obito's sturdy arm.

  "That's right, I just haven't visited Konoha Village since I was resurrected. Let's go shopping together, Obito."

  Minato let go of Obito's shoulders and turned to look at Hokage Rock.

  Obito followed Minato's gaze, and he saw Kakashi's head carved on the Hokage Rock.

  "Heh, Kakashi has become Hokage."

  Obito smiled as if he was laughing at himself, but he was really happy for Kakashi from the bottom of his heart.

  This dear friend, after all, realized that unreachable dream for him.

  "Yeah, after many years, the village has changed a lot."

  Minato smiled in relief, turned and walked towards the crowded street.

  Lin took Obito's hand and followed with a smile.

  "Although the journey is full of tragedy, the end is still very happy."

  Tsunade looked at the background of the three people leaving and couldn't help feeling emotional.

  "Since everyone is gone, let's go to the bar too, Tsunade."

  Jiraiya also hugged Tsunade cheekily, wanting to live in the two-person world with Tsunade.

  "Hmph, you can drink, you can pay for it."

  Tsunade pretended to be cold and pushed Jiraiya away, turned and walked towards the Konoha Tavern.

  But when she turned around, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

  "Hahaha, don't worry."

  Seeing that there was a show in Zilai, he hurriedly followed him with a smile.

  "What is this? He clearly said that he would take us to go shopping, but now we have all gone."

  After the two left, Ali said with some dissatisfaction.

  "It doesn't matter, they are all the same anyway, let's go shopping with us."

  Shokuhou looked at the snack street next to him, and couldn't wait to trot over to prepare the desserts from Konoha Village.

  "Hehe, Ernesa, let's go."

  Kuroko grabbed Mikoto's arm and followed behind Shokuhou.

  "It's really boring. If you want to go shopping, you can go shopping by yourself. This uncle is going to find a place to rest."

  Accelerator looked around, preparing to find a hotel to sleep in for the morning.

  "Sleep all day except sleep, are you a pig?"

  The extraneous individuals mocked Accelerator without hesitation, feeling particularly disappointing.

  After finally coming out, this guy still wants to sleep, and he will not die if he walks with them.

  "Hey! There's a movie theater there! Misaka wants to go to the movies, take Misaka to the movies, Misaka said excitedly."

  The last work hugged Accelerator's thigh, his expression full of anticipation.

  "Cut, stalking little devil."

  Facing the soft and hard bubbles of the last work, Accelerator could only reluctantly agree.

  No way, who made him a hardcore lolicon.

  "Want to watch a movie? I'll go too, let's go with my sister, little civet cat."

  Ali picked up Doraemon and happily walked to the cinema.

  "I... I'm not a civet cat, I'm a robot cat."

  Fatty Lan refuted Ali with a blushing face, always feeling that there were two big lumps on top of his head.

  "What is a movie theater?"

  Riven had a puzzled look on her face, completely ignoring the meaning of the movie theater.

  However, since everyone has gone, she is also going to go together.


  At this moment, Nezuko suddenly ran towards the snack street.

  Compared to watching a movie, Nezuko is more willing to taste delicious food.

  "Hey, don't run around."

  Riven reluctantly followed, not worrying about letting Nedouzi go shopping alone.

  So the two walked into the snack street together and went to find Mikoto and the others.


  (Two days have passed, and the evaluation votes have not risen at all, woohoo).

Chapter 390


  Konoha Village, crowded with people on the streets.

  Madara and Hasuma are wandering aimlessly.

  "The village is indeed more prosperous than before, Naruto is really amazing."

  Hashirama looked left and right, and couldn't help but sigh.

  Madam Ban was silent, maintaining a cold expression.

  However, Madam Madara is actually very happy to see that Konoha Village can achieve its current prosperity.

  "Oh, my waist hurts so much."

  At this moment, the voice of an old man ~ suddenly came.

  Madara and Hasuma were immediately attracted and turned their heads to look at the old man.

  This is an old man who looks to be in his [-]s or [-]s, and has a disc herniation in his waist - committed again.

  "Master, are you alright?"

  Seeing that the old man was sick, several young men immediately asked with concern.

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