The sudden change made many people look shocked for a moment, and they all stopped what they were doing and looked at the surging monster tide.

There are too many monsters. If you look at them briefly, they are probably all counted in hundreds.

The monsters were all huge in size. At first glance, the black mass filled the open space in front of them in just a moment, forming a surging tide that seemed to swallow up everything in front of them.

The rumble of the ground being trampled caused a strong impact both psychologically and physically, shaking people's hearts.

"Is this the monster you often faced before?"

Zhuang looked at the surging monster and couldn't help but make a sound of surprise.

As an IV5 adventurer, I have naturally seen the Monster Temple.

However, she had not gone deep into the dungeon in the past and had never been below the fifty floor.

Therefore, the tide of monsters she encountered were all formed by the middle and lower classes, a group of Iv2 and Iv3 monsters.

However, among the monsters that appear now, there are very few Iv4 monsters, and they are all elite monsters among Iv5474 monsters.

Most of them are Iv5 monsters.

Just looking at these monsters gives people a frightening power, making them want to turn around and run away.

Everyone in the Loki Familia, especially the elites here now, can remain calm because they have been fighting on the front line all year round and face high-intensity battles.

But the ten blacksmiths of the Hephaestus Familia were different. Seeing the raging tide of monsters, each of them turned pale, with obvious panic in their eyes, and the work in their hands was also Stopped immediately.

This is also normal.

The Hephaestus Familia is different from the Loki Familia in that it is not a Familia that focuses on exploring dungeons, but a Familia that is more business-oriented.

The adventurers of the Hephaestus Familia naturally have much less experience in battles and battlefields than the Loki Familia.

After all, even their leader Chun has never seen the horrors beyond the fiftieth level, let alone them second- and third-level adventurers.

"Hmm (cdaj)."

Finn showed a serious look, nodded, and said: "I didn't expect to encounter a monster in this safe floor again and blocked it!"

"As expected of Orario, she usually faces monsters of this level."

Zhuang sighed with a hint of joking, but she had nothing to worry about. After all, the main force of Loki's family was all here, and they would definitely be able to deal with this sudden wave of monsters.

What's more, even if something unexpected happens and they are defeated by the tide of monsters, they can still use Xia Yan's teleportation array to transfer back to the ground.

"Pile, are the weapons ready? There are monsters we encountered last time. It will be a bit troublesome if we don't use immortal weapons."

Finn asked.


Chun nodded, then gestured to the blacksmith over there and shouted: "Give them the weapons."

The Immortal Arms has been built a long time ago. It is only temporarily polished here to make the weapon sharper and more durable, so that the weapon can be in the best condition.

Hearing Chun's shouting, the blacksmiths came to their senses and threw the polished immortal weapons directly to Finn and others.

There are a total of five weapons. Except for Riveria, the magician, and Ais, all the other cadres of the Loki Familia received immortal weapons.

"This is a Roland series specially designed for you, fully meeting the needs of each of you."

Zhuang puffed up his chest and said very proudly.

Finn's spear, Gareth's battle axe, Burt's twin swords, Tiona's great sword, and Tione's axe.

These weapons exude a sharp silver light and are undoubtedly the top equipment. The price alone is enough to scare away 99% of adventurers. Almost every martial crystal has a price of hundreds of millions.

"It feels so light in your hand."

Tiona happily held the big sword in her hand and waved it twice casually.

"I don't have time for you to get used to it. Ais, Lefiya, and you guys stay here to protect the Hephaestus Familia."

After Finn took the weapon, he calmly began to order: "Riveria, start preparing wide-area magic. Tiona, Tione, Bert, and Gareth, you guys will work with me to kill these monsters." Behead."

After the words fell, five figures rushed towards the monster wave immediately. Riveria raised her staff, magic power surged from her body, and she began to chant magic incantations.

As for the rest, they are the blacksmiths responsible for protecting the Hephaestus Familia, protecting them from monsters that penetrate Finn and others' defense line and harm them.

After all, the level of these blacksmiths is too low, and they don't have much resistance against monsters below the fifty level.

"Wow, they are indeed the 'braves'."

The old god Zhuang stood at the back. As a blacksmith, she naturally did not need to participate in the battle at this time. Instead, she leisurely watched the battle of Finn and others.

Finn, who had obtained the immortal weapon, no longer had to worry about the weapon in his hand being corroded. After rushing into the monster wave, he began to kill the monsters crazily.

Even Iv5 monsters appear a bit fragile when faced with attacks from these people.

Finn and others are veteran adventurers with many experiences exploring below the fifty floor, so they naturally know the weaknesses of these monsters.

It only takes one strike to kill the monster and turn it into ashes.

It's just that there are too many monsters. Even if the five people kill monsters very quickly, every time they kill the monster in front of them, there will always be monsters to fill up without fear, leaving Finn and others with no time to separate.

"That figure......"

At this time, Lefiya suddenly made a sound in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Xia Yan followed Lefiya's gaze and found a black figure flashing among the monster tide, and soon disappeared at the entrance of Fifty-seven Kang.

Even if it was only for a moment, Xia Yan's reflexes were enough for him to catch the figure with his sight.

The figure was wrapped in a black robe, and her appearance could not be seen clearly.

It can be roughly identified based on her body shape, and there is a high probability that she is a woman. .

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